Alchemist Toolkit
This ZIP file hold the following useful files
all written & created by me:
edcon.bas - This is a C++ code builder written in qbasic
use a simple menu system to build C++ programs.
edline.bas - Use this Editor to draw pictures and output them
in Qbasic code.
edvista.bas - This editor uses tiled sprites to create rich
vibrant backgrounds.Use this to edit your own levels
for Evilforge!
font.bas - Input regular text and output it in Rune scripture.
html.bas - Create Web pages and html files with this html page
builder written in Qbasic.
music.bas - Use this Music Editor to create music files in Qbasic.
nextgn.bas - This is a more basic tile level builder.
pic.bas - This is a more updated version of the Qbasic Picture Editor.
with new features.
score.bas - This is a more advanced version of the music editor,
that now allows the use of time signatures and unlimeted
note scale.
sprite.bas - This is my most Advanced editor.Use a drawing program
similar to edline to create moving sprites!
textgn.bas - I forgot what the heck this is, oh well youll see...