Wanna go home?

friends-logo.JPG (10618 bytes)

written March 5, 2:47pm, EST

You know what's really sad?  Some people take things that are good and completely well intentioned and twist it into something perverse, disgusting and just wrong.

As such, I've had to put up this disclaimer.   No, let me correct that.  I don't have to do anything I want, particularly because I am an American citizen and I have all the freedoms that come with that.  I put this up because I would like to let those few people that think that this section of my website is bad.

This section was made, like I've said many a time, to showcase my friends and the experiences, memories and whatnot I've had with them, as well as showing the conditions under which I met them.

These are my friends and what I like about them.   If you don't like them, get your own friends.

Onto the entries ...