This is my Diablo page, that's right the home of Mr. D! himself. If you wanna go pay him a visit before lev. 20 you just signed up as recruit for Diablo's steadily growing army of undead (Who knows you might find Leoric to be a splendid man-at-arms).
My respect to all honest Diablo players out there in the world. And my disregards to all you slimesucking yellowbelly dimmwitted no good no legit CHEATERS!
I will not (like many other pages) make a list of unique items and etc. Therefor I will only suggest interested folk to try out or you could try out my friends newly started page. Its fortunecity address is Skyscraber complex, Lycos Towers 107. You oughtha try it out. (

Below are a couple of links you can use if you wanna see Diablo in various forms of existense. I even got time to make a small story in the Diablo scenario as well but you might wanna skip that part (I am an amateur novelist!!).

Diablo fighting                                                                                                                                        Diablo defeated

                    Diablo as mage                                                                                    Army of Terror (The story)