Crazy 198Kb Don't mind if I do
Cukooclock 15.7Kb I'm living in a Cukooclock
CurvyButt 26.2Kb Kiss my Curvey butt gooooooodbye!
Deal 31.2Kb That wasn't Part of our deal
deepdoh 52.6Kb Yes Deep Doh
dirt 68.8Kb I dunno Moe maybe you should have a long and hard think about it
doeboy 22.5Kb Do donuts have glutine in them?
D'ohD'oh 31Kb I mean wohoo!
Donuts 43.4Kb Is there anything they can't do
Drool 14.5Kb Common Homerophis Stupidus Drool
Duh 5.67Kb Well Duh!
Eatme 3.49Kb Marge never actually says eatme but it was again cleverly dubbed bythe same person who dubbed the kissass sound
Emergency Donut 35.5Kb Bastard always 1 step ahead
EvilHomer 65.5Kb I am Evil Homer...etc
Excellent 19.3Kb Good ol' Monty
Flanders 113Kb Flanders having a family reunion! We're all gonna die
flutin' 66.3Kb That's a good flutin boy
FlyingBlubber 40.9Kb Look at that Blubber fly
FrenchWilly 39.7Kb Bon joure ya cheese eating monkeys
Funnytv 17.8Kb Be more funny
Girlzoftheinternet 34.3Kb I'd get online with them anyday
haha 7.97Kb Haha Burn
hmrslowd 56Kb Jerr-Getta-Ferder-Ratta-Ara
homcrapa 6.99Kb Awww Crap
HotDang 52.4Kb No more sittin' in the dirt at the drive-ins
ICanCU 22.9Kb Believe it or not I can
IPFreely 174Kb You could guess this one easily