Goodies Page!
Single Player Cheat Codes For Retail Version
During game play, press "T" then enter code:
thereisnotry level skip
deeznuts force level up
eriamjh fly (control it like swimming)
red5 all weapons (including saber if less than level 4)
wamprat all items
yodajammies mana recharge
bactame health recharge
raccoonking ALL force powers (light, dark, and neutral)
imayoda all light side jedi powers
sithlord all dark side jedi powers
warp possibly used for level warping
whiteflag 1 disable artificial intelligence (probes and blaster turrets)
whiteflag 0 turns artificial intelligence back on
slowmo 1 play in slow motion
slowmo 0 turn off slowmo
jediwannabe 1 invincibility
jediwannabe 0 turn off invincibility
pinotnoir 1 if you get killed, you restart the level with all the weapons you had before you died
pinotnoir 0 turn off the pinotnoir code
Yes, those are numbers 1 (one) and 0 (zero). There is a space between the word and the number. Have fun, but remember... you are only cool if you finish the game without using the cheat codes.
How would you like a double-ended light saber? Or a crossbow that shoots force destruction? These goodies and more are available here, courtesy of GatInHand. He didn't write them, but he's sharing them! Look for him on HEAT.
The cool stuff you are about to download are in COG files. An example of a COG file is weap_saber.cog. To use COG files, you must put them in a directory. As far as I know, COGs are like freeware...players write them and pass them around to other players. When you download a COG, you must save it into your cog directory. Here's how:
1. Using Win95 Explorer, open your Jedi Knight directory.
2. See that subdirectory called RESOURCE? Open it and create a new folder called cog.
3. Now, when you download any COG files, save them into the /resource/cog directory.
4. The COG files will load automatically when you start Jedi Knight.
5. To disable any COGs, just move them from the cog directory to the resource directory.
That way, your COGs are easy to find and they're just a click-drag away from use.
Now that you know where to put them and how to activate/deactivate them, DOWNLOAD THEM. Because this server is wierd, it's a little tricky. Click on a file link, then your browser will open the page containing the file. Click as...then select your COG directory to save the file in. I know it's wierd, but it works. As soon as I can, I'll make it easier to download. Believe me -- once you get these powerful COGs, you won't mind the trouble you had to go through!
weap_fists.cog Every punch you throw unleashes a shot of force destruction!
weap_bryar.cog Your standard bryar gun becomes a mannequin that shoots sabers! Great for freaking people out.
weap_strifle.cog Your storm trooper rifle becomes a rapid-fire thermal detonator launcher!
weap_thermdet.cog Instead of thermal detonators, you throw sabers. I don't know if they do any damage, though.
weap_crossbow.cog Regular crossbow functions, but shoots force destruction instead of green energy!
weap_repeater.cog Regular repeater gun functions, but shoots concussion blasts instead!
weap_raildet.cog Primary fire button shoots rapid-fire rails, secondary fire drops sequencer charges at an
astonishing rate!
weap_seqcharge.cog Use like regular sequencer charges, only you lay them down in rapid-fire style. Great for
weap_concrifle.cog Rapid-fire concussion rifle.
weap_saber.cog Double-ended light saber. Looks best when you use a red saber...very fast attack speed!
Force_well.cog Lets you fly! You control it the same way as swimming.
force_protection.cog Activate force protection, then hit CTRL key. You teleport!
force_persuasion.cog Activate force persuasion. You become permanently invisible (until you die). Can't be seen or
heard...even if someone uses force seeing!
item_shields.cog I believe this is an invincibility cog.
kyle.cog I think another invincibility cog.
kyle2.cog I believe another invincibility cog.
force_lightning.cog Force Lightning power releases rail charges when used!
OK, that's all the cogs I have av ailable. Now here is a cool DAT file that gives you all weapons/unlimited ammo. Make another folder in your resource directory called
misc. Then save the DAT file in the misc folder. items.dat
Well, now that your multiplayer character is all beefed up, how about some new MULTIPLAYER LEVELS? Here are some... as I get more, I'll add them to the site. These are GOB files that go into your EPISODE directory.
battlepack.gob 5 multiplayer levels, including Olumhumbrite Tower, KOS, Starport, Kessel, and Hutt's Palace.
cardia2.gob A very extensive level...nice.
ddd.gob BIG CANYON -- someone added to Canyon...a must-have level!
deathstar.gob The Death Star... HUGE level.
dengar.gob I don't remember... probably good, though.
GoNs.gob This level is BIG. Excellent!
Do you have the BFP skins packs? NO?!?!? Get them! The packs give you an additional 163 multiplayer characters to choose from, as well as a whole bunch of cool sabers. Go
here to get them. Make sure you only get the ones for Jedi Knight. The first one is for Mysteries Of The Sith. There are install instructions included.
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