Want to work for this
amazingly NEW computer and variety newsletter/paper? We don't offer any
wages because this is just a "hobby" or "Pastime". We ALL work on this
after school, or in our free time, so we don't expect you to do any more.
If anything, maybe less! Here are positions the we MAY need people to help
out in. If you are in the least bit interested, please send a brief email
to [email protected] or [email protected].
We are not picky and will accept almost anybody with a willingness to put
forward some fairly hard work.We MAY need a:
1. Person to help
with web page maitnence,
but mostly someone to
2. A news EDITOR.
person should be able
to multi Task. On the
25th of each month, a news story will be due. This story should be one
that people will still be talking about when they get this newsletter/paper.
A small comentary on the "Month in Review" is needed.
3. ANYONE WITH AN ARTICLE TO PUBLISH! If you have an Article on a topic that you think that the GENERAL PUBLIC would appreciate, PLEASE SEND IT IN! We will publish it, except if it has something bad (sexual, swearing, or a racist point of view to it (we MAY publish some illegal stuff if it has a very good point to prove)
4. A people person. SOMEONE WHO KNOWS 100s OF PEOPLE ON THE NET. We need some PEOPLE who can get this thing out to everyone else.
That is pretty much it.
PLEASE help us out. We are starting this in the hopes that other people
will hear and understand. THANX.
+Fiber Fibonacci
Executive Editor: Andrew
Hodge AKA Fiber Fibonacci
President: Ryan
Ackroyed AKA MilLeniumBug
Political Issue Editor:
Gavin Roberts AKA A-Wing
News Headliner:
Chris Hoffele AKA Pissypickle
You are my