Why not mail me with your banner or site address to
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next of kin

Totally Next Of Kin

Hi!    As you may have seem posted at the NOK Hang Out club page, I am starting a NOK links page, just for links!  I want to create a huge page with EVERY NOK site linked to it!    I was wondering if you would all like to be put on this page, and also if you could help me by telling anybody else you know who has a NOK page to email me.  My address is [email protected]      Please get back to me, then I can get this page up and running!  Be sure to tell anyone else who might be interested!    thanx, ~Philippa


Here are some other sites that are mine and my familys
so please take a look some time :)

Espen Lind

damusic - internet Store

Nok- FanClubs