Granular Synthesis

"All sound is an integration of grains, of elementary sonic particles, of sonic quanta." -Xenakis (1971).

intro | technique | parameters | uses | progs


Granular Synthesis

Granular synthesis is an innovative approach to the representation and generation of musical sounds" (DePoli 139). The conception of a granular method of sonic analysis may have been first proposed by Isaac Beekman in his article Quantifying Music (Cohen). This late Nineteenth Century document discusses the organization of music into "corpuscles of sound". Unfortunately, granular synthesis theory was not investigated further for quite some time. British physicist Dennis Gabor stimulated new interest in granular synthesis around 1946 . Gabor believed that any sound could be synthesized with the correct combination of numerous simple sonic grains. "The grain is a particularly apt and flexible representation for musical sound because it combines time-domain information (starting time, duration, envelope shape, waveform shape) with frequency domain information (the frequency of the waveform within the grain)" (Roads 144). Before magnetic tape recorders became readily accessible, the only way to attempt granular composition was through extremely sophisticated manipulation of a large number of acoustic instruments (as in many of the early compositions of Iannis Xenakis). The tape recorder made more sophisticated granular works possible. However, the laborious process of cutting and splicing hundreds of segments of tape for each second of music was both intimidating and time-consuming. Serious experimentation with granular synthesis was severely impaired. It was not until digital synthesis that advanced composition with grains became feasible.

Basics of Granular Synthesis

The grain is a unit of sonic energy possessing any waveform, and with a typical duration of a few milliseconds, near the threshold of human hearing. It is the continuous control of these small sonic events (which are discerned as one large sonic mass) that gives granular synthesis it's power and flexibility. While methods of grain organization vary tremendously, the creation of grains is usually relatively simple. A basic grain generating device would consist of an envelope generator with a gaussian , pseudo guassiancurve driving a sine oscillator (fig.1)
The narrow bell-shaped curve of the gaussian fill is generated by the equation: The signal from the oscillator enters an amplifier that determines spatial position of each grain. Quadraphonic amplification is very popular for granular synthesis because of the great spatial positioning capabilities. The typical duration of a grain is somewhere between 5 and 100 milliseconds. If the duration of the grain is less than 2 milliseconds it will be perceived as a click. The most musically important aspect of an individual grain is its waveform. The variability of waveforms from grain to grain plays a significant role in the flexibility of granular synthesis. Fixed-waveforms (such as a sine wave or saw wave), dynamic-waveforms (such as those generated by FM synthesis), and even waveforms extracted from sampled sounds may be used within each grain. A vast amount of processing power is required to perform granular synthesis. A simple granular "cloud" may consist of a only a handful of particles, but a sophisticated "cloud" may be comprised of a thousand or more. Real-time granular synthesis requires an endless supply of grain generating devices. Several currently available microcomputers are capable of implementing real-time granular synthesis, but the cost of these machines is still quite prohibitive. Therefore, most granular synthesis occurs while the composer waits, sometimes for quite a while. This time factor prevents many electronic and computer composers from working with granular synthesis.
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Methods of Grain Organization

One of the first composers to develop a method for composition with grains was Iannis Xenakis. His method is based on the organization of the grains by means of screen sequences . The first compositions to use this method were Analogique A, for string orchestra, and Analogique B, for sinusoidal sounds, both composed in 1958-59.

At this moment all of the main features and parameters of granulation of sound files have been covered (see parameters ) . What remains, however, is the musical approach to those parameters in order to be able to manipulate and organise grains in a musically predictable fashion. To put the situation of granular reconstruction of sound files in perspective one must underpin the most important parameters in such process. Firstly, the question of frequency-spectrum specification as far as granulation of sound files is concerned, is provided automatically by the spectrum of the input sound file (i.e. original sound source) and consequently does not need much of research at this stage. The only two factors that are left to make a big impression on the granular process are density and length of grains.

For example, it is quite basic to expect that a short length of grains will result in a high level of sound cropping thus making even the sustain strings brake down into percussive elements . It is also quite logical to consider that the addition of a certain density value will create a repetitive succession of those percussive elements consequently resulting in a pulse signal . Now, if the effects of length and density were not dependent on each other, one could presume that by changing density one could create a pulse signal with modulated pitch/frequency (the value of which is proportional to density). In practice however, the change of density would result not only in higher rate of grain's repetition, but also it will change the gaps between consecutive grains and in the extreme case the sound will loose it's percussive element all together as grains will overlap (the case of "reconstruction" of original sound is highly relevant here).

In other words this example shows that by changing density not only the expected effect takes place (i.e. change of pulse frequency), but also there is a "side effect" present (i.e. a change in balance between original and granulated sounds). What is needed, however, is an exclusive association between a certain parameter and its' effect in the process of granulation. As the result of such logic, the remaining part of this work represents a proposition for new variable/coefficient in order to suffice the relative dependency between grain's length and density... A new coefficient could be introduced if one is to look at the granulation of sound from a point of view where control of "musical" predictability of the effect are of outmost importance. Such coefficient does not include any new functionality to the granular processing of sound, rather it represents a certain method by which one can manage the already existing parameters of the granular effect (namely density and duration).

Also very imporant for the sound of the granulation is the type of granular synthesis . Here are some types of granular synthesis :


Pitch-Synchronous Granular Synthesis

Pitch-synchronous granular synthesis (PSGS) is an infrequently performed analysis-synthesis technique designed for the generation of pitched sounds with one or more formant regions in their spectra (Roads 191). It makes use of a complex system of parallel minimum-phase finite impulse response generators to resynthesize grains based on spectrum analysis.

Quasi-Synchronous Granular Synthesis

Quasi-synchronous granular synthesis (QSGS) creates sophisticated sounds by generating one or more "streams" of grains (figure 3). (fig. 3)

When a single stream of grains is synthesized using QSGS, the interval between the grains is essentially equal. The overall envelope of the stream forms a periodic function. Thus, the generated signal can be analyzed as a case of amplitude modulation (AM) . This adds a series of sidebands to the final spectrum. By combining several QSGS streams in parallel it becomes possible to model the human voice. Barry Truax discovered that the use of QSGS streams at irregular intervals has a thickening effect on the sound texture. This is the result of a smearing of the formant structures that occurs when the onset time of each grain is indeterminate.

Asynchronous Granular Synthesis

Asynchronous granular synthesis (AGS) was an early digital implementation of granular representations of sound . In 1978, Curtis Roads used the MUSIC 5 music programming language to develop a high-level organization of grains based on the concept of tendency masks ("Clouds") in the time-frequency plane (DePoli 140). The sophisticated software permitted greater accuracy and control of grains. When performing AGS, the granular structure of each "Cloud" is determined probabilistically in terms of the following parameters:

1. Start time and duration of the cloud
2. Grain duration (Variable for the duration of the cloud)
3. Density of grains per second (Also variable)
4. Frequency band of the cloud (Usually high and low limits)
5. Amplitude envelope of the cloud
6. Waveforms within the grains
7. Spatial dispersion of the cloud

Obviously, AGS abandons the use of specific algorithms and streams to determine grain placement with regard to pitch, amplitude, density and duration. The dynamic nature of parameter specification in AGS results in extremely organic and complex timbres. (figure 4)(figure 4)


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depending on the application, the amount of parameters to be applied on the granular synthesis algorithm varies from none (thonk) to hundreds (w????). the following ones you will find in virtually every program:


while in the beginning of the "granular era" the rendering of a piece lasted for days or weeks, nowadays almost every home computer can perform gran. synth. in realtime. therefore it is no longer necessary to write and program scores beforehand, and the technique can be applied to achieve several different goals:


besides complex sound processing languages like csound or MAX that feature gran. synth., there is also a series of dedicated programs for this task. an overview over available software without ?????? anspruch auf vollstaendigkeit???? :

Rasmus Ekman 

PC Simple Granular syhth program. Only for 16Bit-wav-inputfiles, very easy to use interface, with all parameters as sliders, MIDI-control and 4*16 presets to store. realtime function and disk-rendering.

Jörg Stelkens

PC new program for realtime use. very sophisticated programming with 3D-display of the granulation process, yet a bit hard to comprehend. 4 internal oscillators, 4 independent sample-players, realtime input, lots of modulations. 

Native Instruments

PC vast modular Software-Synthesis program with full MIDI-control; offers different granular sample players and a granular delay unit.

Ross Bencina 

MAC ideal for realtime use! 4 sets of parameters can be stored in a 2D-pool for quick interpolation between the 4 settings! 
Cloud Generator 

Curtis Roads (Pioneer of Gran. Synth)

MAC very straightforward program with few parameters, easy to understand. Allows for interpolating between a start and an end-setting of the parameters.



Arjen v.d. Schoot

MAC " Create fresh, unanticipated, flowing or hectic soundfiles at the *click* of a button, then play them in the background throughout the day; isn't this great? No composing worries, no sweating blood over a blank set of staves on your manuscript! *heh* " 

preset-based program without possibility to set custom parameters. renders continuously until program is stopped.


Michael Berry 

MAC Max-like interface with less tools. offers grain-sampling-instrument parameters: Stream Freq, Grain Startpos, Grain Length, Grain Freq
RTGS 2.0

Marcel Wierckx

MAC Sophisticated MAX-application, designed for live-performance. realtime input with short latency, fully MIDI-controllable. 'harmony'-function in the pitch-section for creating chord-like clusters from tonal signals.
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