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It is designed to take advantage of whatever enhanced video, sound, and input capabilities (such as DirectX or VESA VBE video modes) are present QUAKE101.ARJ 999K 0000 Quake 1.01 Shareware... QUAKE101.A01 999K 0000 QUAKE101.A02 999K 0000 QUAKE101.A03 999K 0000 QUAKE101.A04 999K 0000 QUAKE101.A05 999K 0000 QUAKE101.A06 999K 0000 QUAKE101.A07 999K 0000 QUAKE101.A08 832K 0000 DRONE01.ZIP 144K 0001 [QUAKE] Drone v01. Un z ngano robotizado que volar  en l¡nea recta rebotando por las paredes hasta encontrar un objetivo. Cuando lo encuentre disparar  un potente l ser. La vida de este singular personajes es de tan s¢lo 20 segundo de vida, aunque tambi‚n puede ser destru¡do si colisiona con una pared mientras est  atacando a un monstruo. Para Quake. 1GRENADE.ZIP 196K 0002 [QUAKE]* Grenades v0.9, Massive Carnage Industries. Si est s cansado de las cl sicas granadas de Quake, prueba este m¢dulo. Dispondr s de hasta 16 tipos distintos de munici¢n: la normal, granada con disparos de bala, multi-explosi¢n, bazooka, saltarina, de contacto, vamp¡rica, recarga de munici¢n, recarga de salud, de radio, anti-armadura, misiles autoguiados, luminosa, c mara... En fin, un repertorio digno de cualquier especialista. QUESS12.ZIP 1201K 0000 Ajedrez de batalla para QUAKE HEROE.ARJ 384K 0000 Utilidad para el Quake. pone monstruos nuevos. QMDEMFAQ.RAR 31K 0005 Faq sobre partidas al Quake via modem CUJO.RAR 521K 0003 Cujo 1.2 , la ultima version de este Addon para Quake. Consiste en un Perro que muerde a los que se metan con su amo (Tu). Puedes desactivarlo , ver desddesd punto de vista , etc.Upload by Hermano Doomero FVF16.RAR 545K 0007 Fantasy Vs Future Quake. Uno de los mejores parches en QuakeC para el Quake , a¤ade diferentes tipos de pepersonajes Clerigo , Ninja , Guerrero , Mago , Soldado de Quake , Androide , CybQuak...Recomendado. Upload by Hermano Doomero 3DS2MAP.ZIP 66K 0004 3Dstudio to Quake Map converter V .03 ULTQMIN.ZIP 525K 0004 [QUAKE] Ultimate Quake, Michael Gummelt. M¢dulos para Quake. ZEUS10.ZIP 271K 0002 Modulo de Quake C para quake, lleva a través de tu aventura un ayudante muy especial QSBETA2.RAR 154K 0000 pa jugar al futbol en el Quake. El juego de la UPS, EXpedientes X X-)) EXP-X.RAR 713K 0002 El juego de la Ups, EXPEDIENTE-X (1/5) EXP-X.R00 713K 0000 El juego de la Ups, EXPEDIENTE-X (2/5) EXP-X.R01 713K 0002 (3/5) EXP-X.R02 713K 0001 (4/5) EXP-X.R03 387K 0000 (5/5) ±±±±±±±±±Ü ±±±±±±±±±±Ü ßßßßßß±±Û ±±Ûßßßß±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±±±±±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ßßßß±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±±±±±±±±±Ü ±±±±±±±±±Û ±±±±±±±±±±Û ±±±±±±±±Ü ±±Ûßßßß±±Û ßßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßßß ±±Ûßßß±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±±±±±Ü ±±±±±±Ü ±±Ü ±±±±±±±±Ü ±±Û ßß ±±±±±±±±±Û ±±Ûßßßß ±±Ûß±±Û ±±Û ±±Û±±Û±±Û ±±±±±±±±Ü ±±Ûßß±±Ûßß ±±±±Ü ±±±±±±Û ±±Û ±±Û±±Û±±Û ßßßß±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Ûßß ±±Ûß±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ßß±±Û ±±Ü ±±Û ±±±±Û ±±±±Û ±±±±±±Ü ±±Û ±±Û ±±±±±±Ü ±±Û ±±Û ±±±±±±±±Û ßßßß ßßßß ßßßßßß ßß ßß ßßßßßß ßß ßß ßßßßßßßß (tm) Ûßßß ÛßÛ Û ßßÛßß Ûßßß ÛßßÛ ßßÛßß ÛßßÛ ßÛß ÛßÛ Û ÛßÛßÛ Ûßßß ÛßÛ Û ßßÛßß Ûß Û Û Û Û Ûß ÛßÛß Û ÛßßÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Ûß Û Û Û Û ßßßß ß ßßß ß ßßßß ß ßß ß ß ß ßßß ß ßßß ß ß ß ßßßß ß ßßß ß Reality is our game. (tm) _____ _ _ _ _ ____ _____ | __ \ | | | \ | | | | |___ \| __ \ | | | |_ _| | _____ | \| |_ _| | _____ _ __ ___ __) | | | | | | | | | | | |/ / _ \ | . ` | | | | |/ / _ \ '_ ` _ \ |__ <| | | | | |__| | |_| | < __/ | |\ | |_| | < __/ | | | | | ___) | |__| | |_____/ \__,_|_|\_\___| |_| \_|\__,_|_|\_\___|_| |_| |_| |____/|_____/ 3DDUKE-A.ZIP 1071K 0020 GUAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU QUE PASADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DIRECTAMENTE BAJADA DE INTERNET PARA EL TEMPLO!!!!!!!!! :-))))))))) ****** SIMPLEMENTE BESTIAL ******* EDISON'S TEMPLE BBS - +34-1-5510065 °±²Û - DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.0 -- Shareware - Û²±° °±²Û --- by 3D Realms Entertainment --- Û²±° Part #1 of 4. Also needs 3DDUKE-B, C ,D.ZIP. "It makes every PC game we've seen, DOOM included, look dull. Honestly!" Ä PC Gamer. Duke blows away everything you know about 3D action games. Blow thru walls, jetpack over buildings, fight underwater--all in a truly interactive game like you have *never* seen. Supports SVGA modes, multiplay, most game contollers. Music by Bobby (DOOM) Prince. 3DDUKE-B.ZIP 1424K 0015 °±²Û - DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.0 -- Shareware - Û²±° Part #2 of 4. Also needs 3DDUKE-A, C ,D.ZIP. 3DDUKE-C.ZIP 1423K 0017 °±²Û - DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.0 -- Shareware - Û²±° Part #3 of 4. Also needs 3DDUKE-A, B ,D.ZIP. 3DDUKE-D.ZIP 1421K 0016 °±²Û - DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.0 -- Shareware - Û²±° Part #4 of 4. Also needs 3DDUKE-A, B ,C.ZIP. DN3D11PT.ZIP 603K 0018 °± DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.1 Patch from 3D Realms ±° This patch will update your shareware copy of Duke Nukem 3D v1.0 to v1.1. This game patch requires that you have your copy of v1.0 installed before use. From 3D Realms. PENTDUKE.A01 631K 0001 Nivel Penthouse del Duke Nukem (2 de 2) PENTDUKE.ARJ 1421K 0001 Nivel Penthouse del Duke Nukem (1 de 2) DUKE13DR.ZIP 33K 0000 This file has the default CON files for Duke Nukem 3D v1.3d REGISTERED. If you've edited your con files and didn't make backups you can use these files instead of having to reinstall the entire game. From 3D Realms. These files contain no modifications. DUKE13DS.ZIP 33K 0002 This file has the default CON files for Duke Nukem 3D v1.3d SHAREWARE. If you've edited your con files and didn't make backups you can use these files instead of having to reinstall the entire game. From 3D Realms. These files contain no modifications. DUKEFAQ.HTM 44K 0005 Faq sobre el DUKENUKE. Formato HTML D3DLVEDT.ZIP 510K 0016 DUKE NUKE 3D. LEVEL EDITOR!!! ASSASSIN.RAR 9K 0007 DUKE NUKEM 3D: - This is a new user.con file. The changes include: A cool silencer sound for the pistol and chaingun, *REASONABLE* hit point amounts for enimies, pig cops can now be killed with 1 clip with the pistol, or 1 blast with the shotgun, and LOADS of text changes. DUKEDEF.ZIP 677K 0011 La recopilaci¢n definitiva de utilidades para el Duke Nukem 3D. Usa nuevas armas, consigue resoluciones de hasta 1280 * 1024, m s gore que nunca, editor de Remote RIdicule, y mucho m s...Kicked into by Dark Sensei DUKE3D~1.ZIP 1270K 0006 _____ __ ______ _____ __ _____ / \/ | |__| | / _ \ / _ _ | _ |__| | | | \_ _/ / | | | || | \ / - \ \__|_|__/\____/ |__|___|\___\_____/ ----------------------------------- Duke Nukem 3D Full Level and Wad Editor plus Extras [o1/o1] ----------------------------------- DUKE30.ZIP 136K 0007 Duke Nukem 3D Cheat Codes and Secrets in Word 6.0 format. BATDUKE.ZIP 406K 0003 REMOTE RIDICULE INSULTS FOR DUKE NUKEM 3D! IF YOU'RE A BATMAN FAN OR A DUKE NUKEM FAN THEN YOU *GOTTA* GET THIS FILE! INSULTS COME FROM THE MOVIE BATMAN FOREVER!!!!!!!! WAD2MAP.ARJ 364K 0003 Wad 2 map converter... para el DukeNukem 3D DUKERES.ZIP 39K 0006 Duke Nukem 3D - Resolution Changer v1.2. This program allows you to run Duke Nukem 3D Shareware v1.3d in any resolution you want to as long as your video card and monitor can support it. This program is freeware. SHRINK.ZIP 30K 0012 UTILIZA EL ARMA SHRINK CON la version NO- registrada!!!:-ooo DN3DGORE.ZIP 14K 0025 A¥ADE GORE A LO BESTIA AL DUKE NUKE! TRIPBOMB.ZIP 30K 0016 Y tambien utiliza la TRIPBOMB con la No-Registrada! :-) Mapas para el DUKENUKE! ======================= 1TRC.ZIP 29K 0004 Duke Nukem 3D: The research center (Single Player, DukeMatch) 2STORY.ZIP 13K 0003 ta aqu¡! ACG2.ZIP 8K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D - new level AIRMOBIL.ZIP 5K 0004 y max... ANGEL1.ZIP 30K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D: ArchAngel's Dukematch 1 AQUAVER3.ZIP 18K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D - new level ARENA.ZIP 5K 0005 ARENA2.ZIP 13K 0002 ASSAULT.ZIP 9K 0003 Duke Nukem 3D - new level BAR2.ZIP 10K 0003 Duke Nukem 3D - new level BIGCITY.ZIP 35K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: new DukeMatch level BLOCK.ZIP 32K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D: block.map (Dukematch) BLOCKWAR.ZIP 26K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level BOOGY.ZIP 32K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D: Boogyman (Dukematch) BRAD&CO3.ZIP 57K 0003 Duke Nukem 3D: Brad & Co. 3 (DukeMatch) BUNKER.ZIP 13K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D - new level BUNKER2.ZIP 3K 0004 BVARKMAP.ZIP 11K 0003 CAFE.ZIP 8K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D - new level CHEKRBRD.ZIP 10K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D - new level CHURCH.ZIP 26K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D - new level CITY.ZIP 13K 0003 CLUB.ZIP 4K 0003 CONCERT2.ZIP 57K 0003 Duke Nukem 3D: CONCERT ARENA. (Dukematch) CONGO4.ZIP 4K 0002 CORPRATE.ZIP 3K 0002 D3DARENA.ZIP 11K 0003 D3DRILL.ZIP 6K 0004 Dukematch for Duke3d By Driller. DAN2.ZIP 10K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level DANZIG01.ZIP 15K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level DANZIG03.ZIP 13K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level DBLSPACE.ZIP 33K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: Double Space (Single Player, Dukematch) DEMOLISH.ZIP 18K 0000 DEVMAP5.ZIP 9K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level DEVMAP7.ZIP 10K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level DHOUSE.ZIP 20K 0002 DMDUKE1.ZIP 7K 0001 DOME.ZIP 8K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level DOOM2.ZIP 5K 0001 DOOMED.ZIP 92K 0001 max... DOOMTOO.ZIP 31K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: doomtoo.map DOWNTWN.ZIP 30K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level DRKMAPS.ZIP 3K 0001 DUKEFEST.ZIP 11K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level DUKHOUSE.ZIP 27K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level E1L1.ZIP 38K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D - new level E1L1WEAP.ZIP 38K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D - new level ECLIPSE.ZIP 43K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Eclipse (Single Player) FFEST96.ZIP 18K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level FLANOR.ZIP 17K 0001 FLASH01.ZIP 14K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level FOD2.ZIP 23K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level FRAGCITY.ZIP 12K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level FUNHOUSE.ZIP 11K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level GEO1.ZIP 12K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level GRANTED.ZIP 27K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: GRANTED (DukeMatch) HANGAR.ZIP 15K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level HANGAR1.ZIP 9K 0001 HARM1.ZIP 21K 0001 HOCKEY.ZIP 3K 0001 HORROR.ZIP 32K 0003 Duke Nukem 3D: Horror (Single Player, Cooperative, Dukematch) HOTEL.ZIP 31K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level HOTEL3.ZIP 10K 0002 HUGE2.ZIP 23K 0003 MAX... HUGEMAP.ZIP 13K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level INVADERS.ZIP 58K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D: Invaders (single player, Co-Op, dukematch) ISLAND1.ZIP 23K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level JEFF1.ZIP 10K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level JEFF2.ZIP 9K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level JENN-APT.ZIP 20K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level KICKASS2.ZIP 2K 0002 KILLER.ZIP 20K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level KILLERST.ZIP 26K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: KillerSt.map (Single Player) KRAVEN3.ZIP 70K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D: The Dukes happy Holiday Version 3.0 (Single Player, Cooperative) LBDWANGO.ZIP 19K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level LE_ROCK.ZIP 15K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level LIFTS.ZIP 8K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level LOYCO.ZIP 26K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Loyco (DukeMatch) LUNAR1.ZIP 7K 0002 LUNAR2.ZIP 16K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level MANCER01.ZIP 8K 0003 MaNCeR01.MAP This level is very fast paced. Two players never really slows down but at times it will.. I think I'm gonna recommend 2 - 4 players. No more than 4 or the level will become a total war zone! -=-=-=MaNCeR=-=-=- MANGLER.ZIP 2K 0003 MARTIN.ZIP 10K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level MIX.ZIP 45K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Mix's Masterful Massacre (Single Player, Dukematch) MLTISTEP.ZIP 10K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level MOONBAS1.ZIP 24K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - new level NAIL.ZIP 23K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level NAILED.ZIP 28K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level NIGHT1.ZIP 2K 0001 OASIS.ZIP 39K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: new level PANIC.ZIP 16K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level PDUKE1.ZIP 29K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: Purple Duke 1 (Dukematch) PRISONR.ZIP 49K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: The Prisoner (Single Player) QTEST2DN.ZIP 76K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: Based on level 1 of QTEST1 QYVCARS.ZIP 31K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: Qyv Cars (DukeMatch) RANDO.ZIP 20K 0002 RANDO2.ZIP 27K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level ROADKILL.ZIP 76K 0000 ROBOT.ZIP 5K 0001 ROSS1B5.ZIP 6K 0001 RUNNGUN.ZIP 9K 0001 m s... SCHOOL.ZIP 29K 0005 SCUMCITY.ZIP 62K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: SCUMCITY.MAP (Single Player, DukeMatch) SE7EN04.ZIP 20K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level SHDWDUKE.ZIP 4K 0001 SHRED.ZIP 13K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: Dukematchlevel SIEGE2.ZIP 5K 0002 SLUTS.ZIP 11K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level SONGTONG.ZIP 32K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: songtong (DukeMatch) SUBWAY.ZIP 7K 0003 SUPRCOMP.ZIP 17K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - new level TELELAND.ZIP 4K 0001 THEBASE.ZIP 109K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: The_Base.map (Single Player) TORTURE.ZIP 27K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Torture chamber (DukeMatch) TRAIN.ZIP 5K 0005 m s niveless... WATER7.ZIP 16K 0005 Nivel nuevo para el Duke3d. Upload by Drake WATERONE.ZIP 7K 0004 Nivel nuevo para el Duke3d. Upload by Drake WATERWAY.ZIP 9K 0004 Nivel nuevo para el Duke3d. Upload by Drake WESTERN.ZIP 42K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: Western Gunfight (Dukematch) WHORE03.ZIP 4K 0006 Nivel nuevo para el Duke3d. Upload by Drake YEP.ZIP 6K 0006 Nivel nuevo para el Duke3d. Upload by Drake _BOOM!_.ZIP 30K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: {BOOM!} (Single Player) DN3DTIPS.ZIP 18K 0003 * DUKE NUKEM 3D Cheats & Tips version 2.0 * DN3D-AWP.ZIP 13K 0001 AiR ON-Line Software presents ÄÄÄÄÄ ÜÜÜ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ .³ ÜÛÛß Duke Nukem 3D - All Weapons ³ . ÜÛÛß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÜÛÛÛÜÜÛÛÛÜ Here are just 4 .APs to use ßÛÛÛßßÜÛÛß with AiR-Patch v1.250+. . ÜÛÛÝ - you can have a look on .³ ÜÛÛÛ the reg. weapons .³ ÜÛÛÛÝ - It's just 8 Kbytes !!! . ÜÛÛÛÛ - IT IS WORKING !!! .ßÛÛÛÛÝ 10.04.1996 -mk- ÄÄ ßß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SUPERDMO.ZIP 37K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D - "Super Secret for 1.3D" Demo FREEZE.ZIP 32K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - This is a patch for version 1.3D of DUKE NUKEM 3D. It changes the RPG into a freezethrower STRIPCON.ZIP 32K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D - "Stripper Healing" patch. This patch for DUKE NUKEM 3D Shareware v1.3d makes the strippers heal you whenever you dance with them. NEWMON.ZIP 22K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D - This is a patch that gives you two new monsters, and a surprise. The first is a bit like the Drone in the registered game; whenever you kill an Octobrain it comes after you and explodes when near. The second is a killer leg. Yes a leg. But watch out, as it takes off 40% of your energy! The surprise is for you to discover. ABYSDEMO.ZIP 39K 0000 A recorded game for Duke Nukem 3D of the 5th level - the Abyss. 4BUILD.ZIP 14K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: 4 Buildings of Destruction (DukeMatch) AADYWARZ.ZIP 12K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Ady Wars - Duke's country shack (Single Player) AARENA7.ZIP 15K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: Alien Arena 7 (DukeMatch) AQUA1.ZIP 40K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Aqua (Single Player; DukeMatch) BABARENA.ZIP 12K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D: - BABARENA.MAP Babe Arena - DukeMatch edition Great DukeMatch level for 2-8 players. This level will offer you: * some very good places to hide ú * lots of ammo (you will need it!) ú * many babez & hot videos The dukers will meet in a large arena in the middle of the map. There are some nifty tools and nasty traps waiting for you! Check it out! BADMAFA.ZIP 21K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Sniper BANG.ZIP 10K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: BANG! (DukeMatch) BARTMAP3.ZIP 13K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: new DukeMatch level BRAWL.ZIP 15K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: The Dukematch Brawl (Dukematch) BUNKER10.ZIP 14K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Bunker - Deathmatch map. CANYONXL.ZIP 11K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Canyon XL. Perfect for modem Dukematches. CASTLE.ZIP 20K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Castle (DukeMatch) CASTLE2.ZIP 18K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Castle (DukeMatch) CONCERT.ZIP 11K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Concert Hall (single/multi) DANZIG02.ZIP 14K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: DANZIG LEVEL 02. DANZIG06.ZIP 13K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: "DANZIG LEVEL 06" (DukeMatch) DANZIG09.ZIP 17K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: DANZIG LEVEL 09 DETHTINY.ZIP 14K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: Dukematchlevel DFACTORY.ZIP 18K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: The Death Factory. DN3DSEC1.ZIP 10K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D Secret Places List v1.1 DUKEFES2.ZIP 12K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: Dukefest V1.1 (DukeMatch) FIRE_PIT.ZIP 12K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: FIRE_PIT.MAP (Dukematch) GOTME.ZIP 11K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Ya got me lad (Dukematch) GURKA.ZIP 10K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Gurka??? (DukeMatch) HARDCR1.ZIP 12K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D: HARDCORE 1 (DukeMatch) HECK.ZIP 22K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Heck.map (Dukematch) J1.ZIP 14K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: J1.map (Single Player) J2.ZIP 14K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: J2-a.map (Single Player) JL-DMA01.ZIP 9K 0002 Duke Nukem 3D: DeathMatch Arena #01 (Co-Op, DukeMatch) JL-SPACE.ZIP 19K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: DeathMatch Space Arena (Co-Op, DukeMatch) KICKBOX.ZIP 10K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Kick Boxing Arena (DukeMatch) KILO14.ZIP 13K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Dukematch Level KOP_P.ZIP 21K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Keep on runnin' (DukeMatch) KRAVEN.ZIP 44K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: The Dukes happy Holliday 2.0 (Single Player) MAZE.ZIP 11K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Maze (DukeMatch) MICDM20.ZIP 14K 0001 Duke NUkem 3D: Micha‰l's DM Level 2 OBLIVION.ZIP 12K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: Oblivion (DukeMatch) PIT.ZIP 13K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: The Pit (DukeMatch) PITWARS1.ZIP 9K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: The Pit Wars: Part I (DukeMatch) SACTOWN.ZIP 18K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: SAC (Special Activity Camp) Complex and town. SHROOM.ZIP 13K 0000 Duke NUkem 3D: shroom.map (DukeMatch) STAIRS.ZIP 12K 0000 Duke Nukem 3D: Stairs (DukeMatch) SUBCITY.ZIP 34K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: SubCity SUBWAY66.ZIP 19K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: Subway 66 (DukeMatch) TUNNEL.ZIP 27K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: TUNNELS OF FIGHT (Dukematch) ULTIMA1.ZIP 11K 0001 Duke Nukem 3D: new level Add-Ons para el HERETIC ======================= DOOMCAD6.ZIP 694K 0000 ɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻ ÉÍͺº ÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺº» ȼȼȼ¼È¼È¼È¼È¼È¼È¼È¼È¼È¼È¼È¼È¼È¼È¼ DOOMCAD 6.0 THE state of the art Doom/Heretic level creation system ɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻɻ ÉÍͺºÍÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺºÍͺº» ȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼȼ C_O_C_6.ZIP 128K 0001 CASTLE OF COMBAT for HERETIC (registered version only) - Level 6 (E1M6). This is level 6 of a ? level adventure originally designed as an AD&D game. This level is a composition of 3 mazes with lots of action facing you at every wrong, (or right), turn. :-) Look for the other levels coming soon. C_O_C__2.ZIP 56K 0001 CASTLE OF COMBAT for HERETIC (registered version only) - Level 1 (E1M1). This is level 2 of a 5 level adventure originally designed as an AD&D game. Look for the other levels coming soon. C_O_C_7.ZIP 70K 0001 CASTLE OF COMBAT for HERETIC (registered version only) - Level 7 (E1M7). This is level 6 of a ? level adventure originally designed as an AD&D game. Turn out the lights and figure out the path of least resistance! ) Look for more levels coming soon. C_O_C_9.ZIP 78K 0001 CASTLE OF COMBAT for HERETIC (registered version only) - Level 7 (E1M7). This is the secret level (9) of what will soon be a complete episode based on an AD&D Role Playing Adventure game. Look for the last level (E1M8) coming soon. NKDMHER.ZIP 20K 0000 Heretic: - Niklata's Deathmatch. An arena- style DM level designed for a high fpm (frag-per-minute) rate and with tons of (fair) items and a fair distribution of weapons. HER_HELL.ZIP 113K 0000 Three wonderfully challenging levels for Heretic game by ID. Para el QUAKE! ============== NYE.ZIP 393K 0003 Nivel para el Quake con bishos :)' XPAK036.ZIP 33K 0005 Para empaquetar/desempaquetar modulos del Quake, es necesario para a¤adir niveles con bichos. NYE3.ZIP 251K 0004 Nivel para el Quake con bichos :) Utiles para el DEscent 2 ======================== DMAGNUM4.ZIP 56K 0000 Ú-----------------------------------------------¿ ³ A NEW add-on mission for registered Descent ³ ³ÛÛ²²²²±±±±±±±±°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°±±±±±±±±²²²²ÛÛ³ ³ Magnum Four v 1.0 ³ ³ Magnum Outpost Four is the frotholing site of ³ ³ the all of the hot plate production in the ³ ³ sector. The invasion must be stopped here, and³ ³ none must get away with any of the hot plates,³ ³ or things may become VERY grim. Destroy all, ³ ³ or suffer be the result! Appropriate for ³ ³ individual, Anarchy, or co-op play. Careful ³ ³ design and fully multiplayer supported & ³ ³ tested. ³ ³ÛÛ²²²²±±±±±±±±°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°±±±±±±±±²²²²ÛÛ³ ³ Created By Brett Russell ³ ³ (brussel@icgroup.net) ³ ³ http://icgroup.net/~brussel ³ À-----------------------------------------------Ù DSBALLS1.ZIP 26K 0000 Balls1 small level for Descent game good for multi player play. PANIC03.ZIP 27K 0000 D2ÿ:-ÿPanicÿLevelÿ03ÿ-ÿMultiplayer-Levelÿÿÿÿÿ releasedÿbyÿParallaxÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ FAKE_D2G.ZIP 9K 0003 FAKED2ÿ-ÿBugfixÿforÿCD-ROM-problemsÿwithÿD2ÿÿ PANIC01.ZIP 25K 0000 D2ÿ:-ÿPanic-levelÿNr.1ÿ-ÿMultiplayer-Levelÿÿÿ releasedÿbyÿParallaxÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ GOLLUM10.ZIP 31K 0001 D2ÿ-ÿNewÿSingleÿLevelÿ:ÿGollum'sÿDungeonÿÿÿÿÿ MN2JOIN.ZIP 27K 0001 Utility combine the single-level PANIC missions for Descent II into a multi-level mission. Released by Interplay ! PANIC02.ZIP 24K 0000 D2ÿ:-ÿPanicÿ2ÿ-ÿMultiplayerÿLevelÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ releasedÿbyÿParallaxÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ CHAOS2.ZIP 123K 0001 D2:ÿChaos-LevelÿCompilationÿv0.9ÿbetaÿ!ÿÿÿÿÿÿ DESC2_K.ZIP 7K 0000 Descent 2: - more cheats VFX1D2.ZIP 25K 0000 Descent 2 VFX Update AQUA.ZIP 26K 0001 Descent 2: - Aqua Mania. One small anarchy/ flag level, NO invuls and NO earthshakers! And a good weapon ballance. D2ARENA1.ZIP 27K 0000 Descent 2: Arena 1! for Descent ][. This level was created by Bryan Duke. It's based on his Arena! for Descent (1), but has been re- textured & outfitted for Descent ][. HPARADOX.ZIP 53K 0001 Descent 2: Dr Hack's PARADOX eXTReme V1.0. PANIC05.ZIP 21K 0000 D2ÿ:-ÿPanicÿLevelÿ5ÿ-ÿMultiplayer-Levelÿÿÿÿÿÿ releasedÿbyÿParallaxÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ CRAZYMAC.ZIP 40K 0001 D2:ÿCrazyMacÿ-ÿMultiplayer-Levelÿforÿ8ÿplayer PANIC09.ZIP 23K 0000 D2ÿ:-ÿPanicÿ9ÿ-ÿMultiplayer-Levelÿreleasedÿÿÿ byÿParallaxÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ MN2JOINB.ZIP 15K 0001 D2ÿ:ÿMission-BuilderÿforÿPanic-Levelÿ-ÿbugfix PANIC04.ZIP 68K 0000 D2ÿ:ÿPanicÿLevelÿ4ÿ-ÿMultiplayerÿLevelÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ createdÿbyÿParallaxÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ PANIC06.ZIP 59K 0000 D2:ÿPanicÿLevelÿ6ÿ-ÿMultiplayer-Levelÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ releasedÿbyÿParallaxÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Algunas cosas para el Flight Simulator ====================================== ADDIT-11.ZIP 410K 0002 ADDIT! V1.1 MS FLIGHT SIM 5 ADDON MANAGER Addit! installs user created addons for Microsoft Flight Simulator 5. Addit! can safely install a wide variety of addon files including aircraft, scenery, textures, situations, videos, sounds, and panels. Addit! keeps track of everything you install so removing an addon you don't like is easy and safe. Requires FS5, 386+, 4 MB, Windows 3.x or 95. Copyright (C) 1996, Joe Stearns. CAT747.ZIP 56K 0005 FS5 Cathay Pacific 747-400 HORNET01.ZIP 145K 0002 FS5/FSFS jet-Military Gray FA-18 Hornet: a military gray version of the McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet, based on the original Blue Angels Hornet that came with FSFS. It features an improved flight model by Chuck Dome that provides much better handling and stability. All source code is provided. CENTVA1.ZIP 166K 0001 Louisa County Airport - LKU Charlottesville / Albemarle Airport - CHO, Lake Anna Airport - 7W4 Cub Field - Private.Designed utilizing Airport 1.21, SCASM 1.45 and FS 5.1 CD version. HUEYCHOP.ZIP 34K 0003 FS5/FSFS Huey UH-1c Helicopter: Please read the readme file for vertical take-off and landing. CONCORD2.ZIP 117K 0002 FS5 BAC/AEROSPATIALE CONCORDE **You must have Flight Simulator Flight Shop to use this aircraft** DIA-BLK5.ZIP 158K 0002 FS5 Denver scenery. This is most of the city area...no airports in this block. SACALC.ZIP 116K 0000 AviaCalc v1.0 calculation/convertion utility for avia engi- neers, pilot, aircraft instruments manufacturers or someone who is interested AA757.ZIP 121K 0001 AMERICAN AIRLINES 757 to fly in FS5 with Flight Shop installed. SIT.ZIP 7K 0002 This is a situation that I designed for FS5. it autcally loads good graphics, etc. instead of what the other situation at start up gives you. LEOPARD.ZIP 47K 0002 FS5 A version of British Chichester-Miles Consultants, Ltd. CMC Leopard business jet. Cosas para el Rise of the Triad =============================== OHIORTC.ZIP 11K 0000 This is an RTC Comm-Bat Level file for Rise of the Triad (ROTT) from Apogee Software. These 4 levels were designed by Joe Siegler and Tom Hall of Apogee for use in BloodFest 96. Free for registered owners of ROTT. CLAUSTRO.ZIP 51K 0001 Rott: The Claustro Levels v0.99 Beta. This is a level set for Rise of the Triad by Martin Scherer, Sean Lehan, and Britt "BREETAI" Bottoms. ENTRY.ZIP 13K 0001 Rott: 8 single-player levels TDCLEV.ZIP 9K 0000 Rott: You get three levels which should work OK at the hardest level. ROBOTECH.ZIP 9K 0000 Rott: Level created from a "U.N. SPACY" symbol, or to American's, the ROBOTECH emblem from Macross saga. MADMAN2.ZIP 24K 0001 Rott: - A cool ROTT .RTL file. My First group of Games! (14 total). PLACE.ZIP 9K 0000 Rott: 1 single-player level MEANER.ZIP 18K 0001 Rott: MEANER is a 7-level course, and hopefully lives up to its name. The first level is pretty basic, but things get better (and tougher) with each succeeding level. ROOKIE.ZIP 20K 0000 Rott: Only Death Decides. 4 new levels and one secret level with good ole General Darian. TOM.ZIP 42K 0000 Rott: 15 single-player levels WILD.ZIP 16K 0000 ROTT: 11 Combat Levels with tons of weapons for QUICK easy kills and LOADS of fun.Hope you Enjoy them as much as I did making and testing them. They are made for 2 player modem play. WAR.ZIP 12K 0000 Rott: 4 single-player levels. Aqu¡ tenemos £tiles para el VGAPLANETS ====================================== NGVGA.ZIP 87K 0003 Guia Norton para el VGAPlanets VGPINF_1.ZIP 90K 0003 Vga Planets Issue n§1 "The planeteer" magazine Revistilla para los viciosos del Vga Planets :) Cortesia del hermano jamonero VGPINF_2.ZIP 86K 0002 Vga Planets Issue n§2 "The planeteer" magazine Revistilla para los viciosos del Vga Planets :) Cortesia del hermano jamonero PLN07-8H.ZIP 611K 0001 The Planeteer.Revista del Vgaplanets. Ultimos numeros publicasdos(7 y 8) ALIENS!.ZIP 53K 0005 ADDON para VGAPlanets. A¤ade Aliens ASTRD200.ZIP 283K 0001 ADDON para VGAPLanetes, a¤ade Asteroids :-) BSIM.AIN 110K 0012 Excelente simulador de batallas para el Vga-Planets. Imprescindible si se quiere ganar ;)))))) BTLMAN.ZIP 54K 0003 -=DREADLORD=- BATTLE MANUAL CBALL24.ZIP 399K 0001 Crystal Ball Legacy 2.4 - VGA Planets Player Utility DOM1-1D.ZIP 56K 0006 Para mejorar el nivel de juego del ordenador en el Vga Planets DREADL.RAR 41K 0015 Consejillos imprescindibles para ganar en el Planets ECHOV101.ZIP 204K 0002 EchoView is a Windows player utility for VGA Planets. FHOST112.EXE 459K 0002 ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ _Fortress_ _Host_ v1.12 ³ ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͵ ³A sophisticated enhanced host³ ³for VGA Planets. Boosts game-³ ³play with many new features. ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³Advanced Fighter Missions, ³ ³Advanced Torpedo Missions, ³ ³Stargates, Core Torpedos, ³ ³Sunbuster, Supernova, Plasma ³ ³Sunscoops, Ramscoops, Death- ³ ³star Destruction Beam, Main- ³ ³tenance Ships and many new ³ ³friendly codes. ³ ³Includes FHost32, FHost/2 ³ ³FHUtil, DOS4GW and FHConfig. ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ (c) 1995 by Michael Raith ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; GTRAK301.ZIP 139K 0003 Karl Eric Beisel presents: Galactic Tracker 3.01 for VGA Planets 3.0 ------------------------------------------- Helps you plan your strategy for VGA Planets 3.0! This Windows program stores information on every ship, planet and minefield you encounter and never forgets! You can view detailed info on any ship within your viewing range with the click of the mouse, Includes supplimental score system, starmap, map printouts, minefield tracking. Now version 3.0 is more compre- hensive than ever! A must for anyone who plays VGA Planets. Registration only $5. Requires MS Windows and VBRUN300.DLL. HST32215.ZIP 163K 0002 Ultima version del host del vgaplanets, version 3.220015 HST322B.ZIP 513K 0011 Nuevo host para el vgaplanets. Nuevas opciones para el host.exey para el master.exe. Much¡simo mejor que la versi¢n antigua (la 3.00). Imprescindible para jugar al planets. H322012A.ZIP 161K 0001 This Host update requires HOST 3.2 support and data files, if you are missing the file VPH35.DLL and the other HOST support files you can not use this host until you get them. The common name for these support files are HSTSUP32.ZIP. INF24.ZIP 105K 0004 -------------------------------------- Informer 2.4 -------------------------------------- New features include: Notes for Planets, "free space" and ships, including automated waypoints. Export multiple AFSIM battles (7 slots) Improved handling of Minefield info. Starbase info (including ships on order) Search for planet or ship with partial string. Automated fuel saving using warp wells. Context sensitive "GoTo" in message reader. Support for Ion Storms, many small bug fixes, and updated docs. Colour mixer to define custom palette. Backward compatable to version 2.35 INFOLIST.6 30K 0002 This is a eight page listing of the correct shiplist, weapons specs/costs, and lots of frequently asked for formulas. JUMP21.ZIP 85K 0007 Jump Version 2.0 a Hyperjump Waypoint Calculator for VGA-Planets 3.0 MOY140.RAR 160K 0000 The Machines Of Yore is an add-on for VGA Planets that scatters machines of differing functions on planets throughout the cluster. One machine provides an unlimited source of moly, another provides a more efficient form of transportation, another destroys ships lightyears away, and there are more. ONEPLAY.ZIP 163K 0013 - ONEPLAY - v1.0 This allows a single player option for VGA Planets. Choose your player and computer players and even configure the type of scenario for the game. VGA Planets Version 3.0 is required for this program. PHOST212.ZIP 654K 0003 The Portable Host (PHOST) is intended to be a replacement for the HOST 3.2 program that is supplied with VGA Planets. VGA Planets is a play-by-emailgame for the IBM PC written by Tim Wisseman. PLANETS.RAR 870K 0006 Ú¿ Û²±° VPLRead 2.50 for VGA Planets 3.0 °±²Û ÀÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÙ Great tool for VGA Planets players, includes databases for messages, planets, starbases, ships, meteors, scores and mines. Stores information from dark-sense, super-spy, mine-sweep, sensor-sweep, meteor-messages, and exploration. The contents of the databases are shown visually on a starchart. Built-in message- editor. Shell-function, all your favourite planets-tools can be integrated in the program. PLC11.ZIP 17K 0006 VGA-Planets Counter Utility 1.1 is a utility that calculates various things in Planets, like Maximum population on planet and taxes collected.. Works under DOS, Windows, WIN '95 Author: Jaakko Set„l„ PWRAPV10.ZIP 60K 0001 PWRAP v1.0 A Wrap-Around Universe Add-On for VGA Planets RPLUS201.ZIP 296K 0002 RacePLus. ADDon para Vgaplanets SPANISH.RAR 60K 0011 Manual VGA Planets 3.0 Agosto 1.994 C diz Dominio P£blico SPHERE11.ZIP 11K 0004 Sphere is a host add-on product for VGA Planets. It will convert any VGA Planets map that adheres to the standard coordinate system (1000 to 3000) into a sphere, allowing ships that travel off one side of the map to reappear VGA-FAQ.ZIP 22K 0003 *VGA Planets - FAQ - version 14 NOV 94* CRACK02.RAR 30K 0002 Utilidad para host del Vgaplanets para averiguar las passwords de losjugadores. Es po si se le olvida a alguien la password, no pensais mal ;) VGA-HINT.ZIP 46K 0002 *VGA Planets - HINTS - version 9 NOV 94* VGAINF.ARJ 20K 0007 Todos los datos del VGAplanets resumidos en uns magn¡fica lista VGATRUC.AIN 87K 0014 Dos documentos con una recopilaci¢n de estrategias generales y particulares para cada raza del Vga-Planets... Tambi‚n es imprescindible... Est  en Ingl‚s :))))) VPA351E.RAR 203K 0003 VPA: VGA Planets Assistant 3.51e. Nice and VPUN315.ARJ 229K 0000 As of version 2.00 of VPHOST, a message transponder is included. The purpose of this transponder is to send any binary information from the host to the players, or vice versa. Typically this transponder is used to pass information from the host to the players that is not normally included in the result file format currently in use. VPUT315.ARJ 498K 0001 VPUTIL - VGA Planets support utility. (c) 1993-95 Sysma Automatisering RAZMUN.ZIP 24K 0003 Tres juegos de naves, planetas y razas alternativos para VGAPlanets. EXPLMAP.RAR 39K 0001 Segun se va viajando se van descubriendo los planetas (VGA Planets) NEW_M220.RAR 85K 0001 Crea nuevos universos en el VGA Planets PLN_PCX.RAR 10K 0001 Transforma el RESOURCE a PCX y viveversa en el VGA Planets. RESOURCE.AIN 159K 0002 Gr ficos diferentes para el VGA Planets. CHKTRN33.ZIP 57K 0000 Chequeador de turnos para el VGAP VPA351D.AIN 207K 0002 ALTSCR10.RAR 23K 0001 Utilidad para el VGAPLANETS para puntuar de otra manera m s potente. CHECK12E.RAR 21K 0000 CHECK v1.2d - CHECK is an anticheat check program for VGA Planets. It reads all available turn files and checks if the commands are legal. CHECK won't change any data. All it does is report all cheating attempts to the host. AUTO30.ZIP 48K 0003 Utilidad Vga Planets CHKTRN.ZIP 48K 0001 Utilidad Vga Planets TMM21A.ZIP 13K 0000 >>>TMM (Too Much Mines) V2.1<<< Little utility for VGA PLANETS Host V3.20 and above. Removes redundant mines detection messages. -Author: Justo Guadalix. Utilidad para Host VGA PLANETS V3.20 en adelante. Elimina mensajes redundantes de deteccion de minas. -Autor: Justo Guadalix. Para jugar en red ================= K95_09D.EXE 512K 0010 kali un programa cojonudo para jugar a los juegos por red o por internet funciona con command & conquer y duke nuken 3d ademas de otros Algunos jueguecillos...que molan ================================ COREWARS.ARJ 292K 0011 red code Programa programas que luchen contra otros programas IMGTRIS.ZIP 166K 0017 Juego tipo TETRIS pero utilizando piezas con fotos de chicas de las buenas. Muy adictivo. EVASIVE.EXE 523K 0015 Alucinate juego de naves pura destruccion , graficos insuperables y una super banda sonora , los efectos Ok!! Evasive . Upload By Roberto Marcos si os lo bajais dejarme mesajete : bajatelo Ya!! BONZ212.ARJ 144K 0006 Juego de domin¢ para DOS. Es genial, ya vereis. Recuerda a esas partidas en el bar del pueblo....Muy entretenido. XSUPER.EXE 259K 0013 El famoso juego de carreras de coches en miniatura Super Speed en la version De NAVIDAD , Autoextraible creado con Ultra COmpresor II WARBNKER.EXE 210K 0012 Warbunker , juego de tanques tipo scorch earth guapisimo y adictivo autoextraible , bajbajatelo!! upload by Roberto Marcos CKONG10.ZIP 301K 0008 CHAMPION KONG Donkey Kong clone Turn your expensive computer into an ancient game machine! Good for nostalga buffs. Actually, it's an excellent copy of the old quarter gobbler. DARTS.ARJ 80K 0003 Juego de dardos que no esta mal y es sencillo. Cogelo!!! 01MARIO.ARJ 129K 0008 °±²Mario!!!²±° By Chaos Software, is a NEW, VGA 256 color arcade game clone of the old Super Mario Bros. games for Nintendo. But throw away the Nintendo, Mario!!! is here! Mario has the best of all of the SMB games. And its only 80k!! So Download Mario!!! now!!!! KEEN4.RAR 553K 0002 Comander Keen 4. Se que es un poco antiguo , pero me parece muy divertido. MAHJNG41.ZIP 214K 0006 mahjong ultima version!!! SPIDER.ZIP 259K 0003 El juego de la ara¤a que te permitir  ir tejiendo puntos hasta descubrir la im PARCHIS.ZIP 86K 0001 Juego estupendo de parch¡s GLOOK.ZIP 266K 0002 GLOOK 1.0 fast arcade action game LAMMERS.ARJ 220K 0009 Lammers : parodia de los lemmings en vez de salvar a los bissoss hay que matarlos antes de qye llegen , bajatelo ya!! UPLOAD by Rober TROLLS.RAR 252K 0003 El juego de los Trolls (plataformas) excelentes graficos, muy rapidocalidad, BAJATELO YA!!! upload by: rober GALAX.ZIP 102K 0007 Versi¢n VGA PC del conocido Galaxians -* 24h / 10Gb / 14CD / Soon 3 Lines!!*- SNIPER.ZIP 231K 0005 juego de punteria un pelin racista pero mola!!! GENOCIDE.ZIP 107K 0004 jueguecillo majo MONOPOLI.RAR 65K 0009 monopoli como el de tablero, muy majo 8-) %LW2.ARJ 523K 0001 Increible juego en 3D, muy interesante para todos aqueloos amantesdel juego por modem o por red, que lo disfruteis... %GENO.ARJ 102K 0003 increible juego en 3d, parecido al fabuloso Scorch... PYRO2.ZIP 43K 0010 Juego super-sencillo pero muy adictivo. Has de quemar 19 edificios. PCROBOTS.RAR 93K 0005 PC Robots 1.41 EMAPA.RAR 25K 0005 Editor de arenas para PC Robots AVIVIE42.ZIP 447K 0012 Otro juego er¢tico. Pod¡amos crear un  rea X-DDDD SEXMAST5.ZIP 1230K 0009 Sexmaster, juego er¢tico en el que puedes tocar las berzas a una moza. Curioso. Pone para mayores de 21 a¤os :-ooo Uni, no lo borres que seguro que a Pano le mola X-DDD DMKOV#1.ZIP 415K 0000 Title : DMKOV#1 (DMKOV#1.WAD, DMKOV#1.ZIP) Episode and Level # : DOOM ][ MAP01 Single Player : No Cooperative 2-4 Player : No *********************************** Deathmatch 2 Player : Yeah! * Here it's, the WAD you were * Deathmatch 3-4 Player : Yeah!! * waiting for. Deathmatch without * Difficulty Settings : Yes * monsters but with tons of frags.* New Sounds : Yes * Enjoy the best DM WAD ever ;) * New Musics : Yes *********************************** New Graphics : Yes New Demos : Yes TRON_.AIN 190K 0004 Juego Tron de 2-4 jugadores con muchas armas TNET113.ZIP 391K 0000 Para jugar al Tetris en grupo por Red. Win95 Juegos Antiguos Antiqu¡iiiisimos ================================ HARDHAT.ZIP 29K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo JBIRD.ZIP 28K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo JANJOE.ZIP 40K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo BBABIES.ZIP 57K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo PACMANIA.ZIP 33K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo OFFROAD.ZIP 23K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo PTROOPER.ZIP 13K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo SOPWITH.ZIP 38K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo SPACECOM.ZIP 11K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo SPACEWAR.ZIP 19K 0002 Juego CGA antiguo ZIPPER.ZIP 32K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo TAPPER.ZIP 55K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo ZAXXON.ZIP 19K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo FLOP.ZIP 28K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo FLIGHTMR.ZIP 24K 0000 Juego CGA antiguo