Full, fluent knowledge of HTML coded exclusively using Notepad rather than WYSIWYG packages. Covers all the expected areas, including Cascading Style Sheets, framesets, imagemaps, forms and so on. Beyond this, a familiarity with cross-browser issues and degradability, which are essential elements of good web design.
Good knowledge of JavaScript 1.0, developing skills in the enormous resources provided by JavaScript 1.2 in conjunction with version 4+ browsers.
Visual Basic for Applications
Development of costings system for the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, used daily to monitor postage costs across the organisation and prepare reports for the accountant. This uses MS Excel and VBA. Also provision of many "hot" solutions to problems within the organisation achieved by means of macros.
Microsoft Access
Development "from scratch" of several Access databases for holding and working with address information and similar. Support and continuing development of bespoke Access database which is used to generate and analyse examination papers. Interfacing of the RCVS database (held in Paradox tables) with an Access user interface for easier report-writing, quick analyses etc.
Regular analysis of and abstraction of data from Paradox/Delphi database using SQL. Good general knowledge of SQL.
A little informal work with C++ version 6, which has provided a good grounding in object-oriented programming and program design. Untested commercially, and unlikely to be of direct real-world application without further skill development.
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