When do you know that your clan has reached an extreme      level of grandeur?

When N.A.S.A names galaxies and constellations after it!

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has recently discovered more than 300 new galaxies with the help of the Hubble Telescope. NGC has been given the honor of having galaxies named after it. As far as we know, we are the only clan who has had galaxies and interstellar constellations named after them. Therefore we further prove that we are the biggest and best clan in the universe!

Don't believe the hype? Want proof? Click on these pictures: (they may be slow to download for those of you w/o digital lines because they are official NASA pictures, And like everything else in the government extremely bloated ;-D)

There are over 25 galaxy's named after NGC, these are just the coolest( the NGC's of galaxies, if you will)

NGC7252            68.0 kb

NGC2300            38.0 kb

NGC4261            113 kb

NGC5728            50.0kb