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Before I even go into what DirectX 8 is, you need to know the
- I am not responcible if your computer freezes.
- I am not responcible for ANYTHING that you make with
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- does anything that is illegal.
- None of these tutorials have been tested by me on Visual
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- None of these tutorials will work with Visual Basic 4.0
or ealier or any other development program.
- You are allowed to make money off these tutorials.
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- You are allowed to copy only the code to another site,
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- Do not e-mail me unless it is something that will help me
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If you notice that ... then please e-mail me at [email protected].
- some VB 5/6 code does not work with VB 5,
- some VB 5 code does not work with VB 5,
- some VB 6 code does not work with VB 6,
- some VB 5, VB 6, or VB 5/6 code does not work at all.
- a definition is incorrect,
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- my tutorials do not explain enough,
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