#include char subject[5][20]={ "science", "Maths", "CS", "Social Studies", "English" }; void main() { char student[30][30],ans; int marks[30][5],i,j,nos,stnum,sbnum;int junk; float studavg[30],subavg[5],var; float classavg[5]; int ch; clrscr(); /*Loop to accept names*/ for (ans='y',i=0;i<30&&(ans=='y' || ans=='Y');i++ ) { printf("\nEnter the name %d:",i+1); scanf("%s",student[i]); printf("\nDo you want to enter another name?(y/n):"); scanf("%d",&junk); scanf("%c",&ans); } nos=i; for(i=0;i=80) { if(i%3==0) printf("\n"); else printf("\t\t"); printf("%d. %s",i+1,student[i]); } } printf("\n\npress any key to continue"); getch(); break; case 5:break; default:clrscr();printf("\n\n\t\tCaution Invalid Choice!!!\n\n"); }//switch }//while printf("\npress any key to EXIT"); getch(); }//main