
Valley of The Jedi
Has many files and links for JK and MotS. Host to Level Warehouse (contains almost all new levels for JK and MotS) and Weegee's Workshop (contains files for JK and MotS)
Contains files for JK and MotS. Hosts Utipla(files), Hyperview(the best place to go for levels), and JKAT(Jedi Knight Add-on Team)

The Jedi Knight Outpost
Has many files and the largest list of clan sites you'll ever see.

Echo Base
Files and other JK related stuff

The Sith Temple
Has many Projects from its Members
Has almost everything you could want as far as editing goes.

JK Editing
Contains information on how to read what .cog files do and how to change them.

(RIP) Lady_Kirana_Ti's webpage (very elite)