Welcome to my world of Motown Music. Here you will find a selection of some of the best songs recorded in Motown history. These tracks are very long files, so that means that it will take a little time to load. I wish I could get them to load faster but as of now I can`t. Please be patient and enjoy the sounds of Motown, and remember the way it used to be when you were younger.I myself was born in Detroit Michigan, so these songs mean a great deal to me. I hope they mean the same to you. To download simply right click on the file you wish to download and click save as. Once again sit back and enjoy the beautiful music.
Hey everybody, if you still want more or you want to listen to some more music, join us in the den. We`ve got some great tunes going on in there to. Come on in wont you? Join the party that`s going on. Just click on the door and join us in the den.