ÚÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»ÚÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» Úij El Templo ÈÙ Area Num: - 22 - The *PRO*grammer's Source ºÄ¿ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ ÚÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ³ Àij þ Area : [PROG] Programaci¢n en Pascal ºÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Utiles MUY interesantes ======================= BEAUTY.ZIP 20K 0001 Pascal Beautifier. Excelente BP7SB100.ZIP 29K 0000 Borland Pascal Source Beautifier BPL70N12.ZIP 265K 0000 Borland Pascal Libraries (mejoradas) C2PAS08B.ARJ 13K 0003 Pasa de C a Pascal C4PAS000.ZIP 17K 0002 Para pasar de C a PAscal CTOP12B.ZIP 94K 0002 C a Pascal V. 12B PSA.EXE 36K 0001 Pascal Structure Analizer SPO110.ZIP 111K 0000 TPU Optimizer TPU2TPS.ARJ 9K 0000 TPU a TPS TPU6DIS.ARJ 123K 0003 Desensamblador de UNITS de Pascal. Librer¡as de prop¢sito general ============================== MGPAS01A.ZIP 321K 0000 MGLIBPAS- version 1.0 beta. This Turbo Pascal library covert all aspect of PC programming: windowing, compression, disk and files acces, comport, graphx, screen, multitaskers, 39 units written in assembler, and Turbo Pascal, support Xt->386. TPH Help files for IDE also include. Registration start at $35US. UTILITY.ARJ 111K 0000 Serie de utilidades en Pascal MISCTI10.ZIP 173K 0001 funciones £tiles en Pascal MKSM106.ZIP 218K 0006 MK Source for Msg Access v1.06 - Mark May's Pascal OOP source code to access Squish, Jam, Hudson, *.Msg, and Ezycom message bases. Great for developing BBS utilities. (FW) TPLIB20.ARJ 145K 0000 TP LIBRARY V 2.0 PARA USAR CON TP 5.0 Y SUPERIORES. TPLIB21.ARJ 145K 0000 Turbo Pascal Library 2.1 para tp 5.0 o superior. TPR521-1.ZIP 520K 0001 Turbo Professional 5.21 Pascal [1/3] TPR521-2.ZIP 417K 0001 Turbo Professional 5.21 Pascal [2/3] TPR521-3.ZIP 339K 0001 Turbo Professional 5.21 Pascal [3/3] TTDEM51.ZIP 58K 0001 TECHNOJOCK`S TURBO TOOLKIT v5.10 4/4 TTT51.ZIP 82K 0001 Technojock's Turbo Toolkit 1 PASCAL-1.ARJ 81K 0000 librer¡as en PASCAL 1/2 PASCAL-2.ARJ 19K 0000 librer¡as en PASCAL 2/2 TTTDEM51.ZIP 64K 0001 Technojock's Turbo Toolkit 2 TTTDOC51.ZIP 45K 0001 TECHNOJOCK`S TURBO TOOLKIT v5.10 2/4 TTTSRC51.ZIP 85K 0001 TECHNOJOCK`S TURBO TOOLKIT v5.10 3/4 TOTDEMO.ZIP 113K 0001 Technojock's Object Library (PASCAL) TOTDOC11.ZIP 189K 0001 TECHNOJOCK'S OBJECT TOOLKIT v1.10 - A sophisticated library of tools for Turbo Pascal programmers. With this Toolkit you can quickly and easily build programs sporting the latest interface style with pop-up dialog boxes, scroll-bars and TOTSRC.ZIP 139K 0001 Technojock's (fuentes en PASCAL) TECHNOJOCK'S OBJECT TOOLKIT v1.10 ASP> - A sophisticated library of tools for Turbo Pascal programmers. With this Toolkit you can quickly and easily build programs sporting the latest interface style with pop- TSPA3470.ZIP 110K 0000 Prof. Timo Salmi's TPU collection of nearly 200 useful Turbo Pascal 7.0 routines for text-mode programs. Comunicaciones, doors, etc ========================== 16550.ZIP 3K 0001 Control de la UART 16550 ANSCRT.ARJ 14K 0000 Chequeo del ANSI ANSI.ARJ 7K 0000 ANSI v¡a modem ANSI.ZIP 14K 0001 Lib Ansi FOSSIL.ZIP 6K 0000 Rutinas para Fossil ANSI2.ZIP 6K 0000 Lib Ansi ANSICRT.ZIP 14K 0000 ansi routines in turbo pascal source & tpu rutinas para poder controlar los c¢digos ANSI desde el PASCAL es una TPU alternativa a Crt, pero que realiza todas las funciones (ClrScr, TextColor, >GotoXY, etc...) procesando c¢digos ANSIDRVR.ZIP 3K 0000 sample turbo p program to use & test ansi drive ANSIPAS.ZIP 22K 0000 use and acshow ansi graphics files ANSIVI.ZIP 13K 0000 tp 60 ansi crt windows and extras (TVision) ANSI_130.ZIP 21K 0000 various pascal ansi routines ASYNC.ARJ 6K 0000 Funciones de comunicaciones asincronas ASYNC12.ARJ 39K 0001 Permite manejar puertos series ASYNC4.ZIP 17K 0000 interrupt-driven communication i/o routines ASYNC4U.ZIP 7K 0000 El famoso ASYNC para TP4 ASYNC_PC.ZIP 6K 0000 asynchronous input/output routines AVDOOR11.ARJ 48K 0000 TPU's para hacer DOOR para BBS's BBSKT30A.ZIP 278K 0000 Herramienta para programadores de Turbo BOI120.ARJ 49K 0000 Librer¡a COM para BBS's BUPV100A.ARJ 29K 0000 TPU's para TP6.0 sobre pantalla BVOTE.ARJ 37K 0000 Votaciones para BBS's COM-TP4.ZIP 49K 0000 Control de puertos en Pascal COMMONTP.ARJ 26K 0000 Librer¡a de comunicaciones para BBS's en PASCAL COMM_TP5.ZIP 35K 0001 serial port unit for turbo pascal 4/5x DOORDR50.ARJ 345K 0000 Door Driver ToolKit 5.0 FCOMM240.ARJ 51K 0000 Para menejar el FOSSiL desde DOOR's NETBIOS.ARJ 29K 0000 Interface con la NetBios NETCALL.ZIP 7K 0000 Funciones para LANTastic NETCHA.ARJ 9K 0003 Utilidades para redes NEURAL22.ZIP 192K 0001 The Southern Scientific Neural Networks Toolkit is for Pascal programmers. It is intended to form the basis for NN designs ranging from the conventional to the bizarre.To do this, the Toolkit was designed using OOP PAVT117.ARJ 88K 0000 Emulaci¢n de terminal ANSI/AVATAR PAVT199.ZIP 530K 0000 PAvatar 1.99á Source Code The Turbo Pascal (5.5 - 7.0) Avatar level 1 console toolkit. PAvatar will add Avatar level 1, level 0+, full ANSI (optional BBS style), VT-52, and VT-102 emulation to your TP programs. PKTDRVTP.ZIP 65K 0000 Uso de Packet Drivers en pascal PPLP10.ZIP 81K 0001 NAME: Personal Protocol Library for Pascal KEYS: ASCII XMODEM YMODEM ZMODEM LIBRARY FILE: PPL4P10.ZIP VER: 1.0 DATE: Jan 95 REG$: MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. --- $40.00 DSCR: PPL4P is a protocol library supports ASCII, XMODEM, XMODEM- T301AS.ZIP 13K 0002 Control del RS-232 TBBS105.ZIP 39K 0000 Turbo BBS TP4ASYNC.ZIP 12K 0001 Manejo de los COMs TP6_API.ARJ 46K 0000 Novell TPFZM100.ARJ 23K 0001 ZModem TPNOV6.ARJ 48K 0000 Novell TPNOVELL.ARJ 54K 0000 Novell API Library TRIDV300.ZIP 76K 0000 TriDoor utilidades para hacer DOOR's TTY.ARJ 8K 0000 emulaci¢n terminal TTY_300.ARJ 6K 0000 otro emulador terminal TURBOBBS.ARJ 40K 0000 Turbo BBS TURBOCOM.ARJ 29K 0000 emulador de Terminales YASYNC.ZIP 16K 0001 COMs YZMODEM.ZIP 61K 0001 YModem ZModem en Pascal JPDOOR41.ZIP 305K 0000 JPDoor V4.1 Door Writing Toolkit for Turbo Pascal 5.5/6.0/7.0 Supports RA, QBBS, SuperBBS, ProBoard, and any BBS that can create a dorinfo1.def or Door.Sys file. Contains EVERYTHING you need to write a door, from Beginner to Advanced! Source Code is available. TPAPI.RAR 331K 0000 Turbo Pascal API's for Novell Netware (Antonio Covelli; $35) is an object oriented library for TP 6.0 programmers who want to access Netware API's and want to write Netware aware/specific applications by SERIE.RAR 34K 0003 Personal Communications Library For Turbo Pascal 4.0 & up KDV601.ZIP 331K 0000 KDrive Turbo Pascal 7.x Door Driver development kit, by SHARKware. Multi-BBS, multi-node, multi- asker aware! Includes Uart, Fossil and Digiboard support. Kit Additions allow development with other Door Games that allow add ons, like Lord and Dog World. Freeware! Not Public Domain. Manejo de la memoria,XMS/EMS... =============================== SWAPUNIT.ARJ 24K 0002 Sustituto del exec, libera mucha memoria TP6XMS.ZIP 11K 0000 Manejo de XMS para Tpascal 6.0 SWITCH.ZIP 38K 0002 Swapea programas a discos XMSLIBR1.ZIP 21K 0000 Libreria XMS XMM12.ZIP 121K 0000 Uso de XMS XMS-PAS.ARJ 3K 0000 como usar memoria XMS en PASCAL XMSLIB1.ARJ 20K 0001 Manejo de la XMS TPXMS.ZIP 17K 0000 XMS access for turbo pascal OVERXMS.ZIP 7K 0000 Uso del XMS EXECSWAP.ZIP 18K 0001 Hace swap a disco al ejecutar exec. CLEARMEM.ARJ 4K 0002 Inicializa la memoria Gr ficos (BGI principalmente) consulta el  rea de programaci¢n de demos y y juegos, all¡ hay *much¡simas fuentes de todo tipo* ========================================================================= PCX256TP.ZIP 45K 0003 TPU para Tpascal para mostrar ficheros PCX!! con Fuentes! BGI-DIV.ARJ 92K 0000 BGI Driver Tookit BGI-DOC.ARJ 28K 0000 BGI Driver Tookit BGI-PAS.ARJ 30K 0000 BGI Driver Tookit SVGA1601.ARJ 46K 0000 BGI del Turbo Pascal para SVGA. SVGABG21.ARJ 46K 0000 BGI Para SuperVGA SVGABG50.ZIP 108K 0000 SVGABGI v5.0 SVGAKT42.ZIP 167K 0000 SVGA Kit v4.2 TSENGBGI.ZIP 6K 0000 BGI para TSENG 4000 VESAPCX.ARJ 14K 0002 Muestra PCX con tarjetas VESA, en Pascal PCX.ARJ 4K 0002 Para ver PCX en Turbo Pascal PCXKIT.ZIP 66K 0002 Rutinas PCX (pascal) PCXUTILS.ZIP 71K 0001 Utilidades para PCX PCXVGA.ARJ 3K 0001 Rutinas PCX en pascal ANIVGA12.ARJ 682K 0000 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ANIVGA (c), 1991..1993 ³ ³ a Sprite-Unit for TurboPascal òV6.0 ³ ³ by Kai Rohrbacher ³ ³ Version 1.2 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ TSFAQP28.ZIP 88K 0002 Respuestas a las preguntas m s comunes cuando se programa en Turbo Pascal (del 3 al 7,real) TTS.ZIP 201K 0002 TrueType Fonts for DOS 1.60 This is a Pascal programming package, providing full-featured access to TrueType fonts within your DOS programs. Additional fonts supported are Windows scalable and bitmapped fonts, BGI fonts and BIOS fonts. Logical fonts are - once created - consistently addressed by font handles. Output and metric procedures are interface-compatible with Graph's text routines. SWAGs ===== ALLSWAG.ARJ 1171K 0001 ALLSWAG.A01 1171K 0001 ALLSWAG.A02 1171K 0001 ALLSWAG.A03 1171K 0001 ALLSWAG.A04 327K 0001 SWAG9608.ZIP 1086K 0002 NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 08/31/96. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v3.13 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Contains 58 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. SWAG9611.ZIP 1272K 0002 NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 11/29/96. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v3.13 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Contains 58 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. SWAG0297.ARJ 1008K 0001 NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 02/28/97. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v3.13 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Contains 60 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. SWAG9705.ZIP 1271K 0004 NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 05/31/97. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v3.13 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Contains 60 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. Varios ====== INT24.ARJ 8K 0000 atrapa la INT24 AE-14.ZIP 87K 0002 Editor, con fuentes ALLFIL.ZIP 14K 0001 scroll file selection for turbo pascal ALLSORT.ZIP 5K 0001 Metodos de ordenaci¢n AMOUSE55.ZIP 9K 0001 Programacion para Raton APAGA_PA.ARJ 2K 0000 Apaga la pantalla ARGLIST.ARJ 4K 0000 Permite utilizar los argumentos como en C ATTRIB.ZIP 4K 0000 alter file attributes or flags AUXINOUT.ZIP 3K 0000 Control del dispositivo AUX BANNERC.ZIP 6K 0000 banner to screen file from chars on cmd line BGSOUND.ZIP 10K 0003 background music for turbo pascal BIBLIATP.EXE 141K 0005 La biblia del TPascal BMSEARCH.ZIP 7K 0000 Busqueda de Boyer-Moore BORRAPAN.ARJ 2K 0000 Borra la pantalla durante 10 seg. BP7BUGS1.ZIP 17K 0000 Bugs del Borland Pascal 7.0 BTREE.ARJ 56K 0002 Indexaci¢n de bases de datos BTREE4.ZIP 17K 0001 Unidad para datos e ¡ndices CDROMCOM.ZIP 17K 0001 CD-ROM Commands --- Version 1.0 --- FREEWARE by C.E. 1995 With this program you can give the basic commands to your CD-rom player. I found a lot of programs on the net containing vga-jukeboxes for playing CHKWIN.ARJ 4K 0000 comprueba si esta Windows CLRTSR.ARJ 16K 0000 P  manejar los residentes CODER.ZIP 10K 0001 Pasa de Binario a fuente en pascal JLB COMENV.ARJ 6K 0000 Cambia la copia principal del entorno CONCR4.ZIP 20K 0000 Concurrecia Turbo Pascal 4.0 CONFIG.ARJ 2K 0000 Mira la configuraci¢n del PC CRC.ARJ 14K 0002 C lculo del CRC DSEEKER.ZIP 4K 0000 floppy drive diagnostic turbo pascal JOY-P.ARJ 11K 0000 acceso al puerto de juegos (Pascal) JOYSTICK.ARJ 11K 0000 rutinas Turbo Joystick KEYBUF.ZIP 5K 0000 Manipulaci¢n del buffer de teclado MEN&RAT.ARJ 17K 0001 pogramas residentes MOU105.ARJ 50K 0000 Rat¢n gr fico en modo texto. C y Pascal. MOUSE.ARJ 3K 0000 Interfaz p  raton Microsoft MOUSLIB8.ZIP 189K 0000 Libreria para el Raton NUM_RECI.ZIP 266K 0002 Numerical Recipes in PASCAL. INcreible! PAS-TOOL.ZIP 91K 0001 Herramientas y ejemplos de programaci¢n en Tpascal, paprend‚. PASMOUSE.ZIP 10K 0000 Librer¡a pascal para manejar el rat¢n TECLADO.ARJ 7K 0000 una de teclado TESS_6.ARJ 33K 0001 Rutinas para crear TSRs THEMOUSE.ARJ 15K 0000 Units the rat¢n p  TurboPaskual TPJOYSTK.ZIP 6K 0000 Manejo del Joystick.Tpu y ejemplos incluidos TPKBD10.ZIP 23K 0000 Rutinas de Teclado CRC32.ARJ 8K 0001 C lculo del CRC de 32 bits CRC32.ZIP 13K 0001 rapid 32 bit crc in masm c & pascal CRCASM.ARJ 15K 0000 C lculo del CRC CRCSET11.ZIP 36K 0001 Proteccion de un programa por CRC CTL3DPAS.ZIP 27K 0000 Programar usando CTL3D.DLL CUTPAS12.ZIP 17K 0001 source & program for move text tool DACVGA.ARJ 9K 0000 Apaga y enciende la paleta de colores DBFPAS.ZIP 56K 0001 Control de .DBF DEMOPAG.ARJ 3K 0000 Demo de p ginas DESQ10.ARJ 7K 0000 UNIT to interface DESQview <-> Pascal DESQ5X.ARJ 9K 0000 Conexi¢n DesqView - Turbo Pascal DHHELPER.ZIP 126K 0001 generate help/hypertext screens for programmes DIRECTOR.ARJ 6K 0000 p  manejar directorios DIR_TREE.ARJ 8K 0000 p  hacer un arbol de directorios DISK_425.ARJ 53K 0000 Funciones matem ticas DLLMAKER.ARJ 12K 0001 DDLMaker de Pascal p  Windows DML.ARJ 182K 0000 DML tpu's para pascal DOSCREEN.ARJ 10K 0000 Genera autom ticamente c¢digo de pantallas DSKSRC.ZIP 7K 0000 BOOT Sector Reader (fuentes en PASCAL) DU.ARJ 8K 0000 Obtiene la cantidad de bytes de un directorio ECUACION.ARJ 10K 0000 resoluci¢n de sistemas de n ecuaciones EDINEWS.ZIP 26K 0000 Generador de noticias para BBS****************** EEV100R1.ARJ 40K 0000 Funciones para el manejo de cadenas EJECUTA.ARJ 3K 0000 p  ejecutar un programa externo EMM.ARJ 10K 0001 fuentes p  la gesti¢n de memoria expandida ENTORNO.ARJ 3K 0000 busca una cadena en el entorno EXPLODE2.ARJ 9K 0001 Ventanas que explotan EXPLORA.ARJ 8K 0000 exploraci¢n de directorios FADSRC.ZIP 27K 0000 Pascal source code for FADS 1.1 program. Find files (incl. inside ZIPs), List directories, Touch (change file timestamp), change File Attributes, Count lines in textfiles, total file sizes including FDFORM18.ARJ 87K 0000 FDFormat formatea a + capacidad (PASCAL) FILEREAD.ZIP 27K 0001 TPU para manipular ficheros de todo tipo (buena) >contiene FUENTES FILTYP11.ARJ 23K 0000 Da el tipo de un fichero (DBF, GIF...) FLI.ZIP 11K 0002 Programita visualizador de FLI con uso de XMS FULLDB13.ARJ 16K 0000 A¤ade n£meros de l¡nea en los .OBJ externo GEN.ARJ 24K 0000 Generador de pantallas. Turbo Pascal 4.0 GENALG.ARJ 35K 0001 Algorithmo genetico GS_DBASE.ZIP 23K 0002 Para utilizar ficheros .DBF HARDDISK.ARJ 7K 0000 operaciones sobre el disco duro HEAP6.ARJ 12K 0000 Manejo avanzado del heap HUFFMAN.ARJ 8K 0002 C lculo del c¢digo de Huffman BDISK.ZIP 12K 0000 BIOS disk I/O routines for floppy drives. Supports DOS real mode, DOS protected mode, and Windows. Requires TP6, TPW, or BP7. IFPS158.ZIP 191K 0000 Info-Plus v1.58 - Da toda la informaci¢n posible sobre el sistema. INDX18EU.ARJ 20K 0001 Para utilizar ficheros indexados en TURBO PASCAL INFOPLUS.ARJ 69K 0000 Informaci¢n sobre el ordenador (PASCAL) KVL_ANSI.ARJ 8K 0000 Un mont¢n de rutinas de v¡deo LASTLOOK.ZIP 28K 0000 Ver opciones de EXE de pascal LINEA26.ARJ 3K 0000 escribe en la l¡nea 26 LIST104.ZIP 115K 0000 TheLister v1.04 is an advanced source lister for Pascal. Its particular graphic layout greatly enhances the readability of your listings. Fully and easily customizable to fit your needs and your taste. It's a Windows application - LISTDATA.ZIP 5K 0000 Unidad para mantener listas enlazadas LZHSRC97.ZIP 10K 0000 Para trastear con los .LZH MATH-PAS.ARJ 66K 0000 librer¡as de funciones matem ticas MINILIST.ARJ 5K 0000 Lista ficheros letra 'SuperComprimida' MTSUB220.ARJ 146K 0001 Rutinas multitarea PAS-SCI.ZIP 63K 0003 Fuentes de programaci¢n matem ticas en pascal PASUNZIP.ZIP 28K 0002 Descompresor con fuentes en pascal de ZIP OPENFIL2.ARJ 3K 0000 saca una lista de los ficheros abiertos OSCIL.ARJ 21K 0000 Oscilador de VOC en PASCAL OVRHAN.ARJ 8K 0000 Overlay handler OVRLAY.ZIP 6K 0000 Explicaci¢n detallada del Overlay Manage OVROBJ.ARJ 7K 0000 Utilidades para .OBJ con overlays OVRSIZ10.ARJ 12K 0000 Analizador de overlays PACK.ARJ 7K 0001 Reduce el tama¤o de los .EXE (PAS-ASM) PARPADEO.ARJ 2K 0000 parpadeo de la pantalla PAS_MNL.ARJ 85K 0003 Manual de pascal para principiantes en ASCII y con muchos ejemplos PCTEKAP1.ARJ 80K 0003 Un mont¢n de funciones PCXROTAT.ZIP 8K 0001 Rotaci¢n de PCX PIBASYNC.ZIP 38K 0000 Entrada/salida as¡ncrona PPTSR10.ZIP 24K 0001 para hacer residentes en PASCAL PRESKIT2.ZIP 42K 0001 KIT de compresi¢n (fuentes en PASCAL) PROTECT.ZIP 22K 0000 Verifica el CRC de nuestros .EXE PROTEX.ARJ 29K 0000 Cambia a modo protegido (PASCAL-ASM) PSDSM103.ZIP 7K 0000 BigDOS Memory Allocations (PASCAL) PSPPD100.ZIP 30K 0000 DataBase functions en PASCAL PSXMH103.ZIP 11K 0000 XMS en PASCAL (heap en XMS) QWICKSCR.ARJ 81K 0002 maravillosa librer¡a de utilidades texto RELOJ2.ARJ 8K 0000 otra de relojitos RNR127.ZIP 217K 0000 rnr: threaded newsreader for ms-dos waffle, uupc, and uufree. kill/ antikill files, crosspost filtering, console/modem use. Pascal Source code included. SALVA_PA.ARJ 2K 0000 salva y restaura pantallas SCANH313.ZIP 77K 0000 Saca ayuda de los fuentes SHELL.ARJ 18K 0000 una especie de Shell SORT.ZIP 29K 0002 Varias funciones de ordenaci¢n SORTDEMO.ZIP 6K 0001 Demo gr fica de 8 algoritmos de ordenac. SORTDM24.ZIP 121K 0000 SortDemo 2.4 - Tapirsoft Graphic illustration of sorting algorithms - includes Pascal source code. SORTKIT1.ARJ 13K 0001 Algoritmo de ordenaci¢n SPLAY.ZIP 5K 0000 Descompresi¢n con Splay Tree (¨?) SPRITES.ZIP 44K 0000 Para hacer Sprites SQ_UNSQ.ARJ 13K 0002 Compresor/descompresor 32URDOOR.ZIP 61K 0000 Colecci¢n de unidades para los programadores de DOORS AJCBCD.ZIP 11K 0000 AJC Binary Coded Decimal Unit - is a Pascal unit for managing binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers. BCD numbers are used for accurate manipulation of monetary amounts, as well as other decimal numbers where the real number format is unacceptable. Description Copyright 1994 PsL APIDLL.ZIP 1K 0001 APIDLL.PAS - is the Pascal code which demonstrates how to launch Windows and dialogs from inside a DLL without the aid of OWL. Description Copyright 1994 PsL ARCPAK.ZIP 155K 0000 Arcpak - is a unit for BP 7.0 that allows you to write programs that use archive utilities. Arcpak recognizes arc, pak, zip, lzh, arj, and exe files. It supports DOS and OS/2. ARRAYRW.ZIP 1K 0000 Unidad para el control de cadenas muy gr ASKV10SC.ZIP 14K 0000 Utilidad para DOS que permite la inclusi BASICS.ZIP 11K 0000 Basics - is a library of over 30 BASIC routines coded and compiled for use by Pascal programmers. BKGRND.ZIP 7K 0000 DOSBKGND.PAS - allows Pascal programmers to include a dialog box which will pop up over the current application without altering the screen contents and leave the screen intact when the box is closed. Requires Borland Pascal 6.0 or later and Turbo Vision.Description Copyright 1994 PsL BLOWPAS.ZIP 32K 0001 Blowfish, a (Turbo) Pascal implementation of the Blowfish encryption algorithm as described in Dr Dobb's magazine of April 1994. Including sources of the unit, an programming example and the original C version, written by Bruce Schneier, the author of the algorithm. BMVIEW.ZIP 6K 0001 Bitmap Viewer Dialog Box - is a set of Pascal source code files for creating dialog boxes that enable the user to view bitmap images prior to retrieving the file name. Description Copyright 1995 PsL BOOSTERS.ZIP 90K 0000 Es un conjunto de rutinas para programad BOX.ZIP 73K 0000 Es un dise¤ador de pantallas. Puede guar BP7BUGS4.ZIP 17K 0000 Lista oficiosa de ®bugs¯ detectados en e BPOSF3.ZIP 13K 0000 BPos - allows the programmer to search a string for selected substrings using Boolean operators (&=AND, |=OR). It is an extension to the Pascal POSf function. Multiple levels of parentheses are supported. Includes Pascal source only. Requires TP6 or above. Description Copyright 1995 PsL BTP.ZIP 63K 0000 Unidad de Btrieve para TP7. BTV150.ZIP 85K 0000 BTV.PAS 1.50 es un interfaz OOP para BTrieve. Con manejo de ficheros y errores. CALCULAT.ZIP 8K 0000 MT Scientific Calculator w/ Trancendentals. CCAT26.ZIP 23K 0000 Compares to Catalog Files, w/ Docs, Pascal Src. CDROM.ZIP 3K 0000 C¢digo fuente en Borland Pascal 7.0 de u CONSOLE.ZIP 17K 0000 MS Pascal Console Routines, Input Editing & Docs CONVERT.ZIP 7K 0000 Conv TP 2.00B Chain Fls into Callable COM Files CRFPRN.ZIP 3K 0000 Print X-Ref Data Files from PCRF.PAS. CSYS14.ZIP 46K 0000 CompSys 1.4, the LiveSystems ObjectOrientated toolbox for using compressed files. Full source, easy to extend. Already used in a number of released programs! CURREDIT.ZIP 6K 0000 CurrEdit - is a Pascal unit for providing a currency edit field. When users leave the field, the number is automatically reformatted to display in the form of dollars and cents. You can left, center, or right-justify the field and also specify the display format. Description Copyright 1995 PsL DATEEDIT.ZIP 22K 0001 Date Edit Control - is a date edit control with a drop down calendar. Description Copyright 1995 PsL DATES_DK.ZIP 118K 0000 A Date With Pascal - is a set of TurboVision Pascal routines for entering dates or viewing calendars within programs. Description Copyright 1994 PsL DIZZY101.ZIP 11K 0001 Reformateador de ficheros File_ID.DIZ v1.01, c/fuente en Pascal. EBPICK.ZIP 95K 0000 EBPick - is a Pascal demonstration which allows you to choose Chinese characters to be displayed in TEGL instead of english. Description Copyright 1995 PsL GR3D.ZIP 23K 0000 GR3D es un grupo de unidades de gr ficos en 3D. GRAPH3D1.ZIP 9K 0000 Graph3D 1.0 by Scott Stone Basically it lets you do all the necessary 3D transforms on points - rotating and translating. The Demo program also shows you how to implement this, and also how to GRR.ZIP 11K 0001 Visualizador de GIFs v1.00, c/fuente en Pascal. HINTS_BK.ZIP 24K 0000 Extended Toolbar Buttons - is set of Pascal source files for creating toolbars with multi-class button styles and tool tips. Description Copyright 1995 PsL INTOOL.ZIP 4K 0000 MS Pascal Routines Avoids Data Format Error. IOSTUFF.ZIP 49K 0000 PC Pascal Low Level thru ROM Disk Sec Mod KRTOOL.ZIP 56K 0001 V1.9.E Kernighan's Software Tools for Pascal LXTW106.ZIP 278K 0000 Conjunto de utilidades que le permite ge LZW4P13.ZIP 26K 0001 LZW Data Compression Library for Pascal 1.3 libreria de compresion de datos para TP. MAG.ZIP 168K 0000 Mag - is TP6 code for a working magazine database program for the benefit of programmers still trying to figure out Turbo Vision. MATH3871.ZIP 77K 0000 MATH387 v1.0 is a Turbo/Borland Pascal unit for use on 386 machines with a 387 math co-processor or 486DX/Pentium. MATH387 enhances the use of Turbo Pascal for scientific work by implementing inline code for the sin, METRIC.ZIP 31K 0000 Measures complexity of PASCAL programs MTKIT10.ZIP 86K 0000 TURBO TPU TOOLKIT! v1.0 TPU based toolkit of math functions such as inverse trigonometric, hyperbolic and other functions. Accuracy to 19 significant figures. For use with Turbo Pascal 5.5+ compilers. Functions plug in where the programmer wants them. Comes with sample programs. Manuals available upon registration. MWCC01.ZIP 47K 0001 Libreria de control de ventanas para Borland Pascal 7.0 y TPW 1.0/1.5. 2/2. PARAMS.ZIP 19K 0000 Params and CmdLine - is a set of Pascal units. They provide consistent methods for interpreting the DOS command line, permit single and double-letter function codes, expand wild-card specs, detect syntax errors, and more. A program is also included which allows you to write parameter strings into your program EXE files. Description Copyright 1995 PsL PAS2C.ZIP 194K 0005 Any Pascal to C Conversion Routine Version 1.51 PASFONE.ZIP 5K 0000 This Turbo Pascal unit accepts user input to dial Hayes compatible modems. The phone number may be numeric or alpha (acronyms) or a mix of both. Bios interrupt $14 is used to send characters to the serial port. The interrupt will return information in register ah, and al if your interested in checking them. A good bios services reference will contain the return codes This unit should work on IBM pc's and compatibles. Renaissance Software freeware. BBS (407) 894-6203 PASNAV22.ZIP 161K 0000 PASCAL NAVIGATOR v2.2 - Tools for DOS This toolset is a must for serious Pascal developers. Combines a source reformatter, editor and source code walker. Now you can read the code you downloaded. Want to know where an identifier is defined? Place the cursor on it and press Alt-D. It follows the same path the compiler does, with backtrack. Select any compound statement with a single keystroke. ShareWare, 500 line limit. PAS_0793.ZIP 111K 0002 Snippets de Fidonet Pascal Echo (Julio 1993) PAS_ENG.ZIP 61K 0001 Common use PASCAL for engineers PGRV10.ZIP 144K 0000 Surtida librer¡a de rutinas gr ficas par PICSCR.ZIP 14K 0001 PicScr - is a set of functions to save screens in PCX, BMP and TIFF files. It supports only VGA 640x480X16 images. Description Copyright 1995 PsL PKPAS1.ZIP 34K 0000 PKWareU 1.0a unidad para ver ZIPs, de PKWare. Te permite acceder a campos dentro de ficheros ZIP. c/fuente en Pascal. PPL4P10.ZIP 78K 0000 NAME: Personal Protocol Library for Pascal KEYS: ASCII XMODEM YMODEM ZMODEM LIBRARY FILE: PPL4P10.ZIP VER: 1.0 DATE: Jan 95 REG$: MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. --- $40.00 DSCR: PPL4P is a protocol library supports ASCII, XMODEM, XMODEM-CRC, XMODEM-1K, YMODEM, YMODEM-G, and ZMODEM protocols. Requires the Personal Communications Library for Pascal (PCL4P) . PROT024S.ZIP 172K 0001 Arreglo para las unidades de Turbo Pascal 5,5.5,6.0 y 7.0 para los protocolos X/Y/Zmodem y Sealink. PSSTR108.ZIP 17K 0000 Conjunto de unidad para Turbo Pascal que PSVSR100.ZIP 5K 0000 Unidad para Turbo Pascal que le permite PT01.ZIP 117K 0001 PASCAL programming tools, 1 of 3 PT02.ZIP 122K 0001 PASCAL programming tools, 2 of 3 PT03.ZIP 87K 0001 PASCAL programming tools, 3 of 3 PTOC.ZIP 100K 0003 Pascal to C conversion program PTRP10.ZIP 84K 0000 Interprete de lenguaje Pascal que le per QP_PAINT.ARC 31K 0000 OOP paint program source in QuickPascal SCANH326.ZIP 91K 0000 Utilidad que le ayuda a crear ficheros H STRA.ZIP 39K 0000 TP7 String Array on Heap - is a heap-based string array which functions as a memory equivalent of a DOS text file. It includes methods for loading, saving, sorting, storing, fetching and searching. It can handle up to 16,380 lines of TurboPascal strings. Description Copyright 1995 PsL STREAM15.ZIP 74K 0000 Muchos tipos de Streams STREAM16.ZIP 69K 0001 C¢digo fuente en Pascal para comprimir f SUNCOM.ZIP 91K 0000 Terminal TASKER.ARJ 5K 0001 Simula multitarea en TURBO PASCAL TASKER4.ZIP 6K 0001 Multitarea Turbo Pascal 4.0 TBTREE.ZIP 83K 0001 Datos e ¡ndices TEDCALC.ARJ 16K 0000 Calculadora residente - Pascal TEF11.ARJ 10K 0000 Ejecuta una orden a una hora - Pascal TESTDR.ZIP 2K 0000 Test Drive Function - is a Pascal function which returns the drive type of the selected disk. It works under DOS and Windows. Description Copyright 1995 PsL TICONDES.ZIP 73K 0000 Editor de iconos (pascal) TP-TOOLS.ZIP 29K 0000 Conjunto de unidad en Pascal que le perm TP-TSR.ARJ 27K 0002 P  hacer residentes en PASCAL TP4GIF.ARJ 43K 0000 Fuentes tp4 para GIF TPAPI.ZIP 353K 0001 Turbo Pascal API para la Novell Netware v1.50 Soporta REAL, DPMI, WINDOWS TPAPI es una libreria de APIs de Netware para usar con el Pascal. TPAS2MSC.ARC 150K 0001 Convert Turbo Pascal to MS C TPASBOOK.ARJ 80K 0001 Libro sobre Turbo Pascal (programas) TPC14.ARC 39K 0000 Turbo Pascal to C translator TPCFG121.ZIP 12K 0000 TPConfig: A TPU (Turbo Pascal compiled Unit) for TP 6.0 or 7.0 that allows you to write programs that can save a default configuration inside the EXE file. It can also be used to work with external configuration files that require different kinds of records to be stored in them (eg., a file that keeps phone lists of one record type and phone call logs of a second record type). FREEWARE. TPDEV.ZIP 7K 0000 Dispositivo en Turbo Pascal TPENV.ZIP 11K 0001 Para manipular el entorno TPHYD100.ZIP 30K 0000 TP-Hydra 1.00, con fuentes en Turbo Pascal 6.0 TPMATH.ZIP 12K 0000 funciones matem ticas en PASCAL TPPCX.ZIP 44K 0000 PCX en Turbo Pascal TPRCDR10.ZIP 59K 0000 Conjunto de unidades en Turbo Pascal par TPREBOOT.ZIP 2K 0000 Unidad para Turbo Pascal que le permite TPSHARE4.ARJ 11K 0001 Manejo de ficheros compartidos (share) TPSHARE5.ARJ 9K 0001 Manejo de ficheros compartidos (share) TPSPEECH.ZIP 17K 0000 Speech Sounding Routine in BIN File TP_DMX20.ZIP 35K 0001 Entradas de datos TREKKER.ARJ 10K 0000 jueguecillo TUGU10.ZIP 88K 0000 Unidad para Turbo Pascal que consiste en TVGAS.ZIP 45K 0000 Utilidad que le permite crear y editar s TVTOYS15.ZIP 100K 0000 TVToys - is a collectin of TP7.0 routines. UNITRE12.ZIP 14K 0001 dibuja el  rbol de dependencias de TPU's UNIXTIME.ZIP 19K 0000 UnixTime - is a Pascal unit which implements a few routines for converting between Unix time values and Borland/Turbo Pascal DateTime records. Description Copyright 1995 PsL UNTDRIVE.ZIP 11K 0001 Unit Drives - contains BP 7.0 source code for a Unit that allows detection of drive types, retrieval of disk serial numbers and netshare names etc. under DOS and Windows. Description Copyright 1995 PsL VALZAH.ZIP 55K 0002 Bob Van Valzah's PASCAL compiler VISPAS.ZIP 102K 0003 Public Domain Visible Pascal Compiler. WNDW70.ZIP 120K 0000 WNDW-Multi-level Virtual Windows 7.0c es un grupo de utilidades de ventanas para TP 5.0 ZAP.ARJ 5K 0000 Borrado recursivo de directorios ZIP2OBJ.ARJ 40K 0000 Pasa .ZIP a .OBJ TBASE601.ZIP 42K 0000 TP6.0 OOP unit for accessing DBF files, v1.1 TRIDV308.ZIP 138K 0000 þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ þ Triumph Software's TriDoor v3.08 þ þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ Create on-line doors quickly and easily in Borland Turbo Pascal 5.5, 6.0 and 7.0. Full communications support, easily adapted for use with any BBS door support file, built-in support for PCBOARD.SYS, DORINFO1.DEF, DOOR.SYS and CHAIN.TXT. Many nice built-in features such as statusbar, chat-mode and complete user time handling routines. This is the BEST software of it's kind available on the market today! GRAVIS7B.ZIP 355K 0001 Graphic User Interface for Turbo Pascal 7.0 CRTOLF.ZIP 3K 0002 Programita en Pascal para transformar ficheros de texto con saltos CR a saltos CR/LF