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Wanted For Abduction!

Information and Circumstances About Disappearance:
Father and mother argued when father came home drunk and high on cocaine.
Mother wanted father gone from her & her children's lives and gave father $200
to leave. Father took mother's truck
instead of leaving, he picked up the boy from mother's brother's house
(where the boy was spending the night), in Chicago, saying he was bringing the
boy back to his mother. He has threatened to take the boy before and leave with him.

He has also previously been arrested and convicted of child molestation. He now has
a Felony Warrant For Arrest on Child Abduction.

Cedar City, Utah Police Dept. was contacted after the mother received a phone number
left on her caller ID from Utah to Chicago on 3/18/99, 8:47 p.m., Chicago Time.
The number was known to be a number from an underground source that hides
parents and children on the run. Phone number left on the caller ID box was
435-865-7628. The number could not be traced for location. Info on this phone
number came from Det. Kelly Edwards from the Utah Police Dept. 435-586-2955.

Raymond Sr.
Last Name: Hillburn, Sr.
First Name: Raymond
Middle Name: Mitchel
Hometown: Chicago
State of residence: ILLinois
Weight: 185 lbs.
Height: 5 ft. 7 inches
Hair Color/length or cut: Blonde, short
Eye Color: Blue
Glasses - Yes, For reading only
Sex: Male
Race: White
Any distinguishing characteristics: birthmarks, scars, etc.: PARATROOPER TATOO on left shoulder

Vehicle Information:
1984 Chevy Suburban
License Plates: C577976 These license plates are registered to an Oldsmobile automobile.
Description: 2-tone Brown (Dark Brown with Wide Light Brown Stripe through the middle)

Child He Abducted

Child's Last Name: Hillburn, Jr.
First Name: Raymond
Middle Name: Mitchel
Nickname: Ray Boy
Date of birth: 1/12/93
Child's hometown: Chicago
State of residence: ILLinois
Weight: 45 lbs.
Height: 3 ft. 0 inches
Hair Color/length or cut: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Glasses - No
Sex of child: Male
Race: White
Any distinguishing characteristics: birthmarks, scars, etc.: Scar from 3 stitches on his right leg
Date of Disappearance: 2/14/99
Missing from: Mother's brother's house.
In what city: Chicago State/Country: IL, USA
Child was last seen wearing: Black Jogging Pants, Godzilla Gym Shoes, Black Sweat Shirt with picture
of Mickey Mouse on it. Winter Green & Yellow Coat

Agencies Involved

Local Police Report Information (report cannot be processed without this information)
Police Report filing date: 2/15/99
Missing Person Case Number: NCIC COMPUTER #: W143210478
Computer #: W-99F0237
Ray Jr.'s ID#: D-092666
Ray Sr's. ID#: D-092664
Law Enforcement Agency: Chicago Police Dept. - Bureau of Investigation - Area 5 Youth Division
Detective or Police Officer spoken to: John Casper - Badge #40082
Law Enforcement Agency Phone Number: 312-746-8365 Fax: 312-746-7524
Additional Agencies Involved: CHILD FIND OF AMERICA: 1-800-I-AM-LOST

Index of missing kids