News from Bajor

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News from Bajor


Greetings once again. What's new in sci-fi? Ever wonder? This issue's big news, Chase Masterson (Leeta) hosts Sci-Fi Entertainment, only on the Sci-Fi Channel. This news show, named after the Sci-Fi Channel's magazine, premiered Friday, May 1 and covered movie news from Lost in Space and Godzilla, news about Dax leaving DS9, a technology report, and more info than one might expect. It's definitely worth taking a half of an Earth hour out of your week to watch it. Currently it airs on Fridays at 6:30 p.m. EST with an encore showing at 3:00 a.m. that night.

In less notable news Philip Anglim (Vedek Bareil), who recently made his first convention appearance on February 7 in Hagerstown, Maryland, could be seen portraying Peter Ellington in Dallas: War of the Ewings on April 24. I personally did not see it and I have yet to find anyone who has.

For this month's term I've decided that, due to the vast amounts of info on Bajor, a monthly list of terms might be more appropriate. This month's list is "Things Unique to Bajor and it's People."

bateret leaves. Burned as incense during the Gratitude Festival.

belaklavion. Musical instrument that's rather difficult to play.

icon. Representational painting.

jumja tree. Sap producing tree.

springball. Full-contact sport. A cross between handball, tennis, and jai-alai.

takeo herbs. Medicinal plant.

carnivorous rastipod. Animal that's not known to be very graceful.

hara cat. Feline animal.

palukoo. Large arachnid.

kellipate. Unit of measurement. Approximately a yard.

tessipate. Unit of land area.

Keep reading future issues for list of food and drinks, terms, festivals and rituals, and more! May the Prophets smile on you.

News Compiled By:

Chris Cascio

A.K.A. Ens. Litara Kryel

Science Dept.

U.S.S. Triumph/Runabout Teirysas

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