Wellesley acronyms explained! If a group or term is missing, please send me email at [email protected] to clue me in.... Many thanks to Carrie Ryan, Tracy Prout, and "lots of people in Senate" for coming up with much of this information.

Ad-hoc A committee developed by ANY student (including non-senators) that functions through Senate, an ad-hoc can address anything from Lake Day to multicultural education at Wellesley to transportation.
APT Academic Peer Tutors can help you with nearly anything related to academics; there is one APT per dorm and some special interest groups.
Campus Po Campus Police are available to help in any emergency.
CARD Committee Against Racism and Discrimination
CE Continuing Education; students of non-traditional age (aka Davis Scholars or post-Bacs).
CG College Government, which includes EVERY student on campus.
CPLA The Committe for Political and Legislative Action sponsors lectures, encourages activism, and educates Wellesley students about political issues.
CaSA The Caribbean Students' Association
CSA The Chinese Students' Association
DNC DormNet Consultants are available to help with virtually any computer problem within your dorm.
DOOCA Director of On-Campus Affairs
FC First-year Coordinators provide guidance, information, and activities specifically for first-year students.
Felding Feldings are members of the Felding Medieval Society.
GenJudic General Judiciary is responsible for educating about and enforcing the Honor Code.
HC House Council is a group of student leaders from each dorm who meet once a week to share the way in which their roles participate in the Wellesley community.
HOH Heads of House are trained Wellesley College staff members who live in each dorm as advisors and friends. You can go to your HOH for just about any problem that you have.
HOW Head of Work is a House Council position; the two HOWs are students in your dorm who supervise and run your dorm's bells system; they organize and enforce the bells schedule.
HP Each House President presides over her House Council and Res Staff.
HPC House Presidents' Council.
ICAN InterCultural Awareness Now facilitates dorm programming around issues of diversity.
IC^3 IntraCollege Communications Committee; oversees all ad-hocs and facilitates communication between Senate, the student body, and the administration.
KASA The Korean-American Students' Association
LTC The Learning and Teaching Center provides tutors to help with specific subjects, study skills; located on the 3rd floor of Clapp Library.
MAC Multicultural Affairs Coordinator; the chair of Multicultural Council, the student advisor to multicultural organizations, and coordinator of multicultural programming.
NomCom Nominating Committee is part of Senate, chaired by the CG Vice President; responsible for reviewing student organizations' constitutions and for nominating students to many committee positions.
Phi Sigma Phi Sigma Society/Lecture Forum.
RA Your Resident Advisor lives on your floor and organizes study breaks, listens to problems and concerns of daily life, and develops friendships with all the women on her floor.
ResJudic Residential Judiciary is the judicial body for residential life and issues.
SAR Student Admissions Representative.
Senate Senate meets every Monday night 6-8pm in the Academic Council room (4th floor of Green Hall) to discuss and act upon issues pertaining to Wellesley; open to all students.
SBOG Schneider Board of Governers, chaired by the DOOCA, is responsible for organizing most social activities on campus.
SEP The Summer Enrichment Program is available for incoming first-years who want to become acquainted with Wellesley before the fall semester.
Shakes Shakespeare Society puts on Shakespearian plays.
SOFC Student Organization Funding Committee; part of Senate, chaired by the CG Student Bursar; approves budgets of all SOFC-funded student organizations on campus and allocates the Student Activities Fee.
TZE Tau Zeta Epsilon Art and Music Sociey
VPA Vice President of Administration, within dorm government, responsible for administrative duties like fines; is a member of ResJudic and HC.
VPP Vice President of Programming, within dorm government, responsible for organizing social activities; VPPs are members of HC.
WAFL Wellesley Allianance For Life is the campus pro-life student organization.
WASAC Wellesley Association for South Asian Cultures
WLBTF Wellesley Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transgenders, and F riends is the primary support group on campus for people who identify as non-straight.
WWFC Wellesley Women for Choice is the pro-choice group on campus. WWFC organizes attendence at rallies and events, as well as student volunteering at Boston abortion clinics.
WZLY WZLY is the campus radio station, broadcasting at 91.5FM.
ZA Society Zeta Alpha

Laura Wollstadt
Last modified: Fri Aug 15 09:09:48 EDT