Adobe Illustrator

This bench advertisement was designed on a tight deadline for the Nova Scotia-based photo products company�Gough's Stock Photography. The logo of the humpback whales was a company logo since the business began in 1997 and was used on letter heads, invoices, and business cards. When the company decided to advertise on a larger scale, I was contracted to produce a faithfully recreated drawing based on a small jpeg logo they had been using. The bench ad sign was to be seven feet long, so a vector-based drawing in Adobe Illustrator was created.
This photo shows a more detailed view of the whales.
This is a separate but related project for Gough's Stock Photography. When the company expanded from a home-based business to a retail store, a sign was needed and the existing elements of the bench ad sign were altered and repositioned with some new elements added to fit the new dimensions. The store sign is approximately ten feet long.
When I created the web site for the Maritime Science Fiction Modelers, I decided we should have a graphic symbol for both the web site, and any contests and shows we attend. The graphic shows the three components of our group's title: the Maritimes, represented by a provincial map; the science fiction is indicated by the starry sky;  the modeling aspect is depicted by the silhouetted modeling tools.


The following images are recreations of symbols and logos from various science fiction television shows and movies. The challenge with Illustrator is to make as faithful a reproduction as possible. These graphics were created to practice various techniques with the vector-based tool.

Adobe Photoshop