Sigmund Gryniewicz

Casimir Gryniewicz/Anna Barczewski

Joseph Gryniewicz Zygmund Gryniewicz Stanislaw Gryniewicz Clara Gryniewicz Jadwiga Gryniewicz
clipbrd2.GIF (4120 bytes)      "My findings show that Sigmund F. Greenwich -- son of Kasmir Gryniewicz and Anna nee Barczewski -- had an older brother Joseph, a younger brother Stanley, and younger yet sisters Clara and Harriet.   Harriet Magnus is the person who moved to Milwaukee and kept in touch with my grandmother Stella (nee Gryniewicz) Oldowski."                               Robert S. Oldowski
Sigmund married Anna Wojciehowski [b. 1/25/1892, Lemont IL; d. 1/29/1979, Bradenton FL]
Anna remarried after Sigmund's death in 1938; Harold Tax Meyer
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  It was Sigmund who changed the Gryniewicz name to Greenwich on 2/16/1920 ... .

Sigmund and Anna had four children

Leona Greenwich Geraldine Greenwich Annrita Greenwich Francis Xavier Greenwich


Home Casimir Gryniewicz Ewa Gryniewicz Andrzej Gryniewicz Franczisek Gryniewicz

If there is a problem with any of the information listed at this site, please contact Eugene R. Gryniewicz