Heaveners� Singapore Story Work Experience

I think most of the Singaporeans have heard about the much talked about and publicised National Education Exhibition (the Singapore Story). It was held at Suntech Conventional Halls and was from 7 July 98 to 6 August 98. Through the recommendation from Geriant, Lufbra and myself managed to do our part in educating the nation with the job as ushers ...hehe.

The working experience there was great and really opened our eyes to different kinds of Singaporeans from the super KS type to those who went there and do nothing but complaint and complaint. (Got free show liao still want to complaint�sigh) Both of us worked almost most departments like the open target department (where we are sitting targets), the executive level where we are the MP�s runners, outside suntech bring the groups in, counting the number of people to watch each show, collecting boxes like those newspaper man, lunch boys, part time �teachers�, giving out pens, etc. Basically we �bao san bao hai� , everything also kanna �arrowed� before. Working in so many different jobs was fun and we learn a lot from these jobs. Working in many departments also meant getting to know more people who are working in these places. There are some who are very sociable and time passes without us noticing as we chatted while we worked. From these interaction, new friendships are found, and some of these friendships have the potential of carrying on for a long time. It is also a time for potential �buaya� kings and queens to try out their new found techniques of �buayaing�. We realised that Singapore though a small country but there is loads of people whom we have not met before.

During the extension week of the exhibition, I introduced this jobs to the fellow Heaveners too since they are at home shaking legs�hehe. Cassie, Greenhorn, Acelin, Eibach and Statics joined us for the last week. Most of the time we try to arrange to work under the same area so that we can take care of each other and will not feel that bored as the working hours is rather long�14 hours. Overall I guess most of us enjoyed our work over at the exhibition and is definitely more enjoyable and interesting than working in those 8-5 desk bound jobs.

Clarence aka S-K-Y and William aka Lufbra

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Any comments please mail to Clarence William. This was last updated on 8/9/98.