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New Sub Program coming in April 2002-- everyone will have an opponent this coming season.
Here is how the new sub program will work We want everyone to play their best at all times and we also want to stop the practice of recieving unearned points sooooooooooooooooooooo.............
We WILL still use our subs as we have them availiable to play a match.
If we have more matches than we have availiable subs the following will occur...
We will draw a name of one A player, B player, C player, and / or D player who is already out on the course playing a scheduled match. That player will be the honorary sub for the evening. Players will then match cards at the end of the evening with the scorers. You do not have to actually play with the honorary sub,
but you do have to play your best to win.
Hopefully everything will work out this way-- especially if we are short on subs as usual!