Approved at District 5 Convention, May 1997


Section 1
The name of the Association is District number Five of the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Canada / Les Clubs Kin du Canada.

Section 2
The short name shall be "District 5".


Section 1
The objects of District 5 shall be:
a) To administer the affairs of this District
b) To seek within the District and through the Clubs of the District the attainment of the objects of the Association as set forth in the Constitution and House Rules of the said Association.
c) To increase the fellowship and cooperation efforts of the Clubs within the District
d) To cooperate with the Association in the building of new Clubs, and educate and strengthen the Clubs in the District
e) To promote participation of the Clubs in the District in the general objective programs and policies of the Association
f) To transact all business and carry on all correspondence between the Association and the Kinsmen and Kinettes within the territorial Limits of the District.


Section 1
NORTH COAST ZONE - That portion of District Five being north of the 52 degrees 35' parallel of latitude and west of the 126 meridian of longitude, and the Yukon Territory.
NORTHERN INTERIOR ZONE - That portion of District Five being north of the 52 degrees 35' parallel and east of the 126 meridian of longitude.
UPPER ISLAND ZONE - That area designated north of the Nanaimo River to include Powell River.
COLUMBIA VALLEY ZONE - That portion of District Five being generally east of the Columbia River, Slocan River, Duncan River and Beaver River, and being south of the 51 degrees 35' parallel of latitude.
LOWER MAINLAND - FRASER VALLEY ZONE -That portion of District Five being generally west of the 121 meridian of longitude, extending to the Gulf of Georgia, from the 49th parallel of latitude on the south and reaching north to the 50th parallel of latitude.(5/99)
OKANAGAN ZONE - That portion of District Five being south of Oyama, east of the 121 meridian of longitude, north of the 49 parallel of latitude and west of the 118 degrees 45' meridian of longitude.
LOWER ISLAND ZONE - That portion of Vancouver Island being generally south of the Nanaimo and Nitinat Rivers.
HIGH COUNTRY ZONE - That portion of District Five bounded by the Columbia Valley Zone, Okanagan Zone and north of the 50 degrees 5" parallel of latitude and east of the 122 degrees 45' meridian of longitude, south of the 51 degrees 35' parallel of latitude between 122 degrees 45' meridian of longitude and the 120 meridian of longitude, east of the 120 meridian of longitude and west of the 119 degrees 30' meridian of longitude between the 51 degrees 30' latitude and the 50 degrees 5' parallel of latitude.


Section 1
Every Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Club within the territorial limits of this District shall be a member of this District.

Section 2
Any member Club more than thirty (30) days in arrears for any indebtedness to the Association or this District and failing to provide the Governor with a satisfactory explanation shall be considered not in good standing.

Section 3
If any Club consecutively misses two (2) district meetings (i.e. District Convention, Fall Leadership Conference or Zone Conference) the following shall apply:
a) The District Secretary shall forward notice to the president of such Club notifying that if the Club fails to attend the next District meeting or provide the Governor with satisfactory explanation it may result in the Club being placed not in good standing.
b) If the Club fails to attend the next following district meeting or fails to provide an explanation provided for in paragraph (a) hereof, the District Secretary shall request the national Council to declare the Club to be not in good standing.

Section 4
Any member Club not being in good standing with the Association shall be considered to be not in good standing with the District.


Section 1
The name of the Zone (name of Zone), hereafter called "the Zone".

Section 2
The geographical boundaries of the Zone are those set out in the House Rules, as presently, specified and as may hereafter be amended, and the Zone is comprised of all those Kinsmen, Kinette & Kin Clubs which from time to time situated within the said boundaries.

Section 3
DEFINITION: Each Zone shall elect one Kinsmen Deputy Governor and/or one Kinette Deputy Governor. Each Deputy Governor is limited to three (3) Directors, all to be appointed by the incumbent Deputy Governor.
QUALIFICATIONS: Only the person who can meet the following qualifications shall be eligible to serve as officers of the Zone.
a) Each officer at the time he/she assumes office must be an Active or Life member in good standing, of a Club situated in the Zone.
b) The Deputy Governor during his/her term of office, shall not be entitled to hold office on any club executive except the office of past president.
c) The Deputy Governor must have served as a member of an executive of a Club for at least one full term prior to his/her election.
DUTIES: The duties of each Zone officer shall be as follows:
a) KINSMEN/KINETTE DEPUTY GOVERNOR - shall be presiding officer of all Kinsmen/Kinette zone conferences held in his/her zone. Under the direction and supervision of the District Council, he/she shall have the duty of implementing, within his/her zone, the general policy adopted by the district and of furthering the object and aims of the Association meeting both our internal and external mission statements, and of promoting the interests of the clubs within the zone.
b) ZONE DIRECTOR - The Zone Directors shall perform such duties as shall be from time to time be assigned to them provided that one of such Directors shall be designated by the Deputy Governor to act as the Secretary - Treasurer of the Zone and in such capacity shall be responsible for the recording of minutes of all Zone Executive committee, Zone Council and Zone Conference meeting; the distribution Zone Council minutes to the District Governor and the District Secretary, and shall collect any monies payable to the zone and shall disburse the same and account for receipts and disbursements and generally perform those duties at Zone level which a Club treasurer is obligated to perform at the Club level. The Deputy Governor may also designate one Zone officer to be a Zone Coordinator to perform such duties as specified by the Deputy Governor.
TERM OF OFFICE: Each Zone officer shall assume office on the first day of July following his/her election or appointment as the case may be and shall hold office until his/her successor assumes office.
VACANCIES IN OFFICE: In the event of a vacancy in any of the Zone offices. other than the Deputy Governor, the Deputy Governor may appoint a replacement who possesses the qualifications mentioned in subsection (3) hereof.

Section 4
a) DEFINITIONS - The Zone Executive Committee consists of the Zone Officer, Kinsmen Deputy Governor, and/or Kinette Deputy Governor, and the Chairmen of such committees as shall from time to time be appointed by the Zone Council or Zone executive Committee, provided the Chairman of such committee shall, unless they are a Zone Officer, be nonvoting members of the executive Committee.
b) COMMITTEES - The Zone Executive Committee and the Zone Council may appoint such standing or other committees as are deemed necessary from time to time to administer the business of the Zone.
c) FUNCTION - The Zone executive Committee is responsible for administrative duties of the Zone and shall exercise and perform such administrative duties as may be delegated to it by the District Executive Council and Zone Council to which it is responsible. Included in such duties are the promotions of Kin Potential and Kin Education within the Zone.
i) The Zone Executive Committees shall meet at the call of the Deputy Governors or the District Governors or upon written request of two (2) Zone Executive Committee members. Notice of every such meeting must be given to all members at least five (5) days prior to the date of the meeting.
ii) The Kinsmen and/or Kinette Deputy Governor will preside at all meetings of the Zone Executive Committee and in his/her absence one of the Directors approved by the Zone Executive Committee.
iii) A majority of the members of the Zone Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business at any meeting of the Zone Executive Committee.
iv) A member of the Zone Executive Committee cannot be represented by proxy at any of the Zone Executive Committee meetings.
v) MINUTES: Notes or minutes shall be recorded at every Zone Executive Committee meeting.

Section 5
a) DEFINITIONS - The Zone Council consists of the Zone Executive Committee, the Immediate Past Deputy Governors and the presidents of all Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Clubs within the Zone. A Club may appoint an alternate to represent the President of such Club at any Zone Council meeting if the president is unable to attend, provided that the alternate is an active member in good standing of the Club concerned and presents to the Zone Executive Committee written certification of his/her appointment signed by the President and one other officer of the Club.
b) FUNCTION - The Zone Council is responsible of the management and control of the Zone, subject to the direction of the District Executive Council and National Council.
i) NUMBER - The Zone Council shall hold the following meetings each Kin year:
1) Zone Executive Seminar, to be held prior to September 15th, and to include instructual materials for the Club President.
2) Zone Fall Conference to be held prior to November 30th (optional)
3) Zone Spring Conference to be held at least forty (40) days prior to District Convention.
ii) NOTICE - The Deputy Governor shall cause notice in writing to be given to each member of the Zone Council at least twenty-one (21) days prior to any such meeting.
iii) QUORUM - A majority of the Club Presidents (or their certified alternate) included in the Zone Council shall constitute the quorum for transaction of all business at any Zone Council meeting.
iv) MAJORITY VOTE - A majority of all votes cast at a Zone Council meeting shall decide any questions, with the exception of those for which a greater proportion is specifically required by these House Rules or by District Five or National House Rules.
v) MINUTES - Within thirty (30) days after any meeting of the Zone Council, the Deputy Governor shall cause a report or minutes of the proceedings of the meeting to be sent to the District Governors and to each member of the Zone Council.

Section 6
a) NUMBER - The Zone Deputy Governors shall call a minimum of one (1) Zone Conference to be held in his/her Zone (to be known as Spring Zone Conference), with said Conference to be held between February 1st and May 31st, each year, subject to the approval of the District Executive Committee. Additional Zone Conferences may be held at the discretion of the Deputy Governors, the Deputy Governors shall, before calling any Zone Conference, obtain the District Governors' approval of the proposed date of such conference.
b) PLACE - The location of such conference shall be left to the discretion of the Deputy Governors.
c) NOTIFICATION - The Deputy Governors shall be at least forty (40) days preceding each Zone Conference, notify the District Secretary of the date and location of the Zone Conference.
d) AGENDA & BUDGET - At least forty (40) days prior to the Zone Conference the Deputy Governors shall forward to the District Governors a copy of the propose agenda together with a copy of the proposed budget for such zone conference.
e) APPROVAL OF DISTRICT GOVERNORS - The District Governors may within seven (7) days of the receipt of the proposed agenda and proposed budget request that any item be added to or removed from the agenda or that the proposed budget be altered in such manner as the District Governors may request.
f) NOTICE TO CLUBS - At least twenty (20) days to the Zone Conference, the Deputy Governors shall forward to each Kinsmen, Kinette & Kin Clubs in standing in the Zone call to the Zone Conference, together with a copy of the agenda.
g) CHAIRMAN - The zone conference shall be chaired by the Kinsmen and/or Kinette Deputy Governor.
h) MINUTES - Within thirty (30) days after holding of a Zone Conference, the Deputy Governors shall cause the minutes of the Zone Conference to be forwarded to the District Governors and every club in the Zone.
i) Voting shall be restricted to accredited delegates in the Zone and accredited delegates-at-large, subject to the restriction hereinafter mentioned with the election of the Deputy Governors.
ii) A quorum shall compose 50% of the accredited delegates at the conference representing not less than 50% of the Clubs within the Zone.
iii) The Convention procedures in Article 8, Section 10, Subsection 1 to 8 inclusive of the National House Rules with such changes and details as may be necessary shall apply to Zone Conferences exception that a poll or ballot vote can only be requested by:
A) The Deputy Governor or other chairman of the Zone Conference
B) At least two (2) Presidents, or
C) At least ten (10) accredited delegates and/or accredited delegates-at-large.
j) DELEGATES - The number of delegates, definition of accredited delegates, privileges and qualification of delegates shall be governed by Article 42, Section 8 of the District By-Laws, with such substitution of the words "Zone Conference" for the words "District Convention", or "Zone" for "District", and "Zone Executive Committee" for "District Secretary" or "Committee on Credentials and Elections".
i) The following persons shall be delegates-at-large at zone conferences subject to being an Active, Privileged or Life member of a club in the zone as of the date of the zone conference:
A) The current Kinsmen & Kinette Deputy Governor; and
B) Any other current elected Zone Officer; and
C) Each Past National President who is a member of a Club in the Zone; and
D) Each past District Governor who is a member of a Club in the Zone; and
E) Each past Deputy Governor of the Zone who is a member of a Club in the Zone.
ii) A delegate-at-large will be entitled to one (1) vote at a zone conference if he/she becomes an accredited delegate-at-large.
i) An accredited delegate-at-large is a delegate-at-large who has presented himself/herself for registration at the zone conference and who has paid the delegate fee, if any.
ii) A delegate-at-large shall not be entitled to proxy his/her vote.
l) RESOLUTIONS - All resolutions which are to be presented at any Zone Conference shall be circulated to the District Governors and to all clubs within the Zone at least thirty (30) days prior to the Zone Conference.

Section 7
a) The Kinsmen and/ or Kinette Deputy Governors shall be elected at the Spring Zone Conference.
b) The nomination and election of the Kinsmen and/or Kinette Deputy Governors shall be governed by Article 37, Section 6, Subsections 2 to 5 inclusive, of the District By-Laws.
c) Only those accredited delegates representing clubs located in the zone in respect of which member seeks election, shall be entitled to vote for such office.

Section 8
a) DISTRICT OFFICERS - At least one and not more than two (2) District Officers or Chairman shall attend each Spring Zone Conference and his/her or their expenses for so attending, other than travel expenses, shall be borne by the Zone or by the Host Club of the Spring Zone Conference. All expenses, including traveling expenses of a District Officer or Chairman invited to attend a Zone Conference other than Spring Zone Conference, shall be borne by the Zone or Host Club of Spring Zone Conference.
b) DEPUTY GOVERNORS - The Clubs within the Zone shall assume and pay all living expenses (including accommodations and meals if required) other than traveling expenses, of a visiting Deputy Governor of the Zone (or of any other single representative of his/her visiting in the place of the Deputy governor) with respect to an official visit of such Deputy Governor or his/her representative for an installation of a Club's officers or other function and, in the case of a formal mixed function, shall also assume and pay expenses of the spouse of such Deputy Governors or his/her representative.

Section 9
a) No Zone Projects shall be initialed unless:
i) Notice of intention to initiate a Zone Project has been give to all Clubs within the Zone at least thirty (30) days prior to a Zone Conference, and
ii) The intended Project has been approved by a majority of 75% of those persons entitled to vote in person or by proxy at a Zone Conference.

Section 10
ZONE DUES - No dues shall be levied against any Clubs or members within the Zone, but specific assessments may be levied for specific purposes on the prior approval of a simple majority vote of the members of the Zone Council, and then only on a voluntary basis with respect to the participation of any Club in the Zone.

Section 11
METRO COUNCILS - The Zone may set up a Metro Council to coordinate the activities of these Clubs within the Zone which are situated within heavily populated urban areas, subject to the approval of the District Executive Council and the National Council, but any such Metro Council shall operate only under strict control of the Zone Council to which it is responsible.

Section 12
RULES OF ORDER - Except as herein otherwise provide, in all matters of procedure, the Zone shall be governed by the rules of procedure as set forth in Appendix "A" of the National House Rules.

Section 13
GAVEL STEALING - The gavel of any Club shall be the only item of Club equipment or regalia which can legally be pilfered.
a) The gavel may only be removed from the chairman, should he/she leave it unattended.
b) No item being used as an official gavel may be physically attached to the Chairperson and no physical force may be used to obtain a gavel.
c) The gavel may not be removed from the Chairperson's briefcase, Club storage locker or vehicle.
d) The Club which obtains the gavel by legal means, is responsible for its safekeeping and must notify the club from which it was taken, in writing, within two (2) weeks, with a copy to the Deputy Governor, acknowledging possession of the gavel. If another Club subsequently steals the same gavel they must follow the same procedure.
e) Any gavel belonging to a Club in District 5, legally pilfered, shall not leave the boundaries of District 5, unless with the permission of the Club President, from whose Club it was obtained.
f) A gavel may be redeemed in the following manner:
i) Interclub - Must have a minimum of three (3) members or 10% of its members in attendance. No fine.
ii) Zone Conference - May be redeemed by payment of a fine of no more than $5.00 to the appointed sheriff at either the District Fall leadership Conference or District Convention, or to the Deputy Governor at a Zone meeting.
g) A Club in possession of a legally stolen gavel, shall be responsible to have it available for redemption.
a) A Club failing to have a legally stolen gavel available for redemption, shall suffer the same consequence outlined in part f), subsection I) and ii) and in the case of an interclub, to return the gavel, with no fine.
b) Any item in use, in place of the official gavel for the purpose of this House rule, shall be deemed to be the official gavel for the purpose of this House Rule.
c) If these House Rules are not all complied with, the gavel is to be returned to its Home Club without penalty or fine on instruction of the Kinsmen/Kinette Deputy Governor of the home Club's Zone.

Section 14
TROPHY RULES - The Zone Council may institute Trophy Rules for any competition within the Zone and may amend the same from time to time by the vote of a majority of 75% of those persons entitled to vote at any Zone Conference meeting and such Trophy Rules may be made part of the House Rules of the Zone.

Section 15
a) Amendments of these Standard Zone House Rules, other than Trophy Rules, may be made at any Zone Conference on the vote of a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of those persons entitled to vote at any Zone Conference (including delegates-at-large) but no such amendments shall take effect until approved by the District Executive Committee and the National Council.
b) Any proposed amendments to these Standard Zone House Rules must be circulated in writing to the District Secretary, National Secretary, and to each Club within the Zone, at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the Zone Conference.


Section 1
NAMES - The officers of District 5 shall be the District Kinsmen Governor, the District Kinette Governor, the Vice District Kinsmen Governor, the Vice District Kinette Governor, immediate Past District Kinsmen Governor, immediate Past Kinette Governor, a Kinsmen and/ or Kinette Zone Deputy Governor for each zone in the district, and Directors not to exceed six (6) in number, and one Association Director.

Section 2
QUALIFICATIONS - Only persons who can meet the following qualifications shall be eligible to serve as officers of District 5:
a) Each officer except the immediate Past Kinsmen/Kinette Governor, shall be, at the time he/she assumes office, an Active or Life member in good standing of a Club in District 5.
b) The Kinsmen/Kinette Governor, Kinsmen/Kinette Vice Governor and each Kinsmen/Kinette Deputy Governor shall not be entitled to hold office on any Club executive except the office of Past president.
c) The Kinsmen/Kinette Governor, Kinsmen/Kinette Vice Governor, and each Kinsmen/Kinette Deputy Governor must have served as a member of an executive of a Club for at least one full term prior to his/her election.
a) The Kinsmen/Kinette Vice Governor shall be an Active or Active Life member in good standing of a club within the district, who has not attained the age of 44 years at the time of taking the office of Kinsmen/Kinette Vice Governor.

Section 3
DUTIES: The duties of each district officer shall be as follows:
i) Shall exercise general supervision over all activities of the district. They shall perform certain mandatory duties which shall include:
A) Preside over the annual convention and all meetings of the district executive committee, and the respective district council;
B) Direct activities of the district executive committee;
C) Ensure and maintain the Association's public image;
D) Properly respond to all correspondence;
E) Shall be an ex-officer member of all standing and special committees;
F) They shall be representatives of the district on the national board of directors, and
G) Ensure that the object and aims of the Association are adhered to by the membership and member clubs, in meeting both the internal and external mission statements.
ii) Attendance by invitation to club, zone and district events such as life memberships, club anniversaries and other such functions is optional. They shall perform such other duties as pertain to the office of president in an organization.
b) VICE DISTRICT KINSMEN/KINETTE GOVERNOR - shall form a committee (hereafter referred to as the "vice district executive committee"). The vice governors and the committee shall thoroughly familiarize themselves with the operation of the district. The vice district Kinsmen/Kinette governors shall act as a liaison between such committee and the District Executive Committee.
a) IMMEDIATE PAST DISTRICT KINSMEN/KINETTE GOVERNOR - shall act as advisors to the District Executive Committee and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to them by the District Executive Committee.
b) DISTRICT DIRECTORS - shall perform such duties as shall be assigned by the district Kinsmen/Kinette Governors or the district executive committee. These shall include but not be limited to such duties as secretary, treasurer, public relations, coordinator, personal development, Kin information, membership, external expansion, bulletin publication, trophy control and service. The Directors shall be responsible for carrying out the administration of the District in conjunction with the By-Laws of the Association as laid down by the District Executive Committee. Such duties shall include minutes of meetings, overseeing of financial affairs, liaison with the Kinsmen/Kinette Deputy governors, registering delegates to the annual convention as well as being chairman of the committee of credentials and the convention. In addition, they shall also be responsible for the following specific duties:
1) shall collect all monies payable to the district and shall disburse the same as directed by the district executive committee;
2) notify all clubs in arrears in respect to district dues;
3) keep the books of the district and a correct account of receipts and disbursements;
4) present a detailed report thereof at the annual district convention. The records and books shall at all times be open to the inspection of the members of the district executive and auditor named by the district executive committee
1) shall be the recorder of all district meetings;
2) shall record and maintain accurate minutes of the annual district convention;
3) shall be responsible for all correspondence under the direction of the Kinsmen/Kinette Governor;
4) the records of the secretary shall at all times be open for inspection by the district executive committee
5) shall maintain an up to date list of all club presidents and club addresses;
6) shall ensure that all clubs file annual reports with the Society Branch of BC;
1) shall be responsible of all trophies in District 5;
2) shall maintain an up to date and accurate record of all trophy rules, and the necessary changes to comply with national trophy rules;
3) to coordinate the judges as required for trophy submissions and competitions.
iv) ASSOCIATION DIRECTOR : The attributes being sought in Association directors include long-term visionary, dedication, creativity, honesty, openness to challenge and change, effective communicator and a team player. The Association Director will attend National Board meetings as required. The Association Director will attend Fall Leadership Conferences and District Conventions to report the activities of the national board the members of District Five. The Association Directors is an elected position of the district and will be an ex-officio member of the District Executive Committee and shall have full rights and privileges of an executive member of Council. The Association Director may, from time to time, be called upon to complete additional duties within their District as directed by the provisions of their District's By-laws. (05/00)

Section 4
DISTRICT OFFICE VACANCIES - In event of vacancy in the office of District Kinsmen/Kinette Governor and/or District vice Kinsmen/Kinette Governor, the National executive Cimmittee of the Association shall appoint a District Kinsmen/Kinette Governor and/or District Vice Kinsmen/Kinette Governor who possesses the qualifications mentioned in Section 2 of this Article to fill the office for the expired term of office.

Section 5
The Association Director, who takes office immediately after the National Convention, is elected to the board by the district through an election process held by the District Convention. The Association Director is elected for a two-year term with odd-numbered districts holding their elections in odd years. (05/00)


Section 1
Only persons who can meet the following qualifications shall be eligible to serve as Kinsmen/Kinette Governor of Kinsmen/Kinette Vice Governor:
a) He/she shall be, at the time she assumes office, an active or life member in good standing of a Club situated in District 5. (05/99)
b) The Kinsmen/Kinette Governor and the Kinsmen/Kinette Vice Governor, during his/her term of office, shall not be entitled to hold office on any Club executive, except for the office of Past President.
c) A Kinsmen/Kinette Governor or Kinsmen/Kinette Vice Governor must have served as a member of an executive of a Kinsmen/Kinette or Kin Club for at least one (1) full term prior to his/her election to office.
d) The Committee on Credentials and Elections shall report promptly to the Convention the results of the balloting and the report shall be signed by the Kinsmen and Kinette Chairpersons of the Committee. After the Committee has so reported the Chairpersons of such Committee shall forthwith destroy such ballots.


Section 1
TIME - District 5 shall hold the annual district Convention on the May long weekend each year, or other date approved by the District Executive Council.

Section 2
OFFICIAL CALL - The district secretary shall mail to each club in the district and to the national director an official call to the district convention at least sixty (60) days prior to the convention.

Section 3
INVITATION FOR RESOLUTIONS - Sixty (60) days prior to date of district convention the district secretary shall write to the president of each club inviting resolutions to be considered at the district convention. Any resolution shall be presented to the district secretary forty (40) days prior to the district convention. Notwithstanding this limitation any resolution duly passed at a zone conference shall be deemed to fall within the meaning of this article, and thirty (30) days prior to the date of convention, the district secretary shall forward to the president of each club a copy of each resolution to be included in the agenda of the convention.

Section 4
The District Executive Committee shall have full supervision and management of all district conventions and all plans, arrangements, programs, and budgets shall be subject to the approval of the district executive committee.

Section 5
The District Executive committee and the host Club of district convention shall enter into a written agreement.

Section 6
REPORTS - within thirty (30) days after the district convention the district secretary shall make a report of the proceedings of the convention comprising a complete synopsis of all actions taken and shall transmit a copy thereof to the executive director and a copy to all members of the district board of directors.

Section 7
DISTRICT CONVENTION CHAIRPERSON - shall provide an estimate of the cost of the Convention and prepare a written budget outlining a proposed registration fee and other revenue anticipated together with a forecast of proposed expenditures to be made in the operation of the Convention. The budget shall be submitted to the District Executive Committee not later than January 1st prior to the Convention.

Section 8
The District Convention Chairperson, or his/her appointed representative, shall at the discretion of the District Executive Committee, be required to attend Fall Leadership Conference and District Mid-Term meetings of the District Council


Section 1
Sixty (60) days prior to Fall Leadership Conference the District Secretary shall write to each Club in the District enclosing an invitation to place a submission to the floor of the upcoming Fall Leadership Conference, for the site of the FLC one year hence. The decision will be made by a simple majority of the delegated votes in attendance at Fall Leadership Conference. The location to be within the confines of the territorial boundaries of District 5 as presently constituted.

Section 2
All Fall Leadership Conferences may be held jointly with Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin clubs in attendance.

Section 3
The District Executive Committee and the host Club of Fall Leadership shall enter into a written agreement before August 1st of the year of the Fall Leadership Conference.

Section 4
a) The District Executive Committee shall have full supervision of the Fall Leadership Conference and all plans and arrangements, and programs shall be subject to the approval of this committee.
b) The duties and responsibilities and the Host Club, together with the duties and responsibilities of the District Executive Committee, shall be embodied in a written agreement to be signed by both parties on or before August 1st in the year of the Fall Leadership Conference.

Section 5
a) The delegates of the conference shall be the members of the District Council and a representative from each Club in the District, duly appointed at a club meeting (usually the President).
b) Any member of the District Council or delegate at a Fall Leadership who is unable to attend any meeting may proxy his/her vote to any Active or Life member in good standing of a Club in District 5. This proxy to be filed with the District Secretary at any time prior to or during the conference. (05/99)

Section 6
DELEGATES-AT-LARGE - The following persons shall be delegates-at-large at a Fall Leadership Conference subject to being an Active or Life member of a Club in District 5
a) the officers of the District
b) each Past National President
c) each Past Kinsmen and Kinette District Governor (05/99)


Section 1
a) The District Vice Governors shall hold a meeting of all Presidents elected in the district. The meeting shall be under the guidance of the District Vice Governors, who may be assisted by such qualified personnel as he/she may select. The date, time and location to be determined by the Vice Governor Committee.
b) The purpose of President's Pre-term shall be an educational and instructive nature and shall deal with:
i) All phases of the Association's business including policy and administration of the national District and Club levels.
ii) All phases of a President's responsibilities and duties so that he may be better equipped to offer leadership to his/her club.

Section 2
a) During the month of April each year, or at any other time suitable to the District Executive Committee, the District Vice Governors shall hold an "Instructional School" for Deputy Governors Elect in the district. It shall be the responsibility of the District Vice governors to manage and direst the instructional school.
b) The purpose of District Leadership Seminar shall be to educate and instruct the Deputy Governors in:
i) All phases of the Association business including policy and administration of national, District and Zone levels.
ii) All phases of the Deputy Governor's responsibilities and duties so that he/she may be better equipped to offer leadership to his/her Zone.


Section 1
For the purpose of complying with the Society Act of BC, the Annual General Meeting of all Clubs in the District shall be designated as the Club's first regular general meeting of September. The Club shall give not less than fourteen (14) days written notice of an Annual General Meeting of the club to its members entitled to receive notice of the Annual General Meeting but those members may waive or reduce the period of notice for a particular meeting by unanimous consent in writing.

Section 2
The District Vice Governors Committee shall prepare a budget of estimated income and expenditures for the next year. Said budget to be circulated by the vice Governors Committee to all Clubs and District Executive Council members no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the convention immediately preceding the commencement of the next fiscal year, and that the said budget be approved at the aforementioned District Convention, and that failing that, no later than the following Fall Leadership Conference meeting of the District Executive Council.

Section 3
The District Executive Council shall designate the official depository or depositories.

Section 4
The District shall maintain a General Account and other such accounts as the District Council deems necessary for the efficient operation of the District's business.

Section 5
No cheques or other order of payment in respect of any bank accounts operated by the District shall be valid unless signed on behalf of the District by the Treasurer and either the Governor or the Secretary or the Coordinator of the District.

Section 6
All financial statements of the District shall be presented to the voting delegates at least four (4) hours prior to presenting the financial statements on the floor of the Fall Leadership Conference or District convention as the case my be.


Section 1
a) Each Club shall pay to the District for each active and privileged member, comprised in its official membership, membership fees and assessments to be paid from the club's general account, unless otherwise directed by the district executive council, as determined by the budget approved at the preceding district convention. One membership fees billing form will be sent to the clubs in June of the preceding Kin year based on the membership of record at the national headquarters on the preceding September 30th and will be due September 15th. At the clubs' option, this billing may be paid in up to three installments, due September 15th, January 1st and April 1st. However, the payment for January 1st and April 1st of the current Kin year must be prepaid or postdated on or before the September 15th deadline. (5/99)
b) The District shall levy a penalty interest charge of 1% against any club whose dues payment is postmarked later than the designated payment date and a further 1 ½ % charge shall be levied against any club for each subsequent month or portion thereof.

Section 2
a) Each Club shall pay, to the District, in respect of each Active and Privileged member, comprised in its official membership, in accordance with Article 11, Section 1 a), dues in such amount as determined by the budget approved at the District Convention held in fiscal year previous.
b) Such dues shall include a subscription to "Take Five" for each club in the district.
c) The amount determined as Dues shall include all assessments of the District as presented in the District budget.
d) No refund of any portion of the dues shall be payable by the District to the Club in respect of any member leaving the Club.

Section 3
SPECIAL EXPENSES - Where a District officer is an invited guest of any Club, that Club shall be responsible for the expenses of that District Officer either than traveling expenses associated with traveling.

Section 4
The Governors Gift of Kin is the amount determined and approved in the District Budget.


Section 1
The District Council shall use its best endeavors to ensure that each Club in District 5 properly complies with all the obligations imposed upon it by the National Constitution, the National By-Laws, the District By-Laws, the National Board of Directors, and the District Council shall forthwith report to the National Executive Committee any continuous or persistent breach by a club in its district of the National Constitution, the National By-Laws, the District By-Laws or direction from the National Board of Directors or District Council.

Section 2
A Club, applying for the "use" of a "registered trademark" to the Association, shall advise the District Executive Committee of such application in writing, stating the intended purpose of "use".


Section 1
a) Except as herein otherwise provided, in all matters of procedure the district shall be governed by the rules of procedure set forth in Appendix A of the National Constitution and By-Laws.


Section 1
The District may adapt additional House Rules as are not inconsistent with the national By-Laws (and in particular Part III thereof) and the National Constitution.

Section 2
Such additional House Rules may be enacted or amended on a 2/3 majority vote of the accredited delegates and delegates-at-large voting at any District Convention or mini-convention.

Section 3
Proposed amendments to such additional House Rules shall be received by the District Secretary at least forty (40) days prior to the date of the District convention or mini-convention, and the District Secretary shall send a copy of all proposed amendments to the President of each Club in the District at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the District convention or mini-convention.

Section 4
Such additional House Rules and all amendments thereto shall not be effective unless approved by the National Council and if so approved shall be effective on September 1st following the District Convention at which they were approved unless otherwise stated in the amendments or additions.

Section 5
Any resolutions of a lasting nature passed at a District Convention shall be recorded and published in Appendix "C" of these House Rules. Said resolution or resolutions shall remain in full force and effect unless, amended or updated by a simple majority at a subsequent District Convention. It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Council to determine whether a resolution is of a "lasting nature". No resolution shall be recorded or published Appendix "C" which is contrary to these House Rules or has the effect of amending or altering these House Rules. When the National Constitution and By-Laws change, these District House Rules will automatically be changed to comply.

Section 6
The date of any amendments and/or additions and/or deletions, must be posted numerically beside any changes that are made, so that a correct set of District House rules may be kept, (May 1997) maintained and circulated at all times.

Section 6
A copy of the current District House Rules, inclusive of current amendments, shall be provided free of charge to all Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Clubs in District 5, to be distributed at the Fall Leadership Conference.


Section 1
The location and Host Club of District Curling shall be decided by the winning bid presented to the accredited Kinsmen and Kinette delegates and delegates-at-large of the District Convention, during a joint business session.


Section 1
a) The KINSMEN REHABILITATION FOUNDATION of BRITISH COLUMBIA is the ONLY officially recognized District 5 Project.
i) KINSMEN MOTHER'S MARCH - Clubs in the District shall not deduct an "administration charge" nor may they deduct expenses in lieu of time and/or services donated by members of the Club from monies raised by the Club for the Kinsmen Rehabilitation Foundation of BC through the Mother's March.
ii) KIN WIN LOTTERY - Any and all ticket sales "commissions" received and/or payable to a Club in the District resulting form the sale of "Kin Win" Lottery tickets, regardless of the mode of sale of such tickets, shall be deposited to the service account of the Club. The Club may then deduct an "administration charge" of up to 15% from all commissions received.
iii) KRF COIN COLLECTOR PROGRAM - A Club of the district participating voluntarily in the program, may retain an "administration charge" of up to 15% from all monies received.

Section 2
The President of the Kinsmen Rehabilitation Foundation of British Columbia or his nominee, shall automatically assume the position of a "Standing Committee Chairman" on the District Executive Council.

Section 3
The two (2) directors appointed by District 5 Council to the Board of Directors of the Kinsmen Rehabilitation Foundation and they will be either the Kinsmen or Kinette Governor or his/her delegate, and either the Kinsmen or Kinette Vice Governor or his/her delegate.

Section 4
No District Project will be initiated unless:
a) Notice of intention to initiate a District project has been given to all the Clubs in the district at least thirty (30) days prior to the District Convention, and
b) The intended project has been approved by a majority or 75% of those persons entitled to vote in person or by proxy at a District Convention.


Section 1
a) CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL SPECIAL CARE NURSERY - Participation of any Club in the District shall be on voluntary basis.
b) BRUCE DENNISTON BONE MARROW SOCIETY - Any Club in the District may voluntarily support the Red Cross Bone Marrow Registry Program as a District awareness project.
c) CYSTIC FIBROSIS - Clubs in the District may support this National Service Project and are encouraged to participate in fund raising for Cystic Fibrosis research on a voluntary basis.


Section 1
a) The trophies available for annual competition to Clubs in District 5 are set forth in Appendix "D" of these House Rules.
b) Additions or deletions to Appendix "D" may be made without written notice and by simple majority passed at either a regularly constituted meeting of the District Executive Council or at a District Convention.
c) That when National Trophy Rules change, District Trophy Rules will automatically be amended.
d) All Clubs are responsible for picking up their trophy submissions and adjudication sheets from the District Trophy Director, immediately following Governor's Ball, on the last evening of District Convention. Anything not picked up by the appropriate clubs must be forwarded to the Deputy Governor within thirty (30) days after District Convention. It will then be the Deputy Governor's duty to ensure the Clubs receive their trophy submissions and adjudications.


Section 1
At the first delegate accreditation session at District Convention, each Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Club in District 5 shall execute a revocable proxy in favor of a Kinsmen or Kinette within the District who will be attending the following National Convention.


Section 1
The District 5 Executive Council will not promote, encourage or condone any member club or individual member who in the name of Kin hires exotic dancers (male or female) for fund raising or social functions. It shall be the responsibility of the District 5 Executive Council to discourage this type of activity and promote our Association in a manner that respects all persons.


Section 1
Each Club in the District shall incorporate and maintain itself in good standing with the Society Act of British Columbia.

Section 2
The yearly requirement of filing the annual Report is sending a signed Financial Statement along with a cheque payable to the Minister of Finance, sent to the Society Branch, 940 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC V8W 2E6. This must be sent annually.

Section 3
Each Club within the District is responsible for ensuring that these forms are filed on time each year.


Section 1
Each Club according to its official membership on the February 28th census, shall pay to the District a "Convention Assessment". This may be paid from the service or general accounts. This per member assessment will be determined annually in the Vice Governor's Budget, as approved by the delegates at the joint business session for the next succeeding convention. The succeeding District Convention Committee will provide to the delegates a true and accurate cost estimate of the expense of funning an annual general meeting.

Section 2
The expense of running an annual general meeting shall include all necessary items such as rental of the meeting hall, tables, chairs, public address systems and any other equipment which in the opinion of the District Executive is required for the orderly conduct of the Convention business and proceedings.


Section 1
Upon resignation or disbandment of a Kinsmen/Kinette/Kin Club, regalia will be kept by the District for two (2) years. If in that time the Club has not re-chartered or reformed, the regalia may be placed for sale to any Clubs requiring these items. Any cost of updating the regalia will belong to the Club that has purchased it. Revenue from sales to be accounted for and accrued from year to year and to be used for the maintenance of District Award and/or Banners.


Section 1
REFERENCE - National Constitution and By-Laws of the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Canada, Appendix "A".


Section 1
The basis for paying expenses of members of the District Executive Council is as follows:
a) Car mileage shall be paid at the rate approved in the District budget.
b) Boat and train fares shall be paid in their entirety.
c) Airplanes fares will be paid for in their entirety if in the opinion of the District Governor and the District Treasurer it is the necessary mode travel.
d) Reasonable allowance for meals and accommodation will be allowed as determined by the District Executive Committee.


Section 1
a) The District Treasurer shall levy upon each Club in the District whether such Club was represented at the President's Pre-Term Seminar or not, a per capita assessment calculated to the nearest cent based on each Clubs official membership as of the February 28th census according to National Headquarters, for the purpose of paying such clubs proportionate share of the grand total of the expenses involved in sending a President Elect of his/her designate of a Club in District 5 to President's Pre-Term Seminar. This levy shall be paid out of the Club's Service or General account at the clubs option.
b) The traveling expenses of each President Elect or his/her designate attending the President's Pre-Term shall be based upon the per kilometer rate set by the Vice Governors' budget approved at the previous District Convention.
a) Accommodation rates will be paid on the basis of shared accommodations for a period not in access of two (2) days.
b) Meal rate will be allowed on the basis of the rate established in the President's Pre-Term Seminar Agreement between the District and the Host facilities with such meals covered for a period not in access of two (2) days.
c) The travel, meal and accommodation expenses of a President or his/her designate attending President's Pre-Term Seminar, shall be submitted to the District Treasurer by the President or his/her designate, along with necessary supporting invoices, prior to 12 o'clock noon on the Saturday of the President's Pre-Term Seminar.
d) Accommodations supplied by the Vice Governors Committee shall be deemed the only legitimate accommodation expenses for a President Elect or his/her designate attending a President's Pre-Term Seminar.
e) The President Elect or his/her designate, who in the course of travel to/and from the President's Pre-Term Seminar site, requires meals shall be able to claim for such meals as approved in the Vice Governor's budget at the previous District convention.


District 5 Kinsmen and Kinette Joint District Trophy Rules


That District 5 establish a separate account for the handling of CF Funds, and that the record of this account be maintained by the District Treasurer and the District CF Director. (05/99)