Endangered Missing

Roy Lee Williams II
Roy Lee Williams II

Missing: July 01, 1994
Birthdate: January 01, 1991
Sex: Male
Race: Black
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Missing from: Springfield, IL.

Brianna Williams
Brianna Williams

Missing: July 01, 1994
Birthdate: March 16, 1992
Sex: Female
Race: Black
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Missing From: Springfield, IL.

If you have information concerning one of these missing children,
please do one of the following:

* In Illinois call 1-800-UHELPME (1-800-843-5763)

* Outside Illinois call 1-217-785-3325
(8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday - Central Time Zone)

* Outside Illinois - after hours - call 1-217-786-6677

* E-mail the Illinois State Police at [email protected].
Your information will be treated as confidential.
Please remember to include the name of the missing child
in your e-mail message.

* Contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-843-5678.

Index of missing kids