This site is really just a big joke. It serves no practical purpose other than providing me with a means of sharing information with others.

You may find that some of my links are useful, particularly those on the "Codenix Links" page, which I must admit I've been somewhat lax in updating of late. Aside from that, feel free to browse around and check out the "Codenix Pictorial," which I hope to add to shortly.

If you have something to say about my site (and understand that I probably don't really care what you think), feel free to e-mail me using the link below. Same goes if you have any suggestions for additions, or other links you would like to see here.

Enjoy! The Codenix.















Loopy Links PageCodenix Pictorial  |  Codenix Links  |  What's New










[email protected]





You're number Since 2nd June 1998