Observer Editor Will Hutton en Viscount Cranborne, leider van de oppositie in de House of Lords (Brits parlement) zaten tussen andere top-politici en hoofden van banken, industrie en media aanwezig bij de AGM van de clandestine Bilderberg Groep. Vier jaar geleden was Tony Blair, nu Brits minister-president, een van de genodigden.
Velen betwijfelen het bestaan van de groep, maar artikelen geschreven door ex-participerenden, ongelukkig met initiatieven die de democratie ondermijnen, en berichtgeving van nieuwsdiensten, waaronder jaarlijks die van het Reuters news agency, bewijzen dat het hier geen fictie betreft. De bijeenkomst had plaats van 12-15 Juni 1997 op het Renaissance Pine Isle Resort, Lake Lanier Island in de bergen van de Appalachen. Het eiland ligt nabij Gainesville, Georgia, 80km van Atlanta en 8km van de Moody VS luchtmachtbasis.
Dee VS/Europese groep komt al sinds
1954 bijeen, maar het is pas de laatste jaren dat het bestaan van deze
groepering buiten de gesloten kring van haar leden bekendheid verkrijgt.
Datum en lokatie van de bijeenkomst is pas vorig jaar voor het eerst tevoren
vrijgegeven. Helaas heeft zelfcensuur van de media tot nu toe slechts geleid
tot minimale en dan nog lokale nieuws-
verslaggeving in 1996.
Vooraf melding van de 1997 AGM lokatie lekte uit in de April editie van 'The Portman Papers' journaal onder de kop 'Bilderberg (ver-)raad besloot het eerst, 1 Europese munt betekent het eind voor Britain'. In het artikel 'Bilderberg Onthuld', getuigt voorzitter van de VS Amalgamated Bank en het Bilderberg Sturings Committee lid Jack Scheinkman van Bilderberg's invloed: "Het idee van een Europese eenheidsmunt is bediscussieerd verscheidene jaren voordat het politiek werd." In het zelfde artikel beweert George McGhee, ex-VS Ambassadeur in West-Duitsland: "De Club van Rome, die de Common Market tot leven bracht, is verzorgd en grootgebracht op Bilderberg bijeenkomsten." Prins Bernhard der Nederlanden houdt vol dat Bilderberg de plaats was waar het idee voor de EEG het eerst gestalte kreeg.
Het ongelukkige resultaat is een plaatje of western democracy subverted,
waarin machtige beslissers tesamen komen, niet voor redenen belangrijk
voor de 'normale' mensen: sociale gerechtigheid; common interest; en kwaliteit
van leven, maar om de economische austerity te versterken en zelfs om meer
privewinst te vergaren voor werelds politieke en bedrijfs elite. Bilderbergers
praten openbaar over het centraliseren van macht voor hun eigen belangen,
waardoor Jan met de pet steeds verder staat van de positie zijn eigen lot
te beheersen.
De Bilderberg AGM van vorig jaar vond plaats in het Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 'Leadership Centre' in Montreal en was hosted by Canadese persbaron Conrad Black. Voorzitter was de Britse Lord Carrington en tot de 120 aanwezigen behoorde impressive collection of high-powered men: Henry Kissinger; U.K. defence secretary, Malcolm Rifkind; James Wolfensohn, president of the World Bank; David Rockefeller, chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank; William J Perry, U.S. secretary of defense; Andrew Knight, director of News Corporation; Martin Taylor, chief executive of Barclays Bank; Jean Chretien, prime minister of Canada; Ulrich Cartellieri, director of Deutche Bank; Stanley Fischer, managing director of the IMF; Morris Tabaksnlat, chairman of Unilever; Alexander Trotman, chairman of the Ford Motor Company and several royal heads of state.
With so many of the world's élite in attendance security at the venue will have been extremely tight. European and US secret services co-operate in enforcing a strict no-go area round venues helping to ensure a media black-out.
One of the reasons that the media have been so slow to investigate and report on the Bilderbergers is that many of the global press bosses, including Peter Job, Chief Executive of Reuters, are part of the group. Other mainstream media barons have corporate agendas themselves while many independent media, for legal reasons, are wary of revealing secrets of the rich and powerful without evidence, which in the past has been difficult to find.
So what vision, if any, is being pursued. We all have a right, indeed in an age of mass-starvation and with the continued threat of global destruction, a need to know.
One cannot help but be a little suspicious when priorities for the future
of mankind are being considered, by those who have real influence over
that future, in total secret.
Zoals de traditie voorschrijft sinds de 1e Bilderberg Meeting in het Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland in 1954, no news conferences will be held or statements issued after the annual meeting. But frank talk will be encouraged among the delegates from Europe, the United States and Canada who are meeting for nearly three days at a $40 million ranch north of Toronto.
"There are no massive indiscretions, but the exchanges can be quite heated," Conrad Black, the Canadian press baron hosting this year's conference, told reporters on Wednesday. Conference organizers said of the 120 participants, one third are from government and the remainder from fields such as finance, industry, labor, education and the media.
De bijeenkomst zal worden voorgezeten door Lord Carrington, ex secretaris-generaal
van de NAVO. Hij zal worden vergezeld door een stoet van huidige leiders
-- de Canadese Prime Minister Jean Chretien, Finland's President Martti
Ahtisaari, de VS secretaris van defentie William Perry en de Britse secretaris
van Buitenlandse Zaken Malcolm Rifkind. De koninginnen van Nederland en
Spanje en prinsen uit Nederland en Belgie vullen het hoogadelijke deel
van de groep.
Andere luminaries zijn o.a. Henry Kissinger, ex-VS staatssecretaris; Lloyd Bentsen, ex-VS secretaris van financien; Jack Matlock, ex-VS ambassadeur in de voormalige Sovjet Unie, en Francisco Pinto Balsemao, ex-minister-president van Portugal. Blue chip representatives include de hoofden van Ford Motor Co., Sarah Lee, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Xerox Corp, Barclays Bank Plc en Reuters Holdings Plc.
Discussies in het vroegere luxueuse spa, nu eigendom van een Canadese bank, worden verwacht te varieren van de vergroting van de Europese Unie tot China, Rusland en het voormalige Joegoslavia.
Een artikel over de 1996 meeting
Guests for the Bilderberg Meeting include Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Polish Foreign Minister Andrzej Olechowski, German Defence Minister Volker Ruhe and the Queens of the Netherlands and Spain. Others on the list of participants are GATT chief Peter Sutherland and business leaders including Fiat chairman Giovanni Agnelli and international investor George Soros. Also to attend the meeting, which is chaired by Britain's Lord Carrington, are Finland's President Martti Ahtisaari and Prime Minister Esko Aho.
Topics of discussion would include long term changes in the United States, the European Union, the world economy, employment creation, the political challenge of Islam, Russia, China and GATT, organisers said.
The 42nd Bilderberg Meeting is the latest in a series that began in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands as a forum for frank off-the-record talks among leading figures in North America and Western Europe.
The guest list included Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, NATO Secretary-General Manfred Woerner, Turkish Central Bank Governor Rusdu Saracoglu, the European Community's mediator on ex-Yugoslavia, Lord Owen, and Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt.
The meeting, held strictly behind closed doors, is the latest of a series which began in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands as a forum for frank discussions among leading figures in North America and Western Europe.
A news release said topics of discussion would include U.S.-European relations, the former Soviet Union, U.S. domestic problems, Japan's economy and prospects for global trade.
Atkinson, Rodney, 'Europe's Full Circle, Corporate Elites and the New Fascism', Compuprint, 1997, £7.95, ISBN 0 9525110 0 2 "Europe has come full circle. The UK faces the same political crisis as in the 1930's... suppression rather than expression of public opinion." From This England books: 01242 515156.
Domhoff, G. William. 'State autonomy or class dominance? : case studies on policy making in America'. Aldine de Gruyter 1996. ISBN 0202305112 & 0202305120 (pbk)
Eringer, Robert, 'Bilderberg Group, The Global Manipulators', Pentacle, Bristol, 1980. ISBN 0 906850 04 5 Chapter 1 is here for your delight!
Ewertverlag S.L. 'Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century', 1995. ISBN 3-89478-654-X
Gill, Stephen, 'American Hegemony and the Trilateral commission', Cambridge University Press, 1990, ISBN 0521362865
Korten, David, 'When Corporations Rule the World', Earthscan, 1995, ISBN 1853834343 & 1853833134
Sklar, Holly, ed. 'The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management'. Boston: South End Press, 1980. 604 pages; includes a Who's Who from pages 90-131.
Van-der-Pijl, Kees (docent politicologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam), 'The making of an Atlantic ruling class', Verso, 1984, ISBN 0860918017
TREASON - The New World Order, Cassandra Press, 1996. ISBN 0-945946-14-7
The Robots's Rebellion, Gateway Books, 1994. ISBN 1-85860-022-7
... and the truth shall set you free, Bridge of Love Publications, 1995. ISBN 0-9526147-0-7 .
Bekijk ook de NWO intelligence update's boeken
en videos page
Do please send me some post if you want me to link to your site or have additions
Nexus Magazine. Armen Victorian's definitive, well researched article
New World Order Intelligence Update
Two pages with general Bilderberg information and articles
Excellent Bilderberg and elites analysis page
Sun.tzu's analysis of Bilderberg and other elite groups
George Ball talks about Ross Perot's attitude to Bilderberg (link down?)
The Jeremiah project Bilderberg Pages
The Bilder-Burger Vegetarian Sandwich
Articles by a tenacious man who followed the Bilderbergers around
Spotlight Magazine
Complete list and pics. of some of the 1996 participants
Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.'s scary Bilderberg Page Old address:
The Lobster journal
The end of the world and the New World Order by Tim Callahan
The 'Destroy Babylon' Bilderberg Page
An Australian Band, Black Lung, that sing about global elites
Conspiracy booklist
David Icke has been talking about the Bilderbergers ever since he 'left' his job in television
National Patriotic Front leader in Russia, Gennadi Zyuganov, blasts Bilderberg.
Eisenhower's diary describes Bilderberg's_Diary.html
List of International organisations
Article on 1996 Bilderberg AGM
Listed on the CV of the Prime Minister of Portugal
The art of deception, including more background on secret societies
Ark-hive, comprehensive world government and conspiracy pages
Greek site (in English) detailing Bilderberg activities from an insider's view and links page
Bilderberg and the new world order
Peacemaking in action.. Greeks and Turks encouraged to have a drink together at Bilderberg
Bilderberg brings down the Turkish government?
The Kennedy Arts Centre reiterates Wolfenson's key role in Bilderberg
Healing the hurts of nations
Comment on Richard Fletcher's essay 'Who Were They Travelling With?'
European Socialism must adapt to Bilderberg's new reality
Collection of John Whitley's ground-breaking articles on the Bilderbergers
Some Bilderbergers break silence
'Civic' Bilderberg duties of James Wolfenson, President of the World Bank
Watcher Website on the New World Order
Conspiracy Nation comments on Rockefeller and the Bilderbergers
International Herald Tribune / October 9, 1996 / By Max Jakobson
A better approach?
See also Power Élite www links on my
bad page
Col. Barry Turner 01691 659138 (Writes for 'On Target!' magazine)
James RB Hinton 01935 873346 & Derek Tozer 01823 490590 (Portman Papers)
Donald Martin 01787 376374 (published 'Spotlight on the Bilderbergers')
Sabine McNeil 0171 287 2242, 0171 328 3701. (LETS co-ordinator)
John Whitley, Toronto journalist, 416-481 4868/fax: 416-322 7238 e-mail:
[email protected]