Some relevant port numbers: 7 echo 17 qotd quote of the day 19 chargen character generator 20 ftp-data file transfer protocol 21 ftp file transfer protocol 23 telnet 25 smtp simple mail transfer protocol (send mail) 53 dns domain name system 69 tftp trivial file transfer protocol 70 gopher 79 finger 80 http hypertext transfer protocol 109 pop2 post office protocol (obsolete) 110 pop3 post office protocol (receive mail) 113 auth authentication/identification 119 nntp network news transfer protocol (usenet) 137 nbname netbios 138 nbdatagram netbios 139 nbsession netbios 443 https http secure 4000 icq I Seek You (communications network) 4995 vpn virtual private networking 4996 vpn virtual private networking 4997 vpn virtual private networking 6667 irc internet relay chat 12345 netbus trojan horse virus 12346 netbus trojan horse virus 20023 netbus pro trojan horse virus/remote administration tool 31337 backorifice trojan horse virus