The Unofficial Next Of Kin  Fan Club

If you have a story about how you met the guys if so why not mail me
[email protected] your story .I'll be happy to add your story here too. :))

I have been a massive fan of Next of Kin since their first single 24hours From You and like  all fans my dream is to see them perform live on stage in the front row and meet them. Well I am very  priveledge to say that I have achieced both of these, seeing Next of Kin front row at the boyzone concert  screaming like  mad and little Kieran winking at me all the time even though I am the same age as his brother Mark (bless) but the best is still to come when on Sunday the 27th June Next of Kin played at Party in the Park3 in Brighton  where I live. I saw them rock the park with Mark doing his excellent guitar work.  I then  squeezed through a  crowd of people (there was more than 60 thousand people). I managed  to get round the back by jumpimg  over a small wall of about 2foot! I joined a crowd of about 30 other girls and waited for about 30mins when  you guessed 3 gorgeous guys came walking out. I screamed like mad and managed to get to the front.  With large metal bars deviding us, the first guy I met was Mark my fave,he was even more gorgeous and I managed  to ask him a view simple questions but first I told him "I really love you" and Mark replied with a gorgeous  smile "Thankyou". After realising that I had actually told him how much I loved him,  I asked him to sign  my book puting it to Charlene! He appeared to be writing it down, and as he did so  I asked "when's the album  out?"," Late August, early September" he replied. I then told him about when I saw  them front row at boyzone  and he seemed really hapy for me. he then gave me back my book with another gorgeous smile and he said  "thank you".  I then rushed to get Nathans, who had just had his hair cut, though it is still long and he seems even nicer in the flesh  and then next to him was Kieran. He has a really sweet smile with lots of freecles on his face! I told them they were really great but some promo guy said it was time to go. They started to get in the car, and as I looked  at my autographs I noticed that Mark  had not signed his name and had only put mine. So yet again I screamed at him "Mark  you haven't signed your name!"  All the girls around me started to laugh and I screamed again and Mark very kindly  came back and said "Oh, I am really sorry about that". I replied "thats Ok". He signed his name and with a final "sorry  and thanks" they jumped in the car and were wizzed off.  I really hope I can meet them properly and be able to have a good chat with them because they are really genuinely nice guys  and they are all even more good looking in the flesh!  I also hope all you other Next of Kin fans get to meet them too.  I hope you have enjoyed my story and keep loving Next of Kin.  Love Charlene :-))

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