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Submit a File
- Game Future is open about having our viewers submit cool files like stuff we could put in our download section. Thesis files would be considered by The staff and must be a good file, Things like Midtown Madness 2 cars of Roller Coaster Tycoon Tracks are highly wanted and other cool things like screen savers and any thing cool that could be contributed to make this sight better. WE DON'T except any thing that is inappropriate for our younger viewers or thing that have noting to do with our main topics like school reports or weird photos.

- To submit a file please send it to the E-mail sight: [email protected]
- Use
Game future submit file as a subject.

- Submit files, add-on cars and any cool thing based on the sight topics.
- Movies
- MM1 or 2

- Games for PC
- No Nasty things.