This might be short and whimpy, but if you'r a starter it's all you need. So, anyway...
To create a framed page you need:
A menu page
A content page
A blank page with no body tags (to set out the 2 pages)
In the blank page you need to have it look something like this:
<TITLE>Title here</TITLE>
<FRAME SRC="menu.htm" NAME="menu_frame" frameborder=0 noresize>
<FRAME SRC="content.htm" NAME="content_frame" frameborder=0 noresize>
<NOFRAMES>Type your message for browsers that do not support frames
menu.htm would be the menu page and content.htm would be the page content.
When you open the "No-Body-Tag" file in your browser, it will show 2 frames. If you want a link from the menu page to the content frame, insert this link:
<A HREF="page_to_be_loaded.htm" TARGET="content_frame">Link Text</A>