Keeping Customers for Life




Learn More About Your Customers and Reap the Benefits

Understanding why your customer wants to buy should be the first goal of any face-to-face encounter.

Learn to Manage the Evolution of Your Customer's Concept

Your customers' expectations of what you can do for them will change over time. Here's how you can help manage those changes.

How Will You Get to Win-Win?

Getting to Win-Win doesn't just happen. It takes a conscious effort on your part.

Define the Past to Improve Your Future

Here's a 15-minute exercise to help you turn the concept of Win-Win into a reality.

How to Turn Lose-Win Into Win-Win

There are always exceptions to every rule. Here's one on playing Lose-Win.

Joe's Law of 250

Everybody knows that word of mouth advertising can work for you. But as super car salesman Joe Girard explains in this article, it can also be your undoing - unless you observe his Law of 250.

Unless it's Win-Win, you're bound to lose

Hell hath no fury like a buyer scorned. Here's why you should strive to make every sale a win-win situation.

The Open Kimono Approach

Sharing more information with your customers and forming "joint-venture partnerships" are becoming increasingly more important in the battle to protect your revenue.

Hold On To Your Most Important Customers

Chances are, 5 percent of your customers' account for over 50 percent of your business. Find out which ones they are, and protect them like you protect your other assets.

The Third-Party Survey

Outsource to third-party auditors for unbiased, more informative customer feedback.

Now That's Customer Service!

"Full service" champion Peter Glen gives an unusual example of executive commitment to the customer.

Foul-Up: Dealing with Mistakes

Nobody's perfect, so admit mistakes and take immediate actions to correct them.

Big Mistakes as Big Opportunities

Everybody makes mistakes. It is how you handle the situation that makes the difference.

Serving the "Customer Stakeholder"

Fair treatment, goodwill: These are the new paradigms of successful corporate business.

"Selling Beyond the Close"

Listen and understand your customer: The benefits of client support and follow-up surveys.

The Annual Customer Review

Step-by-step process for conducting a customer review that will maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty.