Sample Questions
Definition of the following : Clock Skew , Clock Uncertainity , Setup
and Hold Time ( Negative and Positive), Ground Bounce , Metastability and
its prevention methods , Cause for metastability,Race around condition,
Methods to prevent Clock skew ,transitional delays , wire models , Cause
for a glitch , Prevention of glitch ,Asynchronous , synchronous and pleisochronous,Multi
cycle Path,Recovery Violation ,Ringing,Undershoot and Overshoot .
State machines : Two types of state machines , different
encoding styles and their merits and demerits, Precautions to be taken
while designing a state machine , Choosing the type of state encoding pertaining
to the architecture,Advantages of using state machines ,State reduction
technique , fail safe behavior, How state machines are realized in hardware
for various encoding styles.
Designing a Sequence detector , Parity generator other than the tree structure
, 16 bit synchronous counter ,Gates implementation using MUX , Latch Using
Divide by 3 counter with 50% duty cycle,divide by 2 circuit using single
d flip-flop,Multiplier using gates with some assumptions , Direction of
rotation detection circuit,Metastability prevention circuit ,Grey counter.
Synchronizing Asynchronous signals , Data transfer interface between two
clock domains .
Determining the Asynchronous FIFO Depth.
Ways to increase the Fan out , Calculation of wait states to be added in
a particular design ,Calculation of the max operating frequency for
a given digital circuit ,Advantages and disadvantages of Latch and flip
flop based design .
Advantages and Disadvantages of Asynchronous and Synchronous Reset.
Approach for designing the receive portion of an UART ,Asynchronous FIFO.
Circuit for a CMOS Tristate Inverter.
Implementation of a boolean equation using CMOS gates.
Latch and FLip flop using CMOS gates
How can a NMI (Non maskable interrupt) be masked in 8085 µP.
How do we introduce wait states in 8085 µP.
Difference between a net and reg , default values of wire and reg .
Blocking and non blocking statements :
a) always @(posedge clk)
a = b;
always @(posedge clk)
b = a;
What is the problem with this module and how can it be overcome ?
b) always @(b)
a = #1 b;
always @(b)
#1 a = b;
whats the value of a at 5 ns if b is a sequence ?
Are both the blocks( 1 & 2) the same?
1--always @(posedge clk)
a = 1;
2--always @(posedge clk)
#0 a = 1;
Advantages & disadvantages of task and functions .
Why non blocking are preferred for sequential blocks and blocking for combinational
PLI and its use.
Escaped Identifiers.
Default width of a parameter.
Use of $recovery system task
Advantage of parameters over 'define.
Named association and its advantages .
Handling multiple drivers,Unconnected ports
Access to a register or wire from some other module.
Difference between $strobe and $display .
Can we log the information using $fdisplay from two always blocks.
Overriding parameters.
Forcing of a net inside a block.
What happens if the timescale defined in different modules are different.
Handling of bi-directional ports.
How do u detect Tristate using if and case statements.
Expanded and collapsed vector.
Why all inputs used in a block should be in a sensitivity list.
Difference between a signal and a variable .
Inertial delay , transport delay , delta delay .
what are Generics ?
Blocks and guarded blocks.
what are resolution ,conversion and impure functions.
Comment on the behavior of variable and signal assignment inside a sequential
what are attributes.
Use of Packages
Overloading in VHDL
Use of generate statement.
Can a n-dimensional array be declared in VHDL
Use of configuration.
Synthesis (Try in VHDL too)
Mux implementation : using if , case , assign statements and how is it
realized ?
Flip flop implementation with reset , preset and clock enable .
Proper way for gating clocks.
Comment on the following 2 blocks output :
always @(posedge clk )
begin : block1
a <= in ;
b <= a ;
always @(posedge clk )
begin : block2
a = in ;
b = a ;
what will be the realized output of the following code
always @(a or b)
0 : out = 0;
1 : out = 0;
2 : out = 0;
3 : out = 1;
Try writing code for different state encodings like one hot , binary ,
grey etc..and realize the output .
Synthesis flow
Is disable statement synthesisable ?
Does it mean that the reg will always result in a flip flop at the output
? If yes give comments ...
Define : Critical Path , Slack , Incremental synthesis , Load
violation , Design Rule Check , transitional delay ,Static Timing Analysis
, Design Constraints , Behavioral and structural model, Resource
sharing , Partitioning.
How will a function and task be synthesized which has no timing delays
inside it?
Assuming we don't have the reg facility and only a flip flop module is
available , how do we design a register and what are the various
possible methods and which one is the best and why?
How a latch is inferred and how can it be prevented ?
Write a code for a bi-directional shift register , simple arbiter
, mod3 counter with 50% duty cycle.
Some basic scripting commands in DC Shell
How do we code for a late arriving signal
Will both of these statements be synthesized same
out = a + b + c +d;
out = (a+b) + (c+d);
Interpreted and compiled simulators ,Cycle based Simulators .
Conservation of simulation Time : how do we achieve it in Verilog and VHDL
Code coverage and how is it done.
Approaches for designing the stimulus for a given DUT.
Selection of a Simulator based on the size of design.
Board Simulation and how is it done?
Pre and post synthesis Simulation .
Formal verification .
Ur suggestions are always welcome :
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