
Remove Xoom Banners

XOOM.com was once the best FREE web space provider on the net. Once upon a time they offered 11 megs of space per account, and no advertisements. Times have changed. Xoom changed their offer about a year. They now offer UNLIMITED web space, which is better than the original deal they offered, but the trade off is they get to place an advertisement frame at the top of all your pages.

I used to have a web site hosted through xoom, but when they added that banner I moved my site. I was forced to pay for add free webhosting. With what I have discovered, you can now use xoom as your webhost, get unlimited web space, and NO ADDS...and it's NOT a violation of the xoom Terms Of Service (TOS). That means it's legal, and they can't kill your account for doing it!

What you need to know:

-The default way to call your site hosted on xoom is http://members.xoom.com/MyUserName this will look for an html file called "index.htm" or "index.html", this is how most web sites are constructed

-If you don't have either file, you get a directory listing of all the files that make up the site

-if this is this case, you always specify a file name such as http://members.xoom.com/MyUserName/myfile.htm -using either method will always result in xoom placing an add frame to the top of your site

What you need to get rid of the add frame:


-Place the directory "_XOOM" before your user name

Step 2:

-Stop calling your web site using the default method. You must specify
a file name.


Before http://members.xoom.com/MyUserName


http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/MyUserName/i ndex.htm





http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/MyUserName/ myfile.htm


-Xoom won't kill your account for doing this! You haven't done anything to modify your files, or your account. go back to http://members.xoom.com/MyUserName, and the ugly adds are back.

-I noticed this exploit when I loaded a frame into a new browser window. The banner add was gone, and I noticed the URL. It had add the directory "_XOOM" before the user name. I tried this with other pages, loading the index.htm file using this method, and every time I did, the banner was gone!


Click this banner to discover more
Click here for LinkBuddies  

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