Official Mecha Role Fighting Rules: First Edition Mecha fights tend to be some of the most spectacular and hardest earned battles in the role fighting universe. As a pioneer Mecha Role Fighter, I built most of my experience fighting against superhuman opponents of god like strength, agility and power. At first I would take damage easily and use 4 mechs per battle but then realized that this was incredibly cheap and now portray my mechs as more durable and capable machines. With the rising interest in Mecha Role Fighting, I have developed these preliminary rules as a compendium/supplement to accompany the regular rolefighting rules to ensure a standard so that Mecha Role Fighting will be enjoyable and more easily judged. When fighting with ANIME mecha, you have to take into the account that they are capable of the same and a lot of times, even more movement than a human/humanoid character. Some are REALLY big and of course like with bigger characters, they are slow (IE The Macross Fortress, Heavy Arms, Raiden, etc.) Other times you have smaller, quicker mecha that need only 1 well placed blast to destory but good luck on hitting it (IE Viper2, a standard Gundam, an Ingram)! Anyway, there are special rules which apply of course but we'll start with the standard ones and go from there. STANDARD FIGHTING IN MECHA Things to remember: 1) puches and kicks do little or no damage to mecha. 2) Due to the great amount of wieght that mechs posses, throws and falls can be devastating. 3) Throwing mechs is hard to do because of the great amount of weight they carry 4) When fighting in mechs, take into account that most metal melee weapons will not do much damage unless acheiving critical hits. Energy weapons are the way to go. 5) Don't fight against Saiyans. They tend to be cheap and God Mode alot. (just a joke) BASIC RULES: 1) You get ONE offensive move (attack,counterattack, reversal etc.) and ONE defensive move (defend, evade, parry, etc.) per turn, not nescisarily in that order. Movement should be realistic to your mech. 2) If Flying, be EXTRA descriptive about where you are in relation to the other mech 2 a) limit flying time to 2 ROUNDS AIRBORNE, 1 ROUND RECHARGE unless your mech is a Jet/mech (Valkyrie, YF-21) or you are in space. EXAMPLE: *Shen Long jet-jumps into the air and attacks* *OPPONENT* *Shen Long parries and lands* *OPPONENT* *Shen Long attacks on the ground* *OPPONENT* *Shen Long jet-jumps again* 2 b) Realize that unless you have a jet/mech, jumping sucks a bit because you can't manuvear in the air like you can on the ground. 3) LARGE ENERGY WEAPONS should be given TWO ROUNDS OR MORE to recharge. Large energy weapons are weapons like Raiden's sattelite lasers, The Macross Fortress' Macross Cannon, and Eva 18's Reactor blast. Firing them more than once in the time frame CAN AND SHOULD BE PENALIZED in tourney battles. Penalties should include BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO: Overheated guns (4 rounds before another firing), Emergency shutdown due to powerloss (imobilized mech for 2 rounds), Circuitry overload (debilitates the weapon for the rest of the fight), System overload (damages the mech with said weapon overuse) and Meltdown/reactor overload (SEVERE DAMAGE TO MECH OR AUTOMATIC FORFEIT) 4) Beam sabres and other melee beam weapons are to be used mostly in the same manner as their traditional counterparts. 4a) Melee beam weapons CAN CUT THROUGH THE THICKEST ARMOR AND DESTROY IN ONE SOLID HIT (in otherwords, try and avoid getting hit at all by them) 4 b) Melee beam wepons take off limbs/appendages with solid hits like a katana through soft room temperature butter. 5) Mecha DO NOT regenerate. They require extensive repairs which take lots of time and resources. These are just some of the basic rules of mecha fighting. Most regular rules of role fighting also apply to Mecha Rolefighting for instance, no God Moding. There are exceptions to some of the rules above but not without their own distict weaknesses or downsides. The exceptions of the rules should be announced to the judge BEFORE THE FIGHT, lest they be ignored and you be penalized. Above all else, be sure to describe your fighting with great detail as that is the biggest determining factor in a role fight. Good luck and may the best pilot win! The Mecha Master 1999