Studies have shown that most network problems happen at the physical layer of a network, in other words, the cable installation. If you don't have the proper cabling installed, you can't expect "error free" transmission of your valuable data. DISC installs High-Performance Gigaspeed network cabling manufactured by a number of different technology leading companies.



Your company will most likely require a "High Performance - Gigabit" cabling structure in the near future ( maybe right now ) so call for a FREE on-site evaluation today !

Whether your adding to an exisiting network, re-cabling for hardware upgrades or moving your office to a new location, let us provide your company with a detailed proposal which will included:



Some contractors offer you an estimate. We offer you a guaranteed price and guaranteed performance !

Call today for a FREE Gigabit Ethernet cabling installation proposal

Toll Free @ 1-800-000-0000

or Email us: [email protected]