1. To pass several arguments from the command line to the shell:
$cat first_5args # This script echos the first five arguments # supplied to the script echo The first five command line echo arguments are $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $ first_5args mines a pint john o.k. The first five command line arguments are mines a pint john o.k. $
This passes the arguments represented by parameters $1 through $5 to the shell script.
2. To pass the value of each positional parameter to the shell script:
$ cat printps # This script converts ASCII files to PostScript # and sends them to the PostScript printer ps1 # It uses a local utility "a2ps" a2ps $* | lpr -Pps1 $ printps elm.txt vi.ref msg
This processes the three files given as arguments to the command printps.