Here is some code for generating the
Mandelbrot set in C, so if you've got a C compiler, why not give
it a go.
#include "stdio.h"
#define MaxIters 200
#define SIZE 80
#define BLACK -1
#define LEFT -2.0
#define RIGHT 1.0
#define TOP 1.0
#define BOTTOM -1.0
main(int argc, char *argv[])
short x, y, counter;
long double zr, zi, cr, ci
long double rsquared, isquared;
for (y = 0; y < SIZE; y++)
for (x = 0; x < SIZE; x++)
zr = 0.0;
zi = 0.0;
cr = LEFT + x * (RIGHT - LEFT) / SIZE;
ci = TOP + y * (BOTTOM - TOP) / SIZE;
rsquared = zr * zr;
isquared = zi * zi;
for (counter = 0; rsquared + isquared <= 4.0
&& counter < MaxIters; counter++)
zi = zr * zi * 2;
zi += ci;
zr = rsquared - isquared;
zr += cr;
rsquared = zr * zr;
isquared = zi * zi;
if (rsquared + isquared <= 4.0)
printf("*"); /* In the set. */
printf(" "); /* Not in the set. */
return 0;
Copyright © 1997 Cygnus Software. All rights reserved.
Many thanks to the above for the code which was in the Fractal
Extreme help file.
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