Profesional Publications
Berke J. (1973) 'The Arbours Association' Self and Society
Berke J. (1979) 'I haven't Had to Go Mad Here' Mind Out No.36
Berke J. (1979) 'I haven't Had to Go Mad Here' Pelican Books, Harmondsworth.
Berke J. (1981) 'The Case of Peter and Susan: The Psycotherapeutic Treatment of an acute Psycotic Episode at the Arbours Crisis Centre' Journal
of Contemporary Psychotherapy 12:2, 75-87.
Berke J. (1982) 'The Arbours Centre' International Journal of Therapeutic Communities 3-4, 248-261.
Berke J. (1983) 'The Alternative Sanctuary: The Arbours Crisis Centre' in Therapeutic Intervention: Healing Strategies for Human Relations, (ed) Rueveni U., Speck J., Speck R. The Human Sciences Press, New York.
Berke J. (1987) 'Arriving, settling-in, settling-down, leaving and folowing up: Stages of stay at Arbours Centre' British Journal of Medical Phycology 60, 181-188.
Berke J. (1990) 'The Arbours, 20+ years' British Journal of Psycotherapy 7:2, 204.
Berke J. (1990) 'Conjoint Therapy within a Therapeutic Milieu: The Crisis Team' International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol II, Number 4.
Berke J. (1994) 'Confusional States at the Arbours Crisis Centre' Therapeutic Communities 15:1, 39-48.
Berke J. (1994) 'Psychotic Interventions at the Airbours Crisis Centre' British Journal of Phychotherapy, 10:3, 372-382.
Berke J. (1994) 'From Phychiatry with low' Metanoia 23-30.
Barry D. & Williams M. (1983) 'First Aid in Mental Health' Open Mind.
Coltart N. (1990) 'Attention' British Journal of Psychotherapy, 7:2, 164-174.
Elkaim M. (1977) 'Interview di Laura Forti et Andrea Sabbadini' Reseau Alternative a la Psychiatrie (ed) Elkaim M. 10-18, Paris.
Fanning A (1990) 'The Placement: My Training Ground' International Journal of Therapeutic Communities Vol II, Number 4.
Forti L. (1978) 'Il Crisis Centre di Londra, Un esperimento di psychiatria alternativa' Aut-Aut, 165/166, 205-220.
Hobson J. (1974) 'Support for those in Acute Distress' Doctor.
Hudson P (1990) ' We Never Promised you a Rose Garden' International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol II, Number 4.
Jenkins M. (1988) 'Fragmentation et Reconstruction' in Le Dedans et Le Dehors, Cesura Lyon Edition Lyon. General Practitioner (1973) 'Crisis Centre Set up to Combat Stress'.
Marcario M. (1990) 'Attarverson Lo Specchio' Centro Studi Psichiatria e Territorio, Forte Dei Marmi.
Masoliver C. (1990) 'Leaving Co-ordination' International Journal of Therapeutic Communities Volume II. No 4.
Melville J. (1978) 'Helping People to Survive a Crisis' New Society Mind Out (1977), 'Crisis Point'.
Navarro T (1990) A Holding Environment' International Journal of Therapeutic Communities Volume II. No 4
New Psychiatry (1975) 'Arbours as part of Mental Health services Directory'.
Robinson T.J (1974) 'The Airbours Way through Madness' Community Care.
Ryan T.J. (1990) 'Twenty Years On' International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol II, No 4.
Sabbadini A. (1973) 'Le Comunita Antipsichiatriche Inglesi' Aut Aut 135, 59-73.
Sabbadine A. (1975) Il Crisis Centre di Londra: Un esperimento di psichiatria alternativa' Avanti.
Sabbadini A. (1990) 'The Arbours Association' British Phycho-Analytical Society Bulletin 26;6, 43.
Sabbadini A. (1992) 'Un Alternativa Psicoterapeutica Alla Psichiatria' Inventario 6, 9-23.
Schunke J. M. & Garnett M.H. (1984) 'Ideal Structure and Defence in a small Therapeutic Community'International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, 5:1, 38-46.
Seu I. B. (1989) 'A year in the Life of a Therapeutic Community: Some Considerations' International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, 10:1, 29-37.
Stokeld A. (1990) 'Building on Metaphors' International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol II, No 4.