by Pastor Robin L. O’Hare

Cast Joe - a long-time Christian
Mildred - one of Joe’s neighbors
Connie - another Christian
Tom - Connie’s husband

Scene: Four adults playing dominoes. (It is helpful if the actors appear as if they are really playing; however, it is important that the “game” not get in the way of the dialogue). As actors enter, they greet each other, sit down, divvy out the dominoes and begin playing.

MILDRED (to Joe): So where were you last night? I baked a batch of peanut butter cookies and brought some over to share with you, but you were gone.

JOE: Our church had a special missions program last night. A missionary from South America came to talk about the work she is doing there. You should have gone with me; it was great!

MILDRED: Oh? Where in South America?

JOE: I don’t exactly remember. All those names sound the same to me. But you know, our church is doing important work there. The church attendance just in that country alone grew 150% just last year!

MILDRED: Sounds impressive. What kinds of things are they doing? Building schools?

JOE: Building schools and hospitals, teaching the natives how to farm, building churches, helping them get more civilized. But most of all, teaching them about Jesus Christ and how to live like Christians.

CONNIE: Our pastor talked about that just last Sunday. Joe, I’m sure you know the verse . . . “go into all the world and make disciples.”

JOE: Yeah. Well, it sure makes our denomination’s demographics numbers look good. Our churches in South America are the fastest growing of any denomination with missionaries down there.

MILDRED: Connie, what does that verse mean, “go into all the world?” I’ve never heard that before. Who is supposed to “go”?

JOE (interrupting): Well, to really understand that verse, you have to be able to understand the original Greek.

CONNIE: Uh, Joe, I don’t think so . . .

MILDRED (speaking over Connie): Why is that?

JOE: Because it is important to understand that God doesn’t give the gift of evangelism to just everyone. You need to be a missionary or an evangelist. They are the ones who have the special ability to lead people to the Lord.

CONNIE: I don’t agree with that at all!

MILDRED (speaking over Connie again): You mean, only certain Christians can talk about what they believe?

TOM: No, everyone can. Joe, I don’t think you have that verse right. That commandment was to all Christians, not just some.

MILDRED: Well, I think it’s really hypocritical to go to other countries and try to get them to live like us. I’ve read in the National Geographic that it disrupts their culture and everything.

JOE: People have to get civilized if they want to be Christians. That’s why the missionaries are the ones who have to go. They have special training.

CONNIE: Joe, that verse doesn’t say that! It tells us all to go into all the world.

JOE: Hmmm. Connie, you can believe what you want, but I think it’s more important for us to support missionary efforts abroad. Why I give over $500 every year to missions! That helps a lot of people learn about Jesus. Besides . . . if we were all to go into the world and share the gospel, who would I share it with? Everyone I know is a Christian.

MILDRED (quietly): I’m not.

Copyright 1999 Robin L. O'Hare. All Rights Reserved. Reprints granted without permission for the following purpose only: Live performance (six copies only). Any other performances including live performances that are audio or video-taped require written permission of the author prior to copying.

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