School is the big joke that everyones not in on. Yes we do NEED an education. But lets be serious you don't use a big cchunk of all the crap that you learn. Maybe if politicians weren't busy trying make themselves look good they might actually do something with education. Heres an idea for you, most people don't know what they want to do when they grow up. We have this so called rounded off education that basically makes you smart enough to remember a few things you may need. How about when we are young we work towards the goal we wish to accomplish and we will be much better at what we do and not halfasses at our profession. I think we should receive the rounded education until we are about 12 then we wshould just take classes that will be towards our goal. That will make everyone alot better at what they do and a better chance at getting the job. But i guess we can't change it. So suck it up and try and work towards your goal.