Bleman has at last got its own existance in the realms of the Word Wide Web. Another site dedicated to the
Information techno world. Various links including Artifical Life, low level assembler language, C, C++, scipting in VB & Java
and many more will soon be availible so watch this space. Our Aim is to help anyone that has an interest with computers. Most things are covered such as hardware and software, so if you have any quieries don't hesitate to mail Under construction Not for long hopefully. Below are some usefull links to keep you occupied so why not have a scan at those various links. Easter egg .com is a good site to visit. These guys manage to find out about all the backdoors in alot of software packages. These include the flight sim that is Excel 97 professional edition. Artificial life .com is another good site to visit, when you go there why not have a chat to Roy the Virtual assistant. Also they have a good selection of AL programs, check out the cockroach and hoovers program. Programs below are not quite ready yet, there is still a few bugs with the on line test and still to find out about FTP rules at fortunecity, so it won't be long now. Drivers page is full of useful links to commomly used drivers such as your sound cards, graphics card and maybe your network cards. So have a look, if you want to add a link to the drivers page just mail us. Hacks & Cracks You will not find any Hacks and crack here although you will find some excellent links where you will be able to read read read. After all its the knowledge you seek Right !!;-) |
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