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1.How to create attractive page using JavaScript
Here I try to explain how I create my page using JavaScript.
1.Prepare three groups of pictures.One for normal,one for mouse
over,one for the main displaying.
For Example: I use following three image arraies in my page
normal = new MakeImageArray(8)
over = new MakeImageArray(8)
picture= new MakeImageArray(9)
blurb = new MakeStringArray(9)
The last array is used for windows status message.
2.Write the onMouseover() and onMouseout() functions to customise
the displaying of pictures.
For Example:
function msover(num) {
if (browser) {
document.images[num+1].src = over[num].src
window.status = blurb[num]
document.images[0].src = picture[num].src
} }
function msout(num) {
if (browser) {
document.images[num + 1].src = normal[num].src
document.images[0].src = picture[8].src
window.status = blurb[5]
} }
First,you need know the displaying sequence of each picture in
the page.So that you can setup your image array.
The Bool variable browser is used to determine the browser type.
Because only IE4.x and Netscape3.x above support this feature.
Of course,you need to assign the value to browser first.
3.Create your HTML file.
Here are the complete code of my page:
Please see the page source of over.htm.