Exclusive Conversation.....


Dear Heaveners ,

This is one of the more interesting conversion we had and will like to share this with you all. (subject to age limit as certain part may be goss..hehe) Seat back, relax and enjoy the �show� ��S-K-Y :o)

Date: 26 August 1998 (Wed)

Time : 11.30pm - 1.45am

Channel : #heavens

Title: The Shi* Business

Rating: R(A)


Lufbra as the main actor

Blurnhorn (radiant_gal known commonly) as the main actress

Supporting casts:

nicki^_^ (also known as kiki^^)






The show begins��..

* Lufbra extend his hand.. hoping to seek peace with rad

* bLuEhOrN ask luf to go wash his hand first...........

Lufbra: SEEE!!!!

Lufbra: pple dao ah!!!

nicki^_^: aiyo rad

chowey: hehehhehe

Lufbra: how to forgive her???!?!?

chowey: eh rad u no good lah

chowey: hehe

nicki^_^: rad!....dun like this lar

* bLuEhOrN point to the bathroom....

chowey: although we know luf's hands dirty

S-K-Y: hahaa

chowey: but we must give him some face mah

chowey: hehehe

bLuEhOrN: :p

bLuEhOrN: heheheheheh

* Lufbra keep my hand liao

bLuEhOrN: hahahahahahahhahahahhaah

nicki^_^: yalor rad ppl so give u face y u like dat?

bLuEhOrN: yeah chowey!!!

S-K-Y: wow loa..ra u win

Lufbra: no peace!!!! seek WAR!!!

S-K-Y: bully luf

S-K-Y: hahaa

bLuEhOrN: heeee of coz sky......

chowey: hehe

chowey: WWIII?

chowey: eh this is heaven

chowey: where got war one?

chowey: hehe

S-K-Y: yeah lor

Lufbra: war in heaven!!!!

S-K-Y: no no no

chowey: we never bully him

chowey: hehehhe

chowey: we very nice to him

chowey: hhehe

* bLuEhOrN bring all weapons

bLuEhOrN *clank clang*

S-K-Y: u want war can go 'downstairs'

* Lufbra activate all the stand by personnels!!!

bLuEhOrN: hell

Lufbra: recall manning!!!

chowey: eh rad u gettign violent liao

chowey: ehhehe

nicki^_^: hahaha

bLuEhOrN: hey!!!!

chowey:waliao u guys

Lufbra: everyone kena activated liao

nicki^_^: ya lor chowey

chowey: hehehe

chowey: hehehe

bLuEhOrN: ppl look at this.......

chowey: got missiles?

bLuEhOrN: (pleasent-girl^^) Hi!! have u been to heaven's lately??? if not plss type:/join #heaven's and check it out yourself!!-------see u there ya!!

chowey: waliao rad u not so "pure" already

chowey: heheh

* Lufbra send his recki team to seek out the enemy site

chowey: hehehe

nicki^_^: rad we know abt this already

Lufbra: ya lor..

S-K-Y: it is heaven's

Lufbra: you slow lah

S-K-Y: is inimation ...fake one

Lufbra: super lagi.. ultimate lag!!!!!

bLuEhOrN: i noe abt it horrrr luf,.....

Lufbra: how to fight like that??

S-K-Y: hahaa

bLuEhOrN: i just want to show the invite msg horrrr......

{huggy}: who is faking heavens channel?

* bLuEhOrN say luf always pick on her.....she pick on him tooo lor.......pick pick pick.....pick until luf's hair all gone ......hahahahhahahaha.........hairless..........

* Lufbra bit rad.. until there are teeth marks on her hands!!!!

chowey: aiyo

S-K-Y: hahaa...never bleed huh

chowey: u guys a bit violent right

* bLuEhOrN bite luf's hand off

chowey: eh lufbra pp gal lah

chowey: hehehe

Lufbra: gal so what???

* bLuEhOrN tears luf apart

Lufbra: fight is fight.. no sex

chowey: MAKE PEACE

* Lufbra kick rad until she fall.. and continue kicking

* bLuEhOrN suck luf's juices from his intestines....

chowey: alamak

chowey: heheh

chowey: eeeeeeeeeee

* bLuEhOrN bite luf's leg

* Lufbra slash rad back

* bLuEhOrN takes his legs and trip him over.....

* bLuEhOrN takes greenhorn's parang and cut luf into two

* Lufbra see blood dripping off rad's back.. and suck from it

chowey: ehehe

* S-K-Y watch free show...haha

chowey: R(A)

chowey: hhehehe

* bLuEhOrN is vampire hor....you suck suck also no use......


* Lufbra pulled rad's hair until it become bota

* bLuEhOrN use her hands and twist luf's neck........

S-K-Y: anyone want pop corns

chowey: show identity cards please

chowey: hehe

chowey: anyone want drinks?

* Lufbra twung rad's limps..


chowey: hehehhe

chowey: got

* bLuEhOrN takes her pulled out hair and stuff it into luf.s asshole

{huggy}: me wants fish balls...got?

chowey: one dollar

chowey: heheh

chowey: dun have have to go hawker centre and da bao

chowey: hehehe

S-K-Y: teh....kopi....milo...anyone

nite_draco: got curry puff...

* bLuEhOrN use her broken limps to bok luf's body..until blue black

{huggy}: got chicken wings or not huh??

* Lufbra inject rad with aids..

{huggy}: kopi or pls Sky!

chowey: dun have

* bLuEhOrN hiya! and giv

es luf's a scissor kick

* Lufbra chop off rad's limps and sell as bak ku teh

chowey: want M& Ms?

chowey: ehehhe

nite_draco: milo ice please...

* bLuEhOrN chomp chomp luf.....now cooking luf curry

chowey: ok

chowey: hhee

* S-K-Y pass huggy kopi or [_]

chowey: eh u guys underaged or not?

* Lufbra take rad's flesh and mince them and use them to make cha sao bao

* bLuEhOrN shit on luf

S-K-Y: mi well above 21

{huggy}: thanks SKY....how much huh?

S-K-Y: on the house:huggy

* Lufbra urine on rad

{huggy}: me too..die die confirm 21

* {huggy} show my ic to chowey

chowey: ok

chowey: pass

* bLuEhOrN chop luf and cook as luffy chops at western restuarant

chowey: the rest please queue up

chowey: eh sky todya biz quite good

* bLuEhOrN diarrhoae on luf

chowey: and the best actor nominesss is....Lufbra

* Lufbra roast rad as though like roast pig

* S-K-Y pass statics ice chocolate...milo out of stock

seego: wat am i missing here???

* bLuEhOrN twist luf's intestines and hand at flagpole

chowey: and the best actress nominees is........Radiant gal

{huggy}: really ah SKY?? dun want lah.....pai say leh..

Lufbra: hot hot piglet for sale

chowey: aiyah got show going on: seego

{huggy}: seego: we watching movies

bLuEhOrN: yay!!!!!

S-K-Y: mi want ba gua

bLuEhOrN: me win win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Lufbra hang rad up in the flag pole.. and rise it up!!!

seego: oic

bLuEhOrN: ba gua your head sky!

chowey: eh sky u selling food and u want ba gua?

Lufbra: win your head

{huggy}: wanan have any drinks seego? order from SKY, food from chowey

chowey: hehe

seego: oic

S-K-Y: haha

chowey: yes huggy


* bLuEhOrN got kung fu : she jump down and drags luf to the middle of the road.......*BOOM*

seego: sky: me want ice mocha

seego: ;P

* bLuEhOrN see luf fly away into the universe and into small small little pieces

seego: chowey: mi want terimisu

chowey: cinema no ice mocha

bLuEhOrN: HO ho Ho

S-K-Y: wow ice mocha...errr....first find....u first one ordering this ..hee

* Lufbra use M16 and shot rad rite thru the brain.. with the brain juice flying all over the place

chowey: eh u guys think i open cafe ah?

* bLuEhOrN BRB

chowey: hehe

chowey: me open candy bar ONLI

chowey: heheh

seego: hahhahahaha

* bLuEhOrN BRB

chowey: brain juice?

Lufbra: half-time!!

* bLuEhOrN BRB

chowey: hehe

* bLuEhOrN BRB

seego: oic chowey

Lufbra: ting ting

* bLuEhOrN BRB

S-K-Y: rad lost???

chowey: tingitninfinifn

S-K-Y: half time??

bLuEhOrN: yes yes

{huggy}: nm lah chowey..

Lufbra: first half..

Lufbra: ended

chowey: rad need to rest

chowey: hehehe

* Lufbra win

* bLuEhOrN go shi shi

Lufbra: hahha

seego: i want snickers bar then

bLuEhOrN: ya still got second half

chowey: winnner is ????????

Lufbra: hahahhahah

* bLuEhOrN BRB

* Lufbra bomb rad's toilet

* {huggy} offer seego her coffee..

seego: thanks huggy

* Lufbra see rad's bodies tattered around the toilet with the shit all over her..

chowey: gto show now

chowey: kiki want to buy ticket or not?

chowey: and show ID please

chowey:wat ticket?

y must show ic leh?

chowey: R(A) show

nicki^_^: huh?.......in sg?

{huggy}: luf u bery digusting leh..

{huggy}: hahaha..

chowey: hehehhe

* Lufbra pray for rad.. RIP.. not rest in peace.. but RIP off her coffin and throw her

body into the sea, and let the sharks makan her..

chowey: hahaha

S-K-Y: luf ...rad now not here lah

Lufbra: better still..

chowey: eh luf.....waliao

Lufbra: dun give her chance

chowey: hehehe

chowey: ur hands tired or not lufbra?

chowey: need to massage?

chowey: hehehe

Lufbra: a bit lah

Lufbra: no thanx

Lufbra: you also dun kay kay.. dunno whose side you are with

chowey: hehe

chowey: i ask onli

* bLuEhOrN is back

chowey: where got kay lay

chowey: i so nice

chowey: hehe

Lufbra: ya.. thanx for your concern

chowey: eh rad

Lufbra: back liao??

chowey: hands tired or not?

Lufbra: you also bo chun liao

chowey: eh u guys enjoy the show?

chowey: ehhehe

S-K-Y: got wash hands?

Lufbra: you already bo chun liao

Lufbra: eeeeeee

chowey: eheh

Lufbra: now dunno who dirty hands

* Lufbra see shits on rad fingers

chowey: eeeeeeeeee

* chowey helps rad to clean off with tissue

Lufbra: yucks.. chowey hands also smelly liao

* chowey wash hands with LUX

chowey: hehhe

seego: hey y u ppl quarrel over "dirty hands"???

chowey: hehehe

seego: really stupid u know

chowey: not quareel seego

S-K-Y: they can quarrel over anything: seego

chowey: debate

chowey: hehe

seego: oic

* bLuEhOrN let luf win ah......he so petty

Lufbra: hahhaha

chowey: hehehh

nite_draco: hahahhahaa


* Lufbra win with pride

Lufbra: not petty

seego: well in that case every1 also got dirty hands then

chowey: hehehehhe

* bLuEhOrN see the pride in refrigerator...

chowey: all wash hands lah

chowey: hehe

Lufbra: refrigerator is COOL

* seego says every1 hands dirty from typing too much

seego: ;P

* bLuEhOrN poke her hands into luf's mouth wif alllllll the shit she can find on her fingers

chowey: start again

chowey: hehehe

chowey: onli rad and luf

* Lufbra step on some shit and step all over rad

chowey: hehehe

chowey: want to watch movies again?

nite_draco: wow..paingz.... no wonder here so smelly...

nite_draco: hehehehhe

chowey: heheheh

chowey: smell of what statics?

* bLuEhOrN moves away and throws more shit onto luf


Lufbra: chowey: you want to know??

chowey: shit?

chowey: heeeeeeeeee

* bLuEhOrN moves further away becoz she cannot satnd the smell on luf

nicki^_^: aiyo guys eh......dun always have the s*** word here leh.......so disgusting.....hee

seego: go ahead and do ur squabbling

chowey: hehhe

S-K-Y: haha

seego: me gotta go liao

seego going off?


bye seego!

seego: c ya

* nite_draco walk over to seego and kick seego on the (_|_)... faster go to sleep lah..

seego: yup

S-K-Y: seeya seego

chowey: take care seeego

chowey: bye

chowey: gnnite

seego: bye sky

chowey: sweet dreams seego

seego: bye nicki

chowey: bye

seego: bye chowey

seego: bye stat

{huggy}: bye seego!!

* Lufbra throw back to rad shits of all animals!!!

seego: bye blue

chowey: hehehehe

seego: bye luf

seego: bye huggy

*** seego has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)

Lufbra: bye seego

* {huggy} hug hug seego and give him a good ntie kiss

S-K-Y: rad y u called uself bluehorn?

Lufbra: rad itchy buttock mah

chowey: ehe

bLuEhOrN: wat itchy buttocks ????

Lufbra: rad: you itchy buttocks.. so change your nick lor

bLuEhOrN: yah yah.....itchy to dig more s*** out of u luf

Lufbra: ya ya.. dig some more lor.. see how much you can dig.. just go ahead

* bLuEhOrN digs until jands tired liao cause there's no end to luf's shit !!!

bLuEhOrN: hands

* Lufbra no need to shit for long time thanx to rad!!!

* bLuEhOrN says okie loh....go ahead and dont shit....wait i stop u kena constipation

* bLuEhOrN brb

* Lufbra also says dun worry.. i got medication to help constipation

nite_draco: heheheheh

bLuEhOrN: ya..then you lena lao sai lor

bLuEhOrN: you lao sai luf

chowey: hehehhe

* Lufbra lao sai on rad

chowey: from shit to lao sai

chowey: u pp good man

chowey: hehe

nite_draco: hahahahha


Lufbra: rad: how is your hands??? must be real stinko!!

chowey: eeh

chowey: both of ur hands as smelly lah

chowey: heheh

Lufbra: wash in yellow river also no point.. only pollute the water

chowey: hehe

bLuEhOrN: no lah.....

bLuEhOrN: luf's ass more stinko

bLuEhOrN: luf stink until here in simei also can smell

bLuEhOrN: luf stinks!!!!!!!!

bLuEhOrN: luf stinks!!!!!!!!

bLuEhOrN: luf stinks!!!!!!!!

bLuEhOrN: luf stinks!!!!!!!!

bLuEhOrN: luf stinks!!!!!!!!

chowey: hehee

* Lufbra stinks unt i l half the globe also can smile!!!

* Lufbra think rad st inks until half the globe also can smile!!!

* Lufbra think rad stinks until half the globe also can smell!!!

bLuEhOrN: hhahahahha

bLuEhOrN: toopid you ah....typo error

bLuEhOrN: hahahahahhaha

bLuEhOrN: muahahhhahahahhaha

chowey: heheheeh

bLuEhOrN: toopid toopid luffffff

bLuEhOrN: hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhaha

Lufbra: laff lor

* Lufbra think rad stinks until half the globe also can smell!!!

* Lufbra think rad stinks until half the globe also can smell!!!

chowey: cannot tahan both of u

bLuEhOrN: how old r u ah luf ???

bLuEhOrN: tok like dat like a small kid ......

bLuEhOrN: hahahaha

S-K-Y: rad u don;t know how old luf is?

* Lufbra is 12 yrs old

chowey: 12 onli?

Lufbra: small enough for you??

* Lufbra is doing his PSLE this yr

bLuEhOrN: no wonder!!!!!

bLuEhOrN: no wonder!!!!!

Lufbra: ya lor

Lufbra: you bully a small boy

bLuEhOrN: i should have known

chowey: what sec school is ur first choice luf?

chowey: heheh

chowey: hehehe

chowey: eh luf u dun look small leh

chowey: hehhe

bLuEhOrN: aiyoh..if i had known u were so young.........tsktsktsk

Lufbra: err... simei pre-sec sch

bLuEhOrN: i would have.......

chowey: hehehe

bLuEhOrN: bullied you even more !!!

chowey: waliao u rad

bLuEhOrN: hahahaha

chowey: heehehhe

* Lufbra give rad a hefty kick on the butt

nite_draco: still figthing har???

* Lufbra sees rad flying into a puddle of shit

* bLuEhOrN cannot feel the kick cause it was given by a 12 year old.....too bad

chowey: hehehe

chowey: oviously statics

bLuEhOrN: just a small little kiddy kick

chowey: their hands not tireed

chowey: hehe

S-K-Y: hahaa...u really kanna suan

chowey: HAHAHAH

nite_draco: yeah lor...

bLuEhOrN: oh.....dats fragrant shit

chowey: ya man

Lufbra: but enough to send you to a puddle of shit... good liao

chowey: luf really kenna dish dish froim all sides

bLuEhOrN: not like the shit i've thrown you luf

chowey: hehehe

Lufbra: rad: you want some more of the fragrant shit??

nite_draco: fight until so long hand also must be tired liao.. but i think this 2 siao one...

nite_draco: hahahhaa

chowey: this two

* bLuEhOrN throw shit no shit run ah !!!

chowey: must respect

* bLuEhOrN throw shit no shit flt ah !!!

chowey: both very good at suaning

chowey: hehe

* Lufbra scope some shit into a bucket and d

ump them onto rad shit

* Lufbra scope some shit into a bucket and dump them onto rad head

chowey: Masters in Suan they sure can get

chowey: phd even

chowey: or professor Suan

chowey: hehe

nicki^_^: ya ya chowey....me agreed

bLuEhOrN: hahahahaha

S-K-Y: haha

Lufbra: rad head scalp is shitted to the core

chowey: hehee

chowey: hhehehehe

bLuEhOrN: aiyoh..words typed by a 12 year old.....aiyoh..disappointing

S-K-Y: think one day u both must meet up

chowey: both of u as badly shitted lah

bLuEhOrN: so many errors

nite_draco: gtg liao...

chowey: heheh

chowey: these two cannot met

Lufbra: aiya.. you also not much better lah...

bLuEhOrN: how r u going to pass your PSLE like dat YOUNG BOY ????

chowey: otherwise u see the food flying across tha tables

chowey: heheh

Lufbra: somemore "Ar" level somemore

chowey: young boy?

chowey: ehhehe

Lufbra: some OLD.. bully a young boy

bLuEhOrN: who's old ah ????

S-K-Y: seeya statics

chowey: take care statics

chowey: sweet dreams

Lufbra: pple like her.. Air level.. used to bully little boy

nicki^_^: bye stats!

chowey: bye statics

bLuEhOrN: older than a 12 year old here onli.....

nite_draco: thanks...

Lufbra: bye stats

nite_draco: see u ppl tomolo...

Lufbra: ya.. OLD is OLD

nite_draco: any last word b4 i ciao??

Lufbra: somemore no feng du.. OLD woman

bLuEhOrN: older than you can already YOUNG BOY

chowey: touch wood lah statics

nite_draco: no last words... i ciao liao..

chowey: hehe

nite_draco: hahhahaha

Lufbra: what's so good about being a OLD WOMAN

Lufbra: left on the shelf only

nite_draco: going to school tomolo lah.. so have to sleep early...

nite_draco: hehehehhee

Lufbra: sch for what??

S-K-Y: sch?

Lufbra: buaya little girl??

didi ar......me also old leh.....u saying me also har?......ehehehe

nite_draco: lufbra: going to nus to look for my friends...

chowey: hehhhe

Lufbra: jie: no lah..

Lufbra: not you.. just that OLD WOMAN only

nite_draco: huggy: not yet.. going back on the 4 oct...

nite_draco: huggy: no lah...

Lufbra: rad: so quiet?? just had some shit for supper?

chowey: hehe

* bLuEhOrN went to toilet to load more shit.....

Lufbra: go lor

*** nite_draco has quit IRC (Quit: live is short.. so live it to the best u can.. )

bLuEhOrN: preparing to cataput at luf

* Lufbra set up great wall of hougang

Lufbra: cannot penetrate thru one

chowey: ok guys i gtg

chowey: take care lufbra

chowey: take care sky

{huggy}: ok ppl....i've to go and do my work liao...

chowey: rake care huggy

chowey: take care rad

S-K-Y: seeya chowey

{huggy}: talk to you guys again!

{huggy}: u too chowey!

S-K-Y: take care too

chowey: take care kiki

chowey: gnite sweet dreams

bLuEhOrN: bye chowey!

* chowey hugs everyone

bLuEhOrN: bai bai

* {huggy} hug hug everyeon goodnite...and give everyone a goodnite kiss

chowey: bye

Lufbra: cya chowey

* bLuEhOrN bok luf for chowey

{huggy}: goodnite and sweetdreams!!!

chowey: yes bye all.............

chowey: :)

Lufbra: bye huggy

chowey: i hope all of u have a good day tomolo

*** {huggy}has left #heavens

chowey: :)

chowey: bye

S-K-Y: ok mi got to go too....

*** chowey has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)

nicki^_^: bye chowey!

nicki^_^: goodnite chowey!

Lufbra: cya sky

bLuEhOrN: bye sky!

Lufbra: me also ciaoing..

Lufbra: bye pple..

nicki^_^: bye guys!

* bLuEhOrN says great wall of hougang no use......rad's shit can go even from under

Lufbra: bye jie

bLuEhOrN: bye nicki

nicki^_^: bye didi!...goodnite

* Lufbra buy insurance.. insured for S$100million

nicki^_^: byeeeeeeeeee sky

S-K-Y: byeeeeeeeee everyone!

Lufbra: rad: tonite until here..

Lufbra: we will continue...

bLuEhOrN: k lah.......surrender say lah luf

bLuEhOrN: hahaha

Lufbra: what surrender

bLuEhOrN: ok ok

Lufbra: never say die

bLuEhOrN: you never say die coz you're aredi dead!

bLuEhOrN: hahahahahahhahahaha

Lufbra: =OP

Lufbra: rather die than be humilated

bLuEhOrN: luf

bLuEhOrN: you studied jc b4 going uni? is it?

Lufbra: nope

Lufbra: i only PSLE

nicki^_^: hehehe

bLuEhOrN: pls lah

bLuEhOrN: get serious

bLuEhOrN: kaoz

Lufbra: nope..

Lufbra: really no

bLuEhOrN: kiki your didi veri notti

Lufbra: wah.. complain to my jie..

S-K-Y: to be continued?

Lufbra: you go back door one

nicki^_^: rad:ya he sometimes only lar....hee

Lufbra: shame shame

Lufbra: liu liu siao

nicki^_^: hehehhe

bLuEhOrN: really luf

Lufbra: really NOPE

bLuEhOrN: you finished jc is it?or poly then went to uni?

Lufbra: ask sky lor

Lufbra: none of the above..

Lufbra: ask sky!!!

S-K-Y: mi ?

S-K-Y: mi go zzz now

S-K-Y: ask tomorrow hahaa

Lufbra: she dun believe me

bLuEhOrN: then???

Lufbra: i am like bad little boy to her liao

Lufbra: i go by back door

Lufbra: i beg my way into the uni with my o

Lufbra: they pity me and took me in

S-K-Y: byeeeeeee

*** Disconnected

Session Close: Thu Aug 27 01:46:02 1998


Any comments please mail to Clarence. This was last updated on 8/9/98.