Welcome to my page, filled with frolics and fun. I'm experimenting with Cascading Style Sheets right now but feel free to check my old site designed with Plain Old Boring HTML.
This doesn't work yet, not uploaded it yet, sorry!
Apologies - this page looks AWFUL in Netscape, but not-so-awful in Internet Explorer. Well - until Netscape supports more Style Sheets it's gonna stay that way methinks :-\ Sorry!
I'm Phil Sumner, a 20yr old student from Manchester, UK. I'm a second year student at U.M.I.S.T. studying for a BEng in Software Engineering.
I used to do a diary on this site, but I have been writing a diary on Monochrome now for the past few months, and it's all so much easier than this, I'm afraid. No more editing HTML, uploading and checking links. It's just [MLYD] and I'm there.
So now this site has been transformed into a useless repository for me to play about with new technologies - right now it's CSS, tommorrow it may be DHTML and it might even devolve into JavaScript at sometime in the future. Sorry :)
Everything I have found out about CSS has been from a rather useful site called Glassdog.com. They have a rather good guide to HTML and website design on there which they call the "Design-o-rama". It's 70 pages long tho, so don't print it out unless you have about 600 pages of printing credit somewhere *smile*.
[UMIST] [All About Me]