Day 1: Write a complete database data entry application using no more than three lines of Visual Basic code.
Day 2: Learn the basics of relational database theory and VB's database data types.
Day 3: Use the Data Manager program that ships with Visual Basic to create and maintain databases in multiple formats.
Day 4: Learn the Visual Basic database objects and how to use them to read and write data tables.
Day 5: Design and build quality data entry forms using Visual Basic bound data controls.
Day 6: Cover input validation for data entry forms with keyboard filters and field-level and form-level validation routines.
Day 7: Run quality reports from your databases with the Crystal Reports report writer.
Day 8: Learn how to use Visdata, a data management tool that is similar to Data Manager but with many more features.
Day 9: Begin your coverage of Structured Query Language (SQL). Learn the basics of this powerful and simple language.
Day 10: Study JET, the database engine that ships with Visual Basic and the Data Access Object (DAO).
Day 11: Abandon use of the data control in favor of writing Visual Basic code to manage data.
Day 12: Use the graph tool to give your applications a polished, graphical appearance.
Day 13: Discuss the data-bound list boxes, combo boxes, and grids, and learn how to use subforms to display data.
Day 14: Explore error trapping. Cover the different kinds of errors an application can encounter and how to handle each.
Day 15: Learn how to use SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) to create and modify databases, tables, relationships, and indexes.
Day 16: Use DML to insert records into tables, append records to tables, and update records that currently exist.
Day 17: Focus on utilizing data normalization to increase database integrity processing speed.
Day 18: Cover multiuser considerations. Learn the nuances of cascading updates and cascading deletes.
Day 19: The ODBC API Interface is the topic of Day 19. Create data forms that use low-level API calls to access existing databases.
Day 20: Discuss database security, encryption, and securing of processes. Track critical activities with audit trails.
Day 21: Last lesson! Add Windows Help to your database application. Congratulations, you're a database programmer!