Sasami: Breakfast is ready! Tenchi: Coming Ryoko: Ooh! I'm starved! Sasami: Okay, here you go everyone! Tenchi: Thank you, Sasami! Ryoko: Mmph Mmph! (food filled in mouth) Sasami: Your welcome! Mihoshi: Yummm! I want some more! Ryoko: Here, Tenchi, Try some! Tenchi: Sheesh, Ryoko, I can eat on my own, Thank you! Ryoko: Awww... come on! Just a bite! Aeka: LEave him Alone, Ryoko! Ryoko: Shut up, Aeka! Aeka: Make me, dragon breath! Tenchi: Can we all just sit down and eat normally for a change? Sasami: Yeah! Ryoko: Yeah, if you make her shut up! (points at Aeka) Aeka: What? Lord Tenchi and everybody else, I'm leaving! Tenchi: What?! Miss Aeka...! Ryoko: Let her go, Tenchi! Mihoshi: Man, what happened? Ryoko:The little princess threw a temper tantrum! Sasami: I'll go after her. Mihoshi: Okay. Where is Miss Washu? Ryoko: Take a guess. Mihoshi: mmmmm... In her lab? Tenchi: WOW! Ryoko: Hey, that's right! You might just be getting smarter! Mihoshi: Tenchi, who do you like the most out of everyone? Ryoko: What kind of a question is that? It's Me, or course! Tenchi: I can't take this. I'm going to get the mail. I'll be back later. (Tenchi storms out the door) Mihoshi: Oh, I thought it was Sasami. Ryoko: Hhmph.. Mihoshi: I guess it's just you and me, Ryoko. Ryoko: Yeah. Great. Mihoshi: Do you want that bowl of rice? :-) Ryoko: Take it. Mihoshi: YAY! Ryoko: I'm going to my room. Mihoshi: But I'll be all alone! Ryoko: Oh, go bother Washu or something. She never does anything important around here anyway. (Ryoko slowly floats up to room.) Aeka: (coming in) Oh I hate Ryoko, she is such a pest! Ryoko: I heard that! Aeka: Good, because I wanted you to! Ryoko: >:-P (goes in room) Aeka: Sasami, I feel so bad for Lord Tenchi, having to live with such an evil creature. Sasami: Ryoko is not all that bad Sasami: ... Mihoshi: Hello? Washu? (Knocks on Lab door) Washu: Who's there? Mihoshi: It's me, Miss Washu! Washu: Oh Hello, Mihoshi. Mihoshi: Hi, umm, do you know where everyone is? Washu: Of course, I am a genius! Let's see. Tenchi is heading to the mailbox, Ryoko is in her room, Aeka and Sasami are in the living room, Grandfather is in the Shrine, and Tenchi's Father is at work. Okay? Mihoshi: Oh, okay. What about me? Washu: (falls over) Good grief. I don't know, but I'm guessing you're still floating somewhere up on the stupid cloud! Mihoshi: Wow! Really?! Washu: :::sigh::: Anything else you want? Mihoshi: Um, nope, not really. Washu: good. Bye, now! (she goes back into lab) Sasami: Mihoshi, what was the point of that? Mihoshi: Ummm.... I forgot!! Sasami: Little Washu? If you're hungry, I can make something for you! Washu: Actually, I'm starved. I'll be out in a minute! Thanks, Sasami! Sasami: No problem! (heads for kitchen) Hey, is that Tenchi?! Tenchi: Hey everyone, I'm back! Sasami: Yay! Anything for me, Tenchi? Tenchi: Yeah, there's a cookbook. Sasami: Hooray! (she skips into kitchen) Aeka: Anything for me, lord tenchi? Tenchi: Nope, nothing for anyone but Sasami, Grandpa, Dad, and... Washu. Aeka: Washu? Washu: (steps out of lab) What was that? Something came for me? Tenchi: Yup. It's from the Milky Way Science Academy. Washu: Great. Fine thing to see in the morning. Sasami: Here is breakfast, Washu! Washu: Thank you. (reading letter and eating) Aeka: Well, Lord Tenchi, would you like to take a walk with me? Mihoshi: Oh, I wanna go! Tenchi: ummm... Ryoko: (yelling from her room) Don't you dare, Tenchi, don't you DARE!!! Aeka: Shut up, gutter mouth! Tenchi: Sure. I'll come. Aeka: Really? Okay, let's go! Washu: Drops chopsticks, runs into lab and slams door. Sasami: geez, she didn't even finish her food. Tenchi: Yeah... Oh well. Come on, Mihoshi! Mihoshi: YAY!! Ryoko: Can I come too, Tenchi? Aeka: NO! Tenchi: Yes. Ryoko: Thank you, Tenchi! (sticks tounge out at Aeka) Aeka: Might as well invite Sasami and Washu too, then. Mihoshi: Washu, would you like to... Washu: NO! I'M VERY BUSY, SO PLEASE GO! Sasami: She sounds mad... Aeka: Come on, Lord Tenchi, let's just go! Tenchi: But Little Washu... Mihoshi: Something is wrong! Ryoko: Come ON! Just forget it. She's probably just cranky. Tenchi: But... Do you think there was something bad in that letter? Sasami: Washu come on, please? Washu: Go AWAY!! Ryoko: You heard her, Let's go! Tenchi: RYOKO! Sasami: Let me in and tell me what's wrong, Miss Washu! WAshu: (opens door) Look. I'll explain later. Please just go. I've got a lot to do between now and... I'll explain later. (slams door) Sasami: Well, okay. LEt's go, Tenchi. Tenchi: Yeah... Mihoshi: I'll stay. As a galaxy police officer, it is my duty to find out what's wrong! Tenchi: Fine. Have fun, Mihoshi! Aeka: Lord Tenchi will you escort me? Ryoko: He's busy escorting me, Right Tenchi? Tenchi: ... (they leave) Aeka: Oh Ryoko, let go of him!! You're such a pain! Tenchi: Shut up, Aeka, and Ryoko, let go of me! Ryoko: Tenchi!! Aeka: Tenchi!!! Sasami: Hehehe... You guys are funny. Tenchi: Sorry. I just want to know what's up with Washu. You know that half of the things that happen here have something to do with her, like Kagato, for instance, and Dr. Clay... Ryoko: You've got a point. I guess she just knows a lot of mad scientists like herself. But I don't know what's wrong. She's blocked me out. Sorry, Tenchi. Aeka: Oh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! She does not care about you anymore! Ryoko: grrrrr.... Tenchi: Stop it, both of you! Sasami: Aeka, stop it. You're acting like you're five. Aeka: ummm... Tenchi: Can we go back? I wanna find out what's up before we get attacked by some psycho that knows Washu. Sasami: Yah, let's go. Ryoko: I agree. Coming Princess? Aeka: Of course, as a princess of Jurai It's my duty. Sasami: Tenchi, do you think she is in major trouble? Tenchi: No, if she was she'd let us know, but... It could be dangerous just the same Aeka: Tenchi's right. Ryoko: I have to agree. Tenchi: Hey, didn't Mihoshi stay behind to find out? Aeka: I think so... Tenchi: uh oh... Aeka: Let's hurry home! (running) (they get inside and Mihoshi has been turned into a water sprite) Tenchi: Mihoshi! Sasami: Oh no! Mihoshi, what happened?! Aeka: She can't talk. Think, Sasami! Tenchi: Washu, WHAT DID YOU DO?!?! Ryoko: I like her better this way. She can't cause as much trouble. Mihoshi: eeeeeeeeee! kappakapakapa eeelaba! Sasami: So cute!!! Aeka: So annoying... Tenchi: Change her back, Washu!!! (mihoshi changes back) Mihoshi: Wha... Wha happened? Tenchi: You okay, Mihoshi? Mihoshi: I'm fine... Aeka: Yeah. It wasn't too fun when Washu did it to me. Ryoko: Totally. You did look funny though, Aeka. Aeka: Not as funny as you! Ryoko: I retain my beauty in any form, unlike you! Aeka: I resent that you old hag! Ryoko: More like you resemble that! Tenchi: Now stop it you two! Aeka: (whispers) You're just jealous because Tenchi likes me more. (they begin to pull at eachothers lips) Washu: (Washu steps out in her Milky Way Science Academy uniform) Honestly, you two. Stop that before I turn you into water sprites again! Aeka: Miss Washu! Sasami: Now will you explain? Tenchi: Yeah, what's wrong? Washu: Nothing. I was just preparing for my trip back to the milky way Science Academy! Sasami: Why?? Mihoshi: Don't leave! Washu: In the letter that Tenchi gave me, There was a royal Jurain order from your Father, Lady Aeka, saying that there is a need for teachers there for some reason, so they need me to teach for a while until they can find someone to teach permanently. Aeka: My father... but there has never been a shortage! Washu: Apparently there is one now... They're practically begging for me to come back! I couldn't just say no... Aeka: I see what you mean. Yes, then go. Washu: Thank you, Lady Aeka. Sasami: (sobbing) Washu: Now all I have to do is dismantle the door and... Mihoshi: Take me with you!!! Washu: Why?! Mihoshi: Because... Washu: no. Tenchi: So you're leaving for good, Miss Washu? Washu: possibly. It depends on whether or not they get permanent teachers soon. Sasami: (sobbing) Washu: Sasami... Sasami: I won't cry... Washu: I'd like to take Ryo-ohki with me, to keep an eye on how she grows, if that's alright with you, Sasami. Sasami: Okay. Let me fix you some lunch... (walks out slowly, sobbing) Tenchi: Well, Washu, you're welcome to come back whenever you want and stay as long as you like. Ryoko: (she's smiling. Not sad at all) Washu: Thank you, lord Tenchi. Aeka: Yes please do, we will all miss you. Ryoko: ^_^ Of course. Definately! Come back soon! (thinking: SHE'S LEAVING!!! HOORAY!!!) Ryo-ohki: myaaa... myaamyaa... Sasami: (comes back) here you go, Washu. Washu: Thanks Sasami. Ryo-ohki: (Crying and hugging Sasami) MYAAAAAAA-MYAAAAAA! Sasami: Shhh... stop crying, everything will be alright... (Sasami begins to cry too) Washu: I'd better get going before I start crying too. Come on, Ryo-ohki. Ryo-ohki: (transforms) Sasami: Good bye, Washu! Mihoshi: Bye!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! (cries) Washu: Goodbye. I hope to see you all soon! Aeka: Good bye, Miss Washu! Washu: (has a tear in her eye, so she turns and runs onto the ship) Tenchi: GOODBYE, LITTLE WASHU!!! Ryoko: Goodbye! Don't come back for a long long time! Everyone: RYOKO!! (Ryo-ohki launches and flies off) Ryoko: good rittens. Sasami: come on, it's lunch time. Let's go and eat. Tenchi: Okay. Sasami: I miss her already. Ryoko: Miss who? Tenchi: Ryoko! Ryoko: Just kidding. Sasami: Okay, here is lunch. Tenchi: Thanks, Sasami. Sasami: Your welcome. Ryoko: Mihoshi, you can stop crying now, you're getting tears in my food. Mihoshi: I can't!!! Sasami: ummm... I don't fee like cooking dinner tonight, so someone will have to do it for me. Tenchi: Don't look at me. Ryoko: Well, I'm certainly not gonna cook anything. Aeka: You all know that I can't cook. Tenchi: I can call my father and see if he'll pick us up something in town. Aeka: Could you lord Tenchi? Tenchi: Sure. I'll be right back. (tenchi calls his father) Tenchi: He says that he'll pick up something for us. Where's Sasami? Aeka: In her room. Tenchi: Poor Sasami. Ryo-ohki and Washu both left... Ryoko: I'll miss Ryo-ohki a little, but Washu... I'll have to think about that. Aeka: Ryoko! Oh dear, poor Sasami. Tenchi: Maybe we should go an cheer her up. Not you, Ryoko. Mihoshi: Ryoko, how could you be so cruel? Ryoko: :::giggle::: I'm gonna go and watch some T.V. Mihoshi: Sasami? Tenchi: Sasami? Aeka: Sasami, we came to cheer you up. Sasami: Please leave. Tenchi: Sasami, please let us in? Ryoko: Tenchi!! Mihoshi: Oh come on, let's play a game, huh Sasami?? Ryoko: TEEEEEENNNNNNNNCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! Sasami: NO! Tenchi: Be quiet, Ryoko. C'mon Sasami! Aeka: The devil woman calls for you, Tenchi. Ryoko: Tenchi, there's someone at the door who REALLY want's to see you, and I think you should come down here. NOW!!! Mihoshi: Who is it Ryoko? Sarita (person at door): This is the Galaxy Police! I need to see Princess Aeka and Princess Sasami right away! Ryoko: Tenchi!! Get Down Here! Sarita: Who is Tenchi? Wait a minute, aren't you the infamous Space Pirate, Ryoko? Ryoko: ummm... Mihoshi: Nope. This isn't her. I'm a galaxy police officer too, First class detective Mihoshi! And I know a space pirate when I see one, and there are no space pirates here. Ryoko: That's right! Just us Civilians, Right Tenchi? Tenchi: Uh, yeah, right... Aeka: Ummm.. Yeah. What do you want? Sarita: A kidnapping has occoured and I am here to protect those of Jurain Royal Family blood. Ryoko: (sneaks up near bedroom quietly) Tenchi: Kidnapping? Aeka: There is no need for protection, we have all the protection we need right here. Anyway, Who was kidnapped? Sarita: Lady Funaho. We can't find her. Sasami: No! Sarita: Her spaceship key was left behind, so we can't put a trace on her. Aeka: If only washu was here. Sarita: Who? Who is washu? Tenchi: She would kill you if she heard that. Aeka: Little Washu? The greatest scientist of the universe. Sarita: Anyway, it is the king's orders to take you two home to keep you safe. Aeka: Then I guess we have no choice. Tenchi: Should I go get Grandpa? Sasami: No. Sorry Tenchi, but we must go. Aeka: Yes. Goodbye, lord Tenchi. Tenchi: I must insist that we come too! Ryoko: hhmph.. Sarita: Now, I'm only allowed to take royal family members. Mihoshi: As a galaxy police officer, it is my duty to help. Tenchi: But I am of Jurain royal family blood! Ryoko: And I'm his bodyguard. Mihoshi: yes, it is true. Tenchi is Juraian. Sarita: I suppose, but noone is to know about this. Sasami: Okay! Ryoko: Yes! Tenchi: Alright. Let's go! (they leave. Tenchi's father comes back with the food for all of them and nobody is there. He checks in Washu's old room and a bunch of brooms fall on him) (they arrive at Jurai) Azusa: Aeka, Sasami. Good to see that you're safe. WHAT?? Why did you bring THEM?! Misaki: Oh I was so worried! My little babies! You've heard the news, I suspect? Oh my poor sister! Oh Funaho!! Aeka: Oh Mommy. Sasami: Mommy. Ryoko: (trying her best not to laugh) Misaki: My little Aeka! (hugs) and sasami! (hugs) and Ryoko! (hugs) and Tenchi (hugs), and Mihoshi! (hugs) and... Where is young Washu, and Ryo-ohki? Tenchi: Washu went back to the Milky Way Science Academy to Teach. It was one of your orders, your majesty Lord Azusa. Azusa: My orders? I never made such orders. Tenchi: You didn't?? Ryoko: Now I'll have to admit I'm getting a little worried. Aeka: I knew something was fishy. Tenchi: Then what happened to Washu? And Funaho? Sasami: and Ryo-ohki... Tenchi: We've got to do something. There must be some way we can find the person who did this! Aeka: Yes, but where to start? Ryoko: hmmm... Can't we use Tenchi's sword to find Funaho? Tenchi: Might work. What do you think, Aeka? Aeka: I don't think so. Without the ship Tsunami it couldn't find a needle in a haystack even if it was Juraian. Tenchi: That's it! We can use Tsunami! If, that 's alright with you, Sasami. Sasami: Hehehe... yes I think she can. Or I should say I can. Tenchi: Thank you, Sasami. Misaki: Be careful, Sasami! Sasami: I will Ryoko: Hurry, Tenchi, every minute she'll get farther away. Sasami: ummm.... Okay, Tsunami says that Washu is alright, but the enemy is soon approaching her. If we hurry, we might be able to make it. Tenchi: Thank you, Tsunami. Alright. Let's go find Washu! (and they get on the Juraian ship, Sotu.) Aeka: It's an old model, but it's pretty simple to manage. You use the control pad and tell it where you want to go. Misaki: When you come back with Funaho, Washu, and Ryo-ohki, we can all have some tea together! Okay?! Be careful! Aeka: Mother... oh nevermind... Ryoko: I think I can find Ryo-ohki and Washu. Aeka: Let's try hooking you up to the ship. This shouldn't hurt. Ryoko: OUCH!!! Hey, you did that on purpose, huh? Aeka: :::snicker::: Aeka: Okay, Sotu, let's get going! Sasami: Tenchi, What do you think will happen to Washu and.... and Ryo-ohki? Tenchi: We'll have to find out when we run into the jerk who's doing this. Lady Aeka, can't this thing go any faster? Mihoshi: ummmm... What is that up ahead? Aeka: It's an arm of the Milky Way, you dope. Mihoshi: oh. HEHEHE.... Ryoko: There! There they are! Just a bit farther! Tenchi: Do you see the other ship? Ryoko: Yes! There it is, we're too late! They're attacking eachother! Sasami: OH NO! Ryo-ohki!! Ryoko: It's alright, I think Washu's winning! The ship's backing up!! Tenchi: Yes! Can't you make this ship go faster, Aeka? Aeka: I'm trying, Lord Tenchi, but it's internal engine seems to be shot for anything over this speed. Ryoko: Uh oh! The ship wasn't going away, it was rearing up to charge at her! Tenchi: WHAT?! Ryoko: There, see? They're going to crash on that planet! Tenchi: I see them! But wait! The other ship stopped, but ryo-ohki is still going.... (kaboom, Ryo-ohki crashes) Aeka: (trying to call Ryo-ohki on the screen) There's nothing but static! Tenchi: Ryoko, can't you teleport onto that planet or something? Ryoko: If I could just tap into ryo-ohki's memory to see where they are, i should be able to... There. Just a little closer and I can make it! Tenchi: Hurry! Ryoko: Just a little closer! (she transforms) Aeka: We're going as fast as we can, Ryoko! Ryoko: There! I'll meet you all on that planet! Tenchi: (transforms) I'm coming! Aeka: I'll manage the ship and meet you there. (Ryoko and Tenchi land on the planet) Tenchi: I don't see them anywhere. Aeka: (teleports onto planet with Sasami and Mihoshi) ryoko: I think they're somewhere over this way! (they run in the direction Ryoko is going) Tenchi: There, I see them! Ryoko: The other ship's landing! Ryo-ohki: myaaaa...... Sasami: Ryo-ohki!! Ro-ohki: Myaaa-Myaa! (Runs rowards Sasami, but is very hurt.) Sasami: Where is Washu? Mihoshi: Yes, where is Miss Washu? Ryoko: She's over here! Aeka: Is the hurt? Tenchi: She's out cold! That was some crash... Voice: Thank you for finding her for me. Aeka: Who is that?? Sasami: Some evil being is on this planet now! Woman (the voice): Pardon me, I need to collect my next ingredient. Tenchi: Who are you? Mihoshi: What do you want with Washu? Woman: You wouldn't understand. Mihoshi: Try me! (Washu begins to float and goes towards the woman) Tenchi: ACK! Washu! Aeka: NO! Woman: Now all I need is one more ingredient. Aeka: Stop this! As princess of Jurai I order you to stop! (Washu dissappears) Aeka: NOOO! Woman: Hahahaha! You think you can stop me, the great Itshiura? As soon as I get the last ingredient, I will be invincible! Mihoshi: As a Galaxy Police officer I think I can stop you! Itshiura: MWAHAHAHAHA! All I need are the powers of the strongest space pirate alive! That's you, Ryoko. Ryoko: WHAT?! Mihoshi: You know, you have a weird laugh. Itshiura: You should talk, bubble gum brains! Mihoshi: Who, me? That's not nice! (cries) Sasami: You can't take Ryoko!! Itshiura: Anyway, with Ryoko's powers, the intellectual genius of Washu, and the grace and elegance of Lady Funaho, I will be the perfect being alive! Now, Ryoko, accept your fate and come here! Aeka: Perfect? With RYOKO?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (dieng laughing) Tenchi: Aeka!!! Aeka: Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Ryoko: Thanks a lot... Tenchi: Anyway, you can't have Ryoko, now give back the others and leave. Itshiura: I'd like to see you try and make me. (meanwhile Ryo-ohki finds a bag on the ground, but nobody else notices) Sasami: I'm behind you, Tenchi! Mihoshi: GO TENCHI! Ryoko: Please Tenchi, don't let her get me!! (acting scared) Aeka: (whispers: just take Ryoko, you evil old hag!) Itshiura: But, just to be safe, so she doesn't run away, I'll just put her away in this container. Ryoko: huh?! HEY! (and she is bottled up in a glass cylinder and floats over towards Itshiura) Sasami: Oh no! Tenchi: Ryoko! Itshiura: Now, Let's fight! (they fight until Tenchi has Itshiura pinned and could kill her easily) Aeka: Hooray, Tenchi... Mihoshi: ALRIGHT!!! Sasami: YAY! Ryoko: Yes! Itshiura: Alright, you've won. (she gets up and begins to float) Sasami: That was too easy. Something is fishy!! Itshiura: However since you didn't kill me, I'll be taking Ryoko Anyway. Ryoko: (The capsule floats up in the air) TENCHI!!! (It dissappears) Tenchi: Ryoko! Sasami: NO! Aeka: (whispers: yes!) Itshiura: If you want a rematch, come to my ship. But you'd better hurry, or by the time you come to the rescue, they'll already have had their life sucked out of them and be dead, while I'm invincible! Mihoshi: No! You'll pay you evil thing! Itshiura: (she dissappears) Tenchi: Now what do we do? Sasami: I don't know. Ryo-ohki: Myaa! Myaa! (she's holding the bag she found earlier in her mouth) Tenchi: What's this? It's got Washu's picture on the outside. Aeka: Open it, Tenchi! Tenchi: They're capsules... Aeka: HOW WILL THOSE HELP?!?! Tenchi: (startled, he drops a capsule. After it hits the ground a Tenchi doll suddenly appears where he was and he appears where the capsule landed) Tenchi: They're just like Washu's dolls! Aeka: Must be a new invention... Mihoshi: OH! How CUTE!!! Can I keep it?! Tenchi: I... guess... Sasami: Now what? Tenchi: I've got a plan! But we have to find the others first! Sasami: Ryo-ohki! Please transform! Ryo-ohki: (transforms) (they all get on the ship and teleport onto Itshiura's ship. Tenchi: now we have to find Washu, Ryoko, and Funaho! Quick! Sasami: Ryo-ohki! Find Ryoko and Washu! Ryo-ohki: MYAA MYAA! (She starts to run) (they're on the ship, and begin to run through the corridors) Sasami: I'm so confused, Tenchi! I just feel like we've been going around in circles! Mihoshi: Maybe we should go this way instead? Aeka: Then I suggest we go the other way. Tenchi: I agree. Let's go! (they run down the corridor and see Itshiura, or a hologram of her at least) ITshiura: HAHAHA!!! You're going much too slow! I'm giving you an extra five minutes, becasue I am beginning to feel sorry for these three... and they thought they could rely on you... (itshiura snaps her fingers and an image appears in the air in front of Tenchi and gang. In it, Funaho, Ryoko, and Washu are sealed in three huge glass capsules in a huge control room. Funaho is standing calmly, Ryoko is sitting and floating in the air looking supremely pissed, and Washu is throwing a temper tantrum and beating her fists against the glass) Itshiura: You should hurry, or this could be the last time you ever see them! Aeka: Lady Funaho!! Tenchi: Little Washu! Ryoko!! Itshiura, you let them go!! Itshiura: You're wasting time. If you can reach me in five minutes, I'll release them... HAHAHAHAHA!!! Tenchi: DAMN! Aeka: Which way? Tenchi: Let's hurry and keep going down this corridor... (so they continue, and they run into a huge maze) Sasami: A MAZE! Oh I love mazes!! They remind me of back on Jurai! Aeka: Oh, but these walls are so high... It'll be impossible to cheat! How will we make it to her! Tenchi: It's not impossible! Ryo-ohki! Do you think you can float over the walls and show us the way out? Ryo-ohki: Myaa MYAA! (and she does) Myaa Myaa! Sasami: I think she wants us to follow her! (they all run after Ryo-ohki. At the end of the maze, they see two huge robots standing guard at the exit) Tenchi: We don't have much time left! What do we do...? Mihoshi, don't go near those! Stay back!! Aw what's the use... Mihoshi: Where'd everybody go? (they're all hiding behind a wall from the robots) Am I all alone? B-but... I can't beat Itshiura by myself... What do I do? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! (and Mihoshi's tears fall on the robot and begin to glitch it out, and it falls over) Aeka: Well, that makes it easier... Sasami: You should hurry and beat it before it figures out how to get up. Tenchi: oh, umm, right... (and tenchi slashes the robots with his sword) Aeka: Now let's goand save lady funaho! Sasami: lead the way, ryo-ohki! Ryo-ohki: Myaa Myamya! (runs down a few corridors) Mihoshi: THERE SHE---!! (everyone covers her mouth) Aeka: (whispers) shut up! do you want to give us away? Mihoshi: sorry... Tenchi: now what? Aeka: ssh! she's saying something. Itshiura: Hhmph. And I thought that it would be much more interesting than this. Oh well! Your five minutes are up, and I believe your friends were killed by the giant robots posted outside of this room. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Ryoko: Why you no good devil woman! How could you! Tenchi... Itshiura: hahaha! I suppose i should humor you in your last few minutes of life. Anyway, you're a scientist, right Washu? How do you like my machine? All I have to do is press this button and put this helmet on my head, and in twenty seconds your powers, Ryoko, your wisdom, Washu, and your grace, Lady Funaho, all will be mine, and I will be the ultimate being! Too bad you all won't live to see me take over the world! Now, let the experiment commense!! Washu: I really wouldn't reccomend doing that. There are severe problems in the mechanics of the machine, and the chances are five to- Itshiura: Shut up! Stop trying to buy time, your friends aren't coming! Washu: Oh but I'm serious... Itshiura: SILENCE!! and she puts on the helmet and presses the button, and a large twenty second countdown begins. Tenchi: Sasami, think you can hurry through these vents in five seconds? Sasami: yes. Tenchi: go up to the capsules and give one to each of them quickly. It will get them out! Sasami: right! (takes the bag and runs as fast as she can) Itshiura: it won't be long now! (turns away from the capsules and sees Tenchi, Aeka, Mihoshi, and Ryo-ohki standing in front of her) Tenchi: Hi. Itshiura: What in the hell are you doing here? You're dead! Aeka: Not quite. Mihoshi beat the robots you set out for us. Itshiura: No! But my plan was perfect! Oh well, it's already too late for your friends! (meanwhile) Ryoko: Sasami? Sasami: Hi! Here, all of you, take one of these! Washu: My capsules! Press the button and throw it out through the air holes! Quick, there's not much time. (they all do as Washu says and the dolls appear in their place while they appear out of the capsules) Sasami gives tenchi a thumbs up and they run away from the capsules. Tenchi: Oh, but I think your wrong about it being too late... Itshiura: What? (she turns around and sees the dolls) NO!!! 3... 2... 1... 0! (and a huge bolt of lightning goes into the helmet and the power of the dolls goes into her mind. There is a poof of smoke and Itshiura is turned into a doll. Aeka: Lady Funaho! Are you alright? Funaho: I'm fine, but I think we should get out of here right now! Washu: Ryo-ohki, transform right here. We'll break through the ship! Tenchi, help me get itshiura! Tenchi: Right! Ryo-ohki: Myaa! (ryo-ohki transforms and they all get on the ship) Aeka: Sasami, Lady Funaho and I will get on the juraian ship, return lady Funaho to jurai and then go back home, alright? Tenchi: Fine, and we'll take Itshiura to Galaxy Police HQ and meet you there. Ryoko: Let's go, Ryo-ohki! THE END