Sarah Mclachlan
Nettwerk Productions
An angel voice and for the first time she touch me.
I don't know how to write it but when I heard for the first time.
The song Angel I fell in love with her voice and these words. Then the
Tragedy of the death of my wife came. Sara inspire me to create a video
For my wife. And with out knowing it her voice and song help a lot
Of people in my family. Starting by my mother she took it very badly she have
Hard arthritis disease and she is condemn to sit in a wheel chair but creating the
Video cassette help her and when she came home or doing shopping and
At the same time Angel is playing on the radio my mother start to smile.
My daughter each time she eared the song on radio she said to me , mommy is
With us and it's doing the same ting to me.
I would like to say thanks to Sarah for giving to us a piece a shining sun in our life.