In an increasingly fast paced society, the way in which we view the world is formed my the media. Our only access to information is through secondary sources. Each media tidbit can be edited to give the appearance that they wish, demonising one person, or canonising another. This highly biased approach to news arose wit the printing press.
Newspapers were the biggest source for news for hundreds of years, with a week sometimes elapsing between issues the newspaper remains the slowest form. With the advent of radio and television a much more graphic and immediate form was created, but having to wait until 6:00 or 11:00 o'clock becomes a real drag. Information in the 1980'2 moved only as fast as the media allowed it to, our mutual desire for knowledge would have to wait to be satiated.
Along comes the internet, and almost overnight the human population of this planet turned to the internet for news. The immediate nature and constant updates of sites like MSNBC our desire for news now has bees quenched. One problem however, arose in the early days of the internet. Available bandwidth was tiny, the internet just wasn't fast enough to provide us with the type of content we had become used to. The text-based online news services just didn't provide enough information. An internet pioneer then arrived on the scene. Real.com provided software that could provide videos, in real-time, over the internet. The streaming media craze allowed the online news services to create a rich and in depth news experiences based on the old adage. A picture is worth a thousand words, and real extended this to encompass its content by proving that a video is worth a thousand stories.
Many of the internet pioneers took the flame from real.com and began to provide streaming content and rich multimedia. Flash, an animation program that "plugs-in" to your internet browser allows smooth and detailed animation and music. Today with an almost unlimited bandwidth a rich and immersive internet experience is only a click away.
Now with the available bandwidth to post share and distribute almost any information you can think of people have begun to do things that are less that legal on paper. The internet is lawless, governments are striving to cope with the problems that arise as a result of the internet. With copyrights pending, and users doing things that before the internet were considered illegal, there is one law, one code that seems to be surfacing, morality.