HTML is easy to learn - The Heading 1

The Heading 2

The heading 3rd

The heading 4th

The heading 5th
The Heading 6th
The heading 7th is not support !!!!

This is the first paragraph.

This the 2nd paragraph and align in the center.

The 3rd paragraph and align on the right

  1. Corel
  2. MIcrosoft
  3. Nortel
  4. Jetform

Test for DL=>Definition List

Chung-Chen Lin
The last name is Lin
The first name is Chung-Chen

Test for DL COMPACT , not supported

Chung-Chen Lin
The last name is Lin
The first name is Chung-Chen

    You like the preformatted.
    You can type any symbol or character you like, e.g.,    &lt YES &gt look good&amp
Begin from leftmost
                                                    Begin from here


fgfdgfdgsffdsgf dfsgdfgdfgfdg dfgdgff segrg

Chung-Chen Lin is here
Most likely

Absolute path jump Relative path jump

Contact me

Jump to Name on the same file

To Other Name on other file

[Bottom] test for align the following text on the bottom


test for align the following text on center !!

Yes, continue paragraph....

TOPtest for align the following text on the top

Test for the 1st row Just a test for 1st row header (option) NO YOU CANNOT

E-mail me

test for 2nd row

Test for 2nd row header CNN NEWS YAHOO Web designer Ottawa Citizen
